
Is It Wrong to be Like Roy Mustang in Danmachi

An otaku was stabbed by a kidnapper while trying to save a boy Universal god took pity and gave him a new life within his fav anime with his fav ability how will he lead his life will he try to become its hero or will he become the villain by taking everything of the real protagonist....

FroasT_King · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Travelling To Orario

"Fuck I ruined my first impression of myself to Artemis" I thought to myself.In the anime Artemis was so gentle towards bell I thought that she would have liked the peck on her hand. But on contrary I was slapped and believe it or not as she is a hunting goddess she has the strength of a lvl 3 adventurer.I thought I messed up. But as I rubbed my cheek she came forward.

"Im really sorry I got flustered when u did that. Are u okay?"-Artemis said.

"Truly worthy of being a god" I thought to myself.

"Yes kami sama.Although i may not look like that strong but i can withstand some slaps especially a beautiful goddess like u."

As I said that she blushed hard.She said to me "If I wasnt a goddess I would have thought u were a god urself . How can someone give so much charming aura and be so perfect when he is not even a god. Thankfully i cant sense any divinity in u."

"Awww! ur making me blush artemis-sama.I was born this way"

"Allow me to introduce my 2 children to u Froast, This is Rethusa pointing towards the red haired woman. and this lante pointing towards the pallum."she said to me in a charming way

"Hello beautiful girls.Im Froast On my way to become an adventurer. Pleasure to meet u."

The red haired one after staring for some time replied,"Like wise im Rethusa .Can u please explain how u have such powerfull magic.I never saw someone without falna with that much magic power. I doubt that even a level 2 adventure has that much magic power."

Hearing that the pallum also said " yes yes u just snapped ur finger and fire started blowing towards those monsters... so coooooool !!! Chantless magic.. But what is that mark on ur hand."

I replied,"yeah thats my magic 'Fire alchemy'.My hand has a complex mark of the magic since birth and pours out fire whenever i snap and want."

Goddess Artemis became interested in my magic somehow and to satisfy her curiosity she said," Why dont u come with us to Orario.We can take u safely there."

As i didnt see any demerit in it i said,"Thanks kami-sama.I will be in ur care."

"U can take rest in that tent . Tomorrow we move towards orario at 9 am."

"good night artemis sama, Rethusa san Lante san."


In the morning,

we are on our way to Orario the dungeon city. In the way I talked with the artemis familia members and as I have charm ability they all like me so much."Ahhhh the heaven in all girls familia.If only Artemis accepted male members "I thought to myself.Being too shameless I asked Artemis if she would accept me into her family and grant me falna.But sadly my charm although is strong but her bond with the rules are much strong. and so my dream ends with artemis familia . Arriving in Orario, the gatekeepers stopped me.

"Stop right there.Show ur pass or adventure card."

As I was with Artemis sama, they didnt bother me that much with identification.Artemis sama with her own valis created my pass.Once again I could feel How much care a goddess or god can show towards human...

After that I swore that Once i become a high level adventurer I would help her in any way I can. "Here goes my life in Orario the so called dungeon cityyyyy"