
Is it wrong to live steadily!

In a world where gods and mortals coexist, a young swordsman named Muichiro finds himself torn from his original life and thrust into a new existence. But this time, he lacks one crucial aspect that defines humanity - emotions. Reincarnated into the realm of Orario, a bustling city known for its labyrinthine dungeons and adventurers seeking fame and fortune, Muichiro embarks on a journey that transcends his past.. Guided by the enigmatic goddess named Moon, Muichiro's mission is twofold: to explore the intricate world of Danmachi (Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka) and to uncover the very essence of emotions that he lacks...

Iseeyou6969 · Anime & Comics
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77 Chs

Chapter Forty-Four

As Muichiro was reading his book, Anya who had already finished her shopping ran upstairs to tell Muichiro she was done.

"Muichiro-Kun look I found it, JaJa!!" Anya said in a cheerful tone. But as she did she finally noticed that Muichiro wasn't alone.

"Ah! Miss Riveria, I'm sorry if I was too loud just now, I didn't know you were here." Anya said recognizing the women immediately.

Of course, she did, after all the Loki familia were regulars at the pub. Reveria smiled and said." It's quite alright, are you doing well."

"Yes, I'm doing well, thank you, oh and congratulations on your return from the dungeon. Muichiro are you done reading or would you like to stay longer."

"No need, I'm already satisfied...thank you for your assistance miss," Muichiro said to Riveria before standing up and following Anya out.

But before he did so, he placed the book back where he found it. Riveria watched as the pair left, her eyes lingering on Muichiro for a bit longer than necessary before going back to her book.

'Muichiro was it...why does that name sound familiar' Riveria completely forgot that Muichiro's name was the one Loki was repeating to herself when she was drunk.


Muichiro's perception of time blurred, and it was only when Anya suggested moving on to the next part of their date that he realized how much time had flown by.

"Hmmm, is the date not over..." He had thought that after visiting the bookstore the date would officially end.

"Haha of course not silly, today's my day off and it would be pretty dumb of me if I only used it to go to a bookstore, and you promised to go out with me the whole day so come on already."

Before Muichiro could even respond Anya grabbed his hand and dragged him with her to who knows where.


As they left the Library store Muichiro's heart was calm, but he couldn't stop the curiosity in his thoughts, Anya had lived in Orario longer than he had and so she probably knew some exciting places.

Their date led them through winding alleyways adorned with strings of twinkling lights and charming cafes.

The soft melodies of street musicians serenaded the streets, adding a touch of whimsy to the evening.

Anya's laughter was infectious, and Muichiro found himself liking the way she laughed, he had never laughed before but maybe Demeter could teach him when he got home.


Their next stop was an enchanting open-air market, its stalls brimming with a vibrant assortment of wares.

Anya's eyes sparkled as she led Muichiro through the bustling market, stopping to admire handcrafted jewellery, intricate textiles, and aromatic spices.

"Muichiro, Look here isn't it cute? Hehe, it kind of reminds me of you a little." Anya said pointing at small detailed animal wood carving.

The wood carving she pointed to was...a moth. She compared him to a moth, why?" Do I look like a moth to you..." Muichiro asked.

"Mhhhh!" Anya took a good look at Muichiro, her face getting worryingly close, but still Muichiro didn't back off.

"Nya~I'm not saying, you have to figure it out on your own...Hey, I want this item how much is it." Anya suddenly asked the vendor.

"For you little lady...mhhh how about I give it to you for 125 valis." The vendor said, and Anya thought about it for a moment.

"Make it 70 and you got yourself a deal," Anya said trying to barter. The vendor gave Anya a side eye and replied." Gotta make a living kitty, 70 is just too low, how about 115."

"115's too much...mhhh, how about 95." Anya countered his offer.

"How about we meet in the middle and call it 105...do we have ourselves a deal." The man extended his arm for a shake and Anya thought about it for a second before shaking his hand.

"Deal!" With that anyway, Anya managed to save herself 20 valis. After getting the little moth carving, she turned to Muichiro and handed it to him.

"Here is something to remember this day." Muichiro looked at the gift Anya had just bought him.


Muichiro was unaware himself, but at that moment something inside of him seemed to have switched on.

"Thank...you," Muichiro said with uncertainty, something that had never happened before, but Anya didn't find anything wrong with it and was just glad he liked her gift.


They walked around the market some more sharing stories, anecdotes, and reveled in the discovery of shared interests.

As they wandered, Anya's eyes fell on a vendor selling delicate hand-blown glass ornaments.

She paused, her gaze fixed on a beautiful blue glass pendant. Muichiro, noticing her interest, asked if she liked it.

Anya hesitated for a moment before Muichiro decided to buy the pendant for her, her smile radiant as she thanked Muichiro for the gift.

The evening continued to unfold with surprises and laughter.

They stumbled upon a street food stall serving delectable treats, their taste buds treated to an array of flavours and textures.

"Pfttt-Nyahaha!!!! Muichiro you've got ice cream all over your face-nya. Here this is how you eat it, just lick it like this." Anya showed him how to eat the ice cream properly while also doing something quite daring.

