
Is It Wrong to Conquer Orario? (Shalltear SI)

So she wakes up as Shalltear in the Dungeon… makes a mess inside it… wants to conquer Orario… meets both protagonists and derails canon… by making them fall in love with her? "This isn't going how I planned it! Dammit!" The true power of a Main Character——the ability to make things worse by simply existing. Oh, you are an overpowered villain?–—That will only complicate things for you. You don't want to be noticed before you're ready?——Too bad~ It already happened~ You made plans to conquer the city?——Orario is a live, unpredictable place filled with many factions, you know~ You're not looking for a harem?——You have two people after you now! You wanted wish-fulfillment?——This isn't a story, dumbass! But a real world! Read how Shalltear makes plans to take over Orario, explores a living dungeon world, and the interaction with Cainabel's blood-soul running in her veins with the Falna System of the Gods! Full Tags: Overpowered, Villain, Antihero, Romance, Comedy, Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Overlord, Danmachi, Female Protagonist, Isekai, Reincarnation, Transmigration, Anime, Magic, Mystery, Familia, Dungeon, Vampire, R18. Original Title: Is It Wrong to Take Over Orario?

LittleMarie · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Chapter 1


I wanted to write about Shalltear in Danmachi but I realized that the most probable course of action will be for her to start killing everybody, and that will make a very short and very bad fanfic.

But I also didn't want to twist Shalltear's personality, so I made the story a Self-Insert instead and the SI will inherit Shalltear's undead traits and part of her personality traits, instincts, and urges. Hopefully, this will make a good compromise and an interesting plot in how that shapes the SI over time.

I will try to maintain the style the Danmachi author uses for each character's point of view.

Also, something I want to make clear: the SI will not join the Hestia Familia, there are already too many stories exploring that path.





I'm being chased by the bull-headed man-beast, the Minotaur.

I'm going to be devoured by a monster that my measly Level One attacks can't even scratch.

I'm dead. So, so dead.

Where did my dumb, despicable delusions get me? To the Minotaur's dinner plate, that's where. I'm such an idiot...

I was stupid to think I was destined to find my dream girl in a dungeon.



The Minotaur's hoof comes crashing down behind me.

Ha-ha! It missed! Eh? When did that crack get there?

Not the most graceful face-plant... Here comes that hoof again!

The next moment, a silver flash of something moved at supersonic speed… and the creature's head was gone…


The beast's body falls forward as if the seams of an overstuffed doll all burst at once. Its dark red "stuffing" sprays out like a fountain.

Time stands still as a tsunami of beast blood washes over me.


Sounds like somebody's just as confused as I am…

I look in the direction where the voice is coming from…

That's when I see a young girl, no... goddess emerge from the side of the bull monster.

Her thin graceful body is decorated with a soft black evening dress with a big heavy skirt. Her upper body is dressed in a lace embellished ribbon and a short tailored jacket.

She radiates feminine beauty, has pale shiny skin, seductive crimson-red eyes, and fine facial features.

She stands tall, despite her petite frame.

The silver hair hanging down past her waist shines so brightly, I could swear it's made of real silver.

Atop a body that any woman would call delicate perches the face of a fine, young noble girl.

She looks down upon me with those seductive crimson-red eyes.

A frown forms on her face…

And she opens her delicate lips to talk…




The fifth floor.

The staircase opened into a wide room. The walls looked light green in the light coming down from above. However, the Dungeon was as silent as the calm before a storm. Each wall of the square room had an exit, four in all. The Minotaur was gone.

The two of them spun around, listening for any trace of the beast.



They heard something.

A roar and a human scream.


They took off at once.

Ais was closer to the sound and was running toward it a second before Bete could react.

She found the Minotaur and a human almost immediately.

His hair was as white as a snow-capped mountain, and his ruby-red eyes were filled with tears. At first glance, this male teenager looked more like a rabbit than an adventurer.

The massive bull was chasing him down the passageway, swatting at him like a cat chasing a mouse.

"What's a greenhorn doin' down here?!"

One look at his pathetic armor was enough to know it had been issued by the Guild. The boy's running style was erratic, wasting so much movement that it was obvious he had next to no experience.

The newest of newbies.

From the Minotaur's perspective, this adventurer wasn't prey, more like an afternoon snack.

The two top-class adventurers focused more power on their legs, desperately trying to close the distance.

