
School Idol Project! (Part 1)

(A/N: I wanted to say this First, This is really just a random Fan-Fic. So There might be a Mistakes here and there. Other scene follows canon and others is just mine)



(Kuroro Raizo's POV)

I, Kuroro Raizo a highschooler, 17 years old, Genius and Rich, I don't want to be a narcissistic but I'm incredibly handsome, Talented, Well-toned body that can make women in heat, Welp That is if could be. Really, I'm unfortunate. Why doesn't women liked me, I have everything that made every man envious. Only my Mom likes me *Sob*

I did everything I could to make the girls i have my set upon to like me but I miserably failed? Why? I acted Cool, Tsundere, yankee, Plain, Shy, Extroverted and etc. But why? I can play any pieces with my original pieces in every instruments, Piano, Violin or Viola, Zither and etc. But why? I can sing and dance, I once an Idol when I was middle school for sake of getting girls but it backfired me. There are none, No girls at all it's a nightmare, Imagined a stadium with full of men sgouting your goddamn name like a goddamn horny. I quit after 3 years of being an Idol or a Performer. Life is Unfair, Even Gold-diggers slapped you.

While I was thinking such thing inside my Luxurious Bedroom, A call rang on my latest Iphone 100. This phone is really expensive, There are only 5 of it in the whole world. I bought 3 of it, One for me, One for my Mom and One for my Dad. I glanced the caller and sighed, Speaking of No girls in my life, I still have 2 women that didn't hate me, One my Mom and The last is this woman, Kuroro Mizumi My Aunt and a CEO of my Company.

[Raizo-kun, May I have a moment please. This is not really a pressing matter but I'd like to help you, watcha think?]

"Hmm, Okay. What is it Baa-sa- *Kuhon* Mizumi-chan!" Fuu I sweated, that was close!

[Raizo-kun! Whatcha called me!?.... De ane! I'm not Old Raizo-kun *buho* De aneyo! Mizumi-kyan is not old De ane!-] Waa that accent!

"Wait! I'm so Sorry Mizumi-chan! Mizumi-chan is not old, Mizumi-chan is forever young. Please forgive me Mizumi-chan" Kuu! this woman is really troublesome, For godsake your already past 40. well, Her figure didn't really diminish, She had no wrinkles at all and not a sign of aging. What is she actually?

[Nee! Raizo-kun You're thinking bad of me De aneyo? Muuu!... Let's go back to our topic. Mizumi-chan wanted to help you in getting girls, So This might help you. Do you want to hear it?] She asked me seriously, Well she knows my predicament and she helped me about that since young. She was the one who recommended me about acting, singing, dancing and flirting. She teached me about that. She was also the one who introduced