
Is It Wrong To Be A Black Mage In The Dungeon

Our hero is thrust into the world of “Danmachi” with little help. He must find his way in the world no matter the cost. Authors Note: This is just a personal preference but I don’t really like when stories don’t follow laws of a world, so this one will. Our hero will not have cheating godlike abilities because why would he? He will of course get strong but only through his own merits, perseverance, and mistakes. (Currently I’m focused on my other Fan-Fic. MobuSeka: A Pilots Wish. I will come back to this when I get some good ideas.)

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The White Rabbit

Seeing the blood-soaked guy run past me I can't help but reminisce about memories I thought I'd lost.

A lot of my brain is still a muddled mess, but right now I can safely say I know where I am.

Now, I don't have many memories about this place, but I can remember some. The names and faces of the "characters" now living people of this world come to mind.

Nevertheless, It's as though the over-arching story of this world has been omitted from memory. Almost as if someone had deliberately chosen those and removed them.

This is too much for me to worry about right now. I need to find a way to survive. I'm starving right now and need something to eat, but I don't have a single valis on me.

I suppose the easy way would be to become an adventurer. However, I really don't know anything about becoming an adventurer.

Right now my stomach is growling, but it's still the middle of the day judging by the suns position. I still have time.

Deciding that sitting on this bench wouldn't sate my appetite I get up and start walking.

I'm still hurting, but that little bench nap seemed to help a little. My limp has eased up, and I don't need to use this staff as a crutch anymore, but I'm going to keep walking with it because it looks cool.

All of the adventurers coming out of the base of the tower seem to head in the same direction. I can only assume that they're heading to the guild so it can't hurt to follow.

I need all the information about this world I can get right now, and I'm hoping that the guild will help me out a little.

Stopping just before I enter the guild, I can't help but admire the adventurers coming in and out of the building.

They all look really professional in what they do. Some more than others, nonetheless it's still surprising. I would have figured that there would be some slackers, but even the run-down booze-smelling adventurers carry themselves with some semblance of pride and professionalism.

One thing I've seemed to notice is a lack of wizards. The wizards I know anyway. Maybe most of these people can use magic, but I can't really tell, so it can't be helped. That will be something else I've got to ask one of these guild members.

Squeezing my small frame through some adventurers crowding the door I can't help but notice they're gossiping about something.

"Just what the hell is that kid doing?"

"He got blood all over me!"

"He got blood everywhere you imbecile…"

Oh there he is again, tomato boy. AKA Bell Cranell, AKA the realest mother-fucker, AKA the harem king. AKA…I'll stop now…

He can't seem to keep his legs still, like he's dancing on the spot while talking to the half-elfess in front of him. I see why they called him rabbit now. In every aspect except for physical, he is a rabbit. I can almost see how fast his heart is beating.

Ignoring the crowd I squeeze through the last line of people and head toward the desk he's standing…dancing at.

Oh he's running this way now.

"Watch out!"


He's just bumped into me. My thin frame can't handle the impact of this hyperactive child, and I'm all but thrown across the room.

Man I was just getting over these injuries too.

"I'm so sorry!"

He runs over to my side. Worry written across his face.

"Don't worry I'm fine."

I try to scramble to my feet, and he sticks his arm out. Grabbing it he lifts me up with ease.

Geez just how thin am I.

He sticks his hand into his bag and pulls out a thin vial offering it to me.

I can't help but raise an eyebrow at the situation.

"You don't look fine, why don't you drink this. It's a healing potion. Take it."

I don't really like being indebted to people, but the offer is too tempting. He doesn't seem like the person to hold it against me either.

In fact he's the first person that hasn't looked at me like trash on the side of the road.

I know it sounds weird, but it feels good to be looked at as a person. I know that it's in his nature to want to be a hero as well. I just can't help but be drawn in by his kindness.

"Alright, thanks. I do appreciate this."

"It's no problem, I did run into you. Sorry for not paying attention."

Taking the potion from his hands, I pop the cork and down the dull green liquid. It tastes good. Not only that, I can feel a weird sensation spreading around my body from my stomach.

It doesn't feel good, but it's not uncomfortable either. I can feel the small wounds on my body closing at an incredible rate. My ribs that were definitely cracked earlier are now fusing, and my sprained ankles swelling has gone down along with the pain.

"Wow, this stuff really works, huh?"

"Yeah! Miach-sama always brews the best stuff!"

He holds a proud smile on his face, which I don't fully understand. Why be proud of someone else's work?

"Anyway, I'll have to thank you for this one day. I'm signing up to be an adventurer today. Either way, you should probably go wash up. You stink."

I say this waving my hand in front of my face.

His eyes widen. With a raise of an arm and a small sniff toward his clothes, his head drops.

"Oh no, don't sulk please. I didn't mean to upset you, I mean…no, you really do stink though..."

I hurry up and try to comfort him but I can't really find anywhere to touch. He's still covered in blood and I don't really want to touch that.



"If you want to make it up to me, join my familia!"

Whoa whoa what's with this jump in logic?

This time he's looking into my eyes. He's got regret and hopefulness warping his face. It seems he won't back down from this. I don't really have an issue with it either all things considered.

"Why do you want me of all people? I'm just a slum rat."

"Yeah maybe, but you don't act like one. And there's that too."

He points over my left shoulder. At my staff. The cloth masking it has unfurled and exposed the purple gem and black flames.

The people around are looking at it now. I feel uncomfortable at the stares and hastily cover the staff back up.

"I don't know any spells though."

"You don't know that! You can only use magic through your familias falna! Unless you learned magic from someone else or study. Even then! You could enter the dungeon as long range support until you do learn magic!"

Well I can see where he's coming from, and we'll…I'd rather not do any face to face combat. I don't think I've ever fought anyone/anything physically and I'd like to keep my distance if possible. This body doesn't seem meant for it.

"What's your name by the way? Mines Bell Cranell. Just call me Bell."

…I haven't really thought about it to be honest. I can't exactly remember it, from either life to be exact.

I'll just go with what calls out to me.

After a short minute of deciding…

"Um… I'm Augustus, no last name. You can call me Aug, I suppose."

Missed the chance to make a Gustavo Fring joke :(

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