Ais sped after the rabbit.



The Minotaur slammed down its hoof.

All the boy could do was brace his thin body for impact---no, he barely dodged it at the last moment but lost his footing when the ground shook.

Tumbling forward, the boy rolled all the way up to the Dungeon wall.

The Minotaur, full of bloodlust, looked to the left where there was a girl in a beautiful black and red dress with a dark umbrella with a black handle and pointed tip.

She was surrounded by a few bats…

Bad bats…

Is what she assumed

A Tamer…


Ambush… from behind…

Or so she thought, but in an instant the floor under the girl exploded, and she wasn't there anymore.

Instead, she was over the Minotaur, with its head now missing.

And then the shockwave generated by her supersonic movement hit her.

Ais blinked in confusion… A Tamer, adventurers know to use beasts and monsters to fight for them instead of fighting themselves… have just moved so fast that Ais couldn't even follow her… destroyed the dungeon floor… generated a wind shockwave without any type of chant… and decapitated the minotaur… in the same move…


Is what Ais thought…

She saw that she had generated a shockwave in the air without any type of chant.

Without a chant… like me…

She saw that she was stronger and faster than her…

She knew that she must meet her and learn how to become that fast…

The girl proved that she could break the wall that she had hit and become stronger…

I have… to get stronger…

The creature's blood shot out in all directions, like a fountain breaking apart from too much water pressure.

And the girl jumped to the side to take some distance from it while a tsunami of beast blood washes over the rabbit.


She sounded confused and looked at the rabbit.

A frown formed on her face



Let's rewind time a little bit to explain how this situation happened…


A girl is resting on the floor and is waking up.


I don't feel sleepy waking up…. huh… that's a first…

And then the girl opens her eyes and sees that she's in a room, with the ceiling ten meters above, with the light coming from it reminiscent of a thin morning mist.

"Wh-What the—? Where am I? What is going on?"

The girl quickly raises her upper body to sit and panicky looks around.

She sees rock formations and trees around and how big the room is.

"Where am I? What is this place? Wait, why does my voice sound different?"

And she looks below, to see a soft black evening dress with a big heavy skirt, looks at her hands with pale shiny skin.

Th-That's not the color of my skin! It is too pale and shiny!

Why am I in a beautiful dress with a gigantic skirt?

She stands up and looks around

It is going to be a pain in the ass to move in this dress

And by doing the action instinctively, the dress disappears and moves to her inventory, leaving her in their undergarments showing a bra stuffed with an excessive amount of breast pads.

"What?! Why am I in my undergarments? What is with this amount of breast pads?"

And then she puts her hand inside her bra and proceeds to take the breast pads out… one… two... three.. four… five… six... seven.. eight… nine.. ten.. eleven… twelve… thirteen…

"What the hell? There are like thirty layers of breast pads in each breast! Why the hell do I have such an amount of breast pads? There is no way you can move around without it shifting with the amount it is packed! Fuck this!"

She opens the bra, shakes it off while holding it with her hands and sixty layers of breast pads fall to the ground.

First, she looks at the mountain of breast pads in disbelief.

Then, she looks at herself.

"What?! Where did my breasts go?! I am flat as a boy!!"

And then she proceeds to take a look at the rest of her body

Did I turn back to being a 14 years old girl? But even then I had more chest than THIS! I am flat as a board!

No! More importantly! I am naked in the middle of don't know where! Where did the dress go?!

And then the dress appears back in her body

"Huh!? It appeared again…"

And then she looks at her dress and spins around and notices the silver hair ponytail. She grabs it with one hand.

"What is this?"

And she gives it a light tug

"This is my hair? But it is a precious shiny silver color... Wait no! What is going on with my dress? It just disappeared and appeared like equipping a character in a game"

And she concentrates and makes the dress appear and disappear a few times, puts her bra on again, and notices it adjusted magically.

Is this that?...

The cliche scenario where you are reincarnated in another world with a game system?...

Do I have an inventory?

She extended her hand and concentrated, instinctively she felt like she was reaching past the surface of a lake, and an observer would think that her hand vanished into nothingness.

Then, like she was opening a window, instinctively, she swept her hand to one side. A hole appeared out of nowhere, and within it were many beautifully-crafted underwear, swimsuits, and dresses.