She leaned in close and licked the ice cream that was on his cheek, and winked at him before going back to her own ice cream.



As the night wore on, the city's energy began to shift. The air was alive with the sounds of laughter and music, and the enchanting glow of magic lamps painted a scene straight out of a fairy tale.

Their footsteps led them to a serene park nestled amidst the city's hustle and bustle. A crescent moon hung low in the sky, casting a gentle light upon the surroundings.

They found themselves a quiet bench and settled down, their gazes fixed on the celestial beauty above.

Muichiro couldn't help but feel a sense of tranquillity in Anya's presence. He was reminded of the moon that had always watched over him. They were oddly alike in some semblance.

And as he looked at Anya, he realized that his chest...his chest had tightened.' Is my heart trying to tell me something?' Muichiro didn't know, but he saw this as a good thing nevertheless.

The two didn't speak, but it wasn't awkward at all, in fact, it was quite comforting. The night deepened, and the moments stretched on, unhurried and cherished.


As the night grew darker and the world around them seemed to quiet, Muichiro glanced at


He could sense that the date was drawing to a close, so he asked her if she was ready to go home, because if so he would escort her back.

Anya looked at Muichiro and smiled before saying." Nya, I think I am."

With a soft sigh, Anya stood up, her expression a mixture of contentment and reluctance.

Muichiro followed suit, Muichiro then held out his hand and Anya looked at it for a moment before taking it in her own.

'This was nice, I wonder if I'll ever get the opportunity to do something like this again in the future.' Anya's mind wondered as the two walked back together.


(Hostess of Fertility)

By the time Anya had come back it was already around 2 am in the morning and the hostess was already closed.

So she didn't see anyone when she got back, which was actually kind of a relief, but she also knew that she would have to deal with not only the girls but May as well.


As Anya settled into her cosy bed, the remnants of the evening swirled through her thoughts.

Her emotions danced between a mixture of embarrassment and sheer elation, causing her cheeks to flush in the gentle ambience of her room.

The memories of the date replayed like a vivid movie in her mind. She hadn't told anyone but that had been her very first date, and though it wasn't quite the dream date she had in mind, she nevertheless loved every moment.

Muichiro's appearance at the beginning of their date remained etched in her memory. Dressed in those Far Eastern clothes, he exuded a quiet confidence that was a captivating sight.

His raven-black hair with turquoise highlights cascading perfectly down his back, had left a lingering image that she found herself giggling about.

Every detail of his preson seemed to have made an indelible mark in her mind.

Anya chuckled as she recalled the moment she had explained the concept of a date to Muichiro, who had met the idea with a slightly puzzled yet endearing expression.

Demeter had told him what to do on a date, not what it was or its purpose, and so when she explained it to him he listened carefully.

The moments spent at the food stall and her bold move to actually lick his cheek, even now she can't believe she did that.

The way Muichiro's eyes had lit up while tasting various treats was a sight to behold, his genuine delight sending a thrill through her heart.

His buying the glass pendant for her. She went into her pocket and took out the pendant, under the light the glass sparked and reflected diamond shapes onto the walls.

The reason she had been looking at this pendant was because the colour had reminded her of Muichiro's eyes.

Walking through the moonlit park, was also really fun.

Anya couldn't help but smile as she remembered each and every moment of their date.

Now, in the comfort of her bed, Anya's feet couldn't help but flutter in sheer delight. Her heart felt buoyant, as if she were floating on a cloud of happiness.

Her fingers gently traced the pendant she had acquired.

As she closed her eyes, the image of Muichiro's smile as she had given him her gift played like a soothing lullaby in her mind.

At that moment Muichiro himself probably hadn't noticed that he was smiling.

As sleep gradually enveloped her, Anya drifted off with a contented sigh, a sweet smile gracing her lips as she savoured the enchanting moments of their date.


(Wheat Manor.)

Muichiro returned to the Wheat Manor, it didn't take him long to get back as he ran back. As he made his way to Demeter's room, he couldn't help but reminisce about their date.

The image of Anya's delighted expression as they explored the city together played in his mind like a cherished scene from a story.

He opened the door to Demeter's room and noticed that despite all the magic lamps being opened, Demeter was fast asleep at her desk.

Muichiro looked at his goddess before gently picking her up and putting her to bed. Before he slipped into bed himself, his gaze fell upon the souvenir Anya had given him.

He found himself delicately clenching his fist around the delicate moth wood carving.

He carefully placed it in a secure and safe location, a small unnoticeable smile playing on his lips.

Climbing into bed, Muichiro was met with the familiar warmth of Demeter's presence.

As she snuggled up to him in her sleep, he felt a sense of comfort that was becoming increasingly comfortable.

Despite the mysteries of his own heart and the complexities of emotions, he was finding that things were starting to feel...more natural.


And there you have it, the end of The Anya x Muichiro date. I hope you all enjoyed it half as much as I did writing it.

And yes Anya is confirmed to be apart of the Harem.

Harem Members Confirmed:

• Anya Fromel( Pic)

• Yako - Demon fox( Pic)

Another two chapter...Chapter.

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