Then she moved her hand in a scrolling motion and a lot of other things were there: crimson red-colored full plate armor pieces, a big lance, a parasol, tails, animal ears, collars, Peroronchino sacred texts, even more breast pads, and many other things…

She took something that called her attention: the big lance, the Spuit Lance…

At first, there was confusion, then recognition and her eyes went wide…

She couldn't help but laugh maniacally

"Ahahaaahahahahahaaaahahhahahahhh!! This is the best!! Not only did I reincarnate with a game system, but I also reincarnated on Shalltear body!! Best fucking day ever!!"

Then she equipped her armor and lance

Now now… I am in Nazarick then? Which floor did look like this?

That's when a couple of bats, dark bat monsters with sharp fangs, came into the room and started screeching angrily and trying to attack her with sound waves that disrupt concentration.

Naturally, it didn't work.

"What?! Why would you attack me? One of the Floor guardians?"

Then she proceeds to quickly move and impale them.

So I do have Shalltear speed and strength…

What about magic then?

Then she concentrated and chanted by targeting a few meters away.

"Greater Teleportation"

And instantly she disappeared from the area and reappeared a few meters away.

So… since there are enemies attacking me… and the place is not warded against teleportation, then this place should not be Nazarick...

Tch! Where I am then?

She examines the bodies of the fallen bats

Hmmm… I don't think they were high tier nor middle-tier compared to Yggdrasil levels…

So they are trash… And that doesn't give me much more info that I am strong compared to them…

I am gonna need to find somebody around then…

Wait! First of all, I need to disable auras off, I don't want to affect or scare anybody…

Ok, now to explore this place…


I am lost!

Stupid dungeon with its big amount and size of rooms and short hallways!

And those stupid Imps and Orcs that only rumble, scream and grunt when you talk to them, the Ygdrassi auto translator should let me understand them if they are talking but nooo they are so dumb that they don't talk at all!

That pisses me off! I should have killed them on sight instead of wasting so much time!

And then she sees Needle Rabbits jumping around and going into a passage that seems to go up…

Finally! A way up! But first, let's see if the rabbits can tell me where I am, otherwise, they're dead rabbits…


Tch! Of course they didn't talk nor communicate in some way!

And now I am one floor up… Let's see what I can find here… Hopefully, somebody can tell me where I am… if not then I will need to go to the top and fly around the world.

What a pain!

She looks around and the light mist is gone.

Moss covers the brown-colored walls and the ground below becomes a short grass plain. The strong light from the phosphorescence above is similar to light from the sun.

She explores and sees more rabbits.

Tch! Waste of time…

Turns around to another section and sees a Goblin, a green and plump humanoid monster with large eyes.

Finally! A creature that can be sentient!

Let's try to act friendly…

"Helloou~ mister Goblin! How are you today~?"

She said in a playful tone…

And the goblin responds with an angry scream and by charging at her with its club.

She swipes its feet and pins it to the ground

"Listen here, you little shit! I said Hello and tried to act friendly and you thought it was a good idea to attack me? Really?!"

And put more pressure on the foot pinning the goblin down.

It tried to swing its club at Shalltear but she cut its arm and was now screaming fearfully.

"See what happens when you fuck with me?! Now start talking! Where are we?! How do I get out of here?!"

But it only screamed incoherently while trying to escape…

Eventually, she killed it…

Tch! Tch! Another failure at getting information

And I don't want to use Charm Species to keep wasting mana as I did before…


Now, this is finally something… This ant is definitely trying to do something different… But I don't think the auto translator is working or it is some weird ant communication thing by moving its head, antennas, and pincers… Haaa! Just my luck!

And she had found a Killer Ant, a red ant monster with a hard shell, four legs, and two arms, or well… normally would have those... she had cut them off and is currently in the process of attracting more of its companions with pheromones.

Hmmm… I really don't understand what she is trying to do… And is not responding when I talk to it… Maybe if I mimic its pincers with my arms it will do something different?…

And she tries to… without results…

And then more Killer Ants start to come

"Oh, did you just call your companions? It was a way to ask for help?... Tsk tsk… I am gonna need to take care of them"

And so she killed them all… then tried to keep talking to the ones left alive without results…

"Tch! This isn't really working with these shitting red ants… Wait!.. red ants that call for their companions in a dungeon… and with the previous distribution of monsters…No way?! I am in Danmachi?!"

The realization finally hits her

"No wonder no monster responded when I talked to them! Only Xenos can talk. Wait! I am a vampire in Danmachi! I am a monster that if discovered I will be hunted down!"

And then she realizes that she is Shalltear in Danmachi

"What am I getting worried about?! I am in Shalltear's body! I could take anybody here…hmm actually I don't know how strong the gods are…. but nevertheless any adventurer is shit compared to me!"

"Hmmm… I am in Danmachi… What would I want to do? Explore the dungeon? That could be fun later on… Join a Familia? No, bad idea. In fact, it is a bad idea to interact with the gods… But I could interact with the adventurers, especially in Rivira that are very far away from the gods… I could also pass for a Xenos to interact with them…"

"Actually, now that I think about it… Fuck to deal with all the bullshit of the gods, while there are some good cases many play with the lives of the people, most didn't even descend to help the people but because they were bored. If that is the case! I could do a better job leading the people of Orario and clean all the scum installed there than they!... And I do have the power to do it… But I will also need to take control of the dungeon if I want to have everything under control… Okay, new goal: First take control of the dungeon. Second, take over Orario. Also, destroy Evilus. Because fuck them! Just thinking about what they did pisses me off!"

That will have to wait since I don't know where I am in the timeline first to see my options…

It will probably be a good idea to extract the magic stones and keep them in my inventory from now on…

Also, check for drops…

Anyway, I need to keep exploring to find a way up… I should be on the eighth floor… So eight more to go to the surface…


And she kept exploring until she found a group of six male adventurers armed with low-level weapons that seemed to be going down.

Finally! Some people!

Now I can ask for directions and stop wasting time…

And she gets close to them

"Hellou~ misters, how are you today?" she said while trying to act friendly.

"Well well, what do we have here? We are fine, thank you miss" he said while making gestures with his head to the rest.

They started to move to surround Shalltear

"Hey, little lady, how are You Doing All Alone? It probably was a very bad day today right? Coming from the lower levels and now tired? Perhaps getting lost and separated from your party?"

Tch! I am not liking where this is going…They are scum…

"Don't worry little lady, you can come with us and we can keep you safe"

Like hell that is gonna happen!

They had partially surrounded her when she jumped a few meters back

"Listen here you little shits, you will tell me where the nearest passageway to the seventh floor is and you will keep your lives. You will not have another opportunity"

"You alone? Hahahahaha! Come on guys! Today is our lucky day! We can have our way with the lady, ransom her to her family and keep that armor!"

Pieces of shit… you have made a grave mistake!

The one that will have its way here is me!

A maniacal grin appeared on her face, and in an instant, she disappeared.

And then reappeared at the side of the nearest adventurer, no— bandits, because they cannot be called any other way.


And in a second his head was flying in the air and blood spurting like a fountain


The girl was giggling maniacally.

"How– When did she get there! Get her!"

And one of the bandits tried to attack her with a sword…

And after a red flash, his arm dropped

"Eh?! Arghgghr!"

"Kukukuku. Do you feel how I cut your arm? Do you like it? Because I like it very much! "

They couldn't believe what they were seeing, she was just a little girl in pretty armor, alone, a unique opportunity, but instead, they found this...

"Mo-Monster! She's a monster! Run!"

"Fall back. She can't be human!"

And they started to run in all directions

"Oh no no no no, You are not going anywhere~!"

She cut in two the bandit that had only one arm.

And she started jumping and picking them one by one…

"No! No no! N– *splash*"

Another bandit made minced meat and more blood was thrown into the air.

Then she jumped to the one that talked to her earlier.

"You~ wanted to have your way with me~" she said playfully.

Then she moved to his back and impaled him with the lance starting from his ass.


And now the scent of blood was filling the air

"Ahahaaahahahahahaaaahahhahahahhh!! Now I am the one that is gonna have things go heerr waaaayyy!"


And she jumped and landed in the fifth of the bandits

"Get away from me you! You monster!"

And tried to swing his sword…

Only for his arms to be cut off…

And then Shalltear raised him from the top of the head with a hand, with such a force that it was crushing him


He screamed in pain and tears came out of his eyes


His head was crushed in Shalltear's hand and blood was dripping from it.

"Ahahaaahahahahahaaaahahhahahahhh!! This is thee beeeessstttt! Thhheee beeeessstttt!"


Shit… I just calmed myself down but I am pretty sure I was out of my mind… Is that how Blood Frenzy feels? The pleasure invading every inch of your body is intoxicating…

No! No focus on staying calm…

Okay… I need to think things through… they targeted me because I was alone in a flashy armor right? And now that I think about it… Almost nobody in Danmachi uses full plate armor actually… Many females wear dresses instead… or a bikini, why do you go to fight in a bikini? Stupid gyarus…

Anyway… If I don't want to be alone then I could summon some monster?...

Yeah no, summoning a Yggdrasil monster will backfire and catch too much attention…

What about passing like a Tamer? Didn't Clarice Boyd, that tamer from Orario Rhapsodia, use a Lolita dress and an Umbrella as weapons?...

Also, most elves wear flashy dresses, even those that are melee-focused like Alicia Forestlight…

Then it is better to have a flashy dress than crimson full-plate armor if I don't want to catch attention myself…

And then she changed herself back to the Lolita black and red dress and took out her parasol

Now then for the 'tamed' monsters… the weak Vampire Bat Swarms summoned by Summon Household could pass as Bad Bats found on floors 10 to 15… and I can summon swarms of those… With only one swarm of them, it should be enough…


And then a swarm of Vampire Bats started coming out of Shalltear shadow, they were indistinguishable from normal bats save that they possess crimson red eyes, which could pass as a strengthened species easily.

"I want you to be on the lookout and signal me if another group of adventurers or monsters want to ambush me… Now… before leaving… I need to collect what I can from the dead adventurers…"

She came back to the place that she distanced herself from before and concentrated…

Now all the blood spilled in the area moved and formed an orb of enchanted blood.

She moved that orb to her inventory and started picking items from the dead adventurers… Valis, pieces of armor that weren't broken, their provisions, some drops like Kobold nails and Needle Rabbit's tusks, then the weapons…all to her inventory.

Hmmm… If I am going to pass as an adventurer then maybe I should have a sword on myself…

This one seems to be the one in the best state of all…

And when she was going to swing it she halted halfway. Rust covered the sword and it slowly crumbled away.

Tch! The restriction of the Cursed Knight class…

Yggdrasil restrictions are gonna be a pain in the ass to deal with!

That means that normal actions outside of my classes like cooking are restricted!



I need to keep exploring!

"I forgot to get information from them! Dammit!"


Finally! The seventh floor!

The walls of the dungeon had a light green color and the structure of the dungeon changed to fewer and smaller rooms, with longer hallways.

She walked around in her black and red dress, surrounded by the bats and with a parasol in her hand.

She now could hear a fight in the distance and someone shouting…

Hmmm… let's see what this is about…

She started going in the direction of noises without getting too close and now she could see a few adventurers fighting some Goblins…

…nothing interesting, but it seems from here on it is easier to find groups of people…

And now she could hear another group fighting

It will probably be a good idea to look around where the people are fighting until I discover where they are coming from… yes, this will make it easier to find the passageways…

She went in the direction of the group and found other adventurers fighting Needle Rabbits

… another group but fighting rabbits… wait, is that a catgirl?...

That tail and those ears look very cute…

Could I raise her as a vampire bride with the Animate Dead spell or perhaps by Creating spawn through Blood Drain?...

No! Focus focus! Not getting distracted by the pretty cat girl, I already wasted too much time…


As expected, it is a lot easier to follow the people back to the upper floors than just going in a random direction or following the monsters… Perhaps the fact that the dungeon gets smaller going up also makes things easier…

Anyway! This should be the fifth floor… just five to go then…

And so she started to walk and look around, finding people to follow back to the surface

The hallways sure become more narrow the closer to the surface you are huh…

And then it was when she heard a roar from behind…


And she moved her head to look back but didn't see anything yet.

Is there someone fighting a monster there? No, but I just came from there, that goes down not up… whatever… no more distractions…

She continued to keep walking without a care in the world and the bats surrounding her like always, when she heard the roar again, this time clearer and nearer…



So some adventurers chose to fight something that they couldn't handle?... Whatever… Not my problem…

She continued to walk without a care in the world and one of her bats was looking behind…



It was then that she felt bloodlust coming in her direction and all the bats focused on pointing behind her

Tch! Wait a pain in the ass... you don't even need to signal me, a stupid monster got the bright idea to target me, doesn't it?

I am already having a bad day with all that I encounter is a pain in the ass…

Let's get this over quickly…

No more distractions!

In a quick movement, she turned, jumped, and in mid-air repositioned her umbrella with the tip pointing to the head of the monster behind her…

The fight was over in a fraction of a second---no, it couldn't even be called a fight, but an execution, and the monster didn't have a head anymore.

Then the creature's blood, from the neck, shot out in all directions, like a fountain breaking apart from too much water pressure.

And the girl jumped and stepped aside to avoid the blood, that is when she noticed who she had just saved.


And then she saw him, Bell Cranel...

His hair was as white as a snow-capped mountain, and his ruby-red eyes were filled with tears.

At first glance, this male teenager looked more like a rabbit than an adventurer.

That's Bell…

So the one shouting behind was him…

And I just killed the monster that was coming after him…

She looked to the monster and then back to the boy

I killed a Minotaur…

No...The Minotaur… coming after Bell…

At the beginning of the series…

I fucked things up!


That is when another girl just appeared…

Her thin body was decorated with light blue clothing, shining blond hair hanging down to her waist.

Her bulging twins are packed tightly into a breastplate engraved with a silver emblem. The same emblem graces her wrists and saber.

Ais Wallenstein, she recognized.

And she was coming straight to her…

Then she stopped a meter away and stared at Shalltear…

Wow, Ais is very pretty…

Wait no! I already knew that!

Still, seeing her in real life is on another whole level…

And then the bats left behind came and positioned over Shalltear…

Then Ais seemed to remember something she forgot and looked at the boy.

He was just sitting there as if frozen in time.

Ais decided to break the silence.

"Are you...okay?"

The boy right now just seemed to realize that there was another person than the girl in a black dress but apart from that gave no reaction.

The Ais's emotionless expression hid inner turmoil. She could only blink a few times and make eye contact with him.

It was then that the girl in a black dress started talking.

"Ehmm… I don't think he is hurt"

What the fuck is with this situation!

"So… Ehmm… Be-Boy, can you stand?"

The boy had been caught in the explosion of Minotaur blood and was currently soaked in it. Tears started flooding his eyes once again.

The boy moved his head to the person talking.

All of his exposed skin blushed pink, like he was running a fever, as he looked directly at Shalltear.

No reaction.



Is Bell broken?

What is this?

Come on buddy, show some reaction…

I am getting worried that I broke something here!

And so she extended her hand and inclined herself, moving her head near Bell.

"Do you need help standing up? Do you understand me?"

His line of sight fell to her outstretched hand before jumping back up to her face.

His ears, neck, and everything else was turning redder by the second.




She didn't even have time to tilt her head as the boy suddenly woke up from his trance.

Without warning.


He ran away as fast as his legs could carry him.

They stood there for a moment… trying to process the situation… blinking in the direction that Bell ran away…

And then Ais snapped and got close to Shalltear and looked directly at her face…



"You are strong…How?..." the expressionless girl said and she got closer

Fuck! I caught Ais's attention!

And then Shalltear stepped to get more far away, but Ais again got closer to her again…

Shalltear tried to get more distance by jumping backward and Ais once again moved closer…

Ais was hyper-focused on her and will not let her escape…


Both girls turned their heads to see Bete, his whole body shaking as he tried to stifle the laughter trying to escape his mouth.

Bending over and clutching his ribs—"Haaah, haaah!"—he took deep, ragged breaths.

Then he straightened himself and said "Come on Ais! Her? Strong because she killed a minotaur in one attack? We both can do that! More importantly, did you see that boy?! That was pathetic! Waahahahaha!!"

Thanks Bete, for once you are being helpful by being an asshole

Then Ais turned back to her with a determined look on her face.

"No.. she is strong"

Ugh! Come on Bete! Say something to dissuade Ais!

"He got Entirely covered in blood! Ah! I know! I am gonna call him Tomato Boy!! Waahahahaha!!"

Thanks for nothing Bete!! Dammit!


Eina Tulle POV:

"Miiiiisssssssssssssss Eina!!!!!!!!!"


She stopped reading and looked in the direction of the voice that she recognized..

He made it back safely again today…

She smiled, happy to hear his voice and relieved that he had returned safely.

She hurried to fix her glasses and straighten her clothes before he came through the door.


Then she saw a person, covered in blood, talking to her…

Someone covered in black blood flew into the guild?!?! Is that him?!?!


"Tell me everything you know about a Tamer girl in a black and red dress, please!!!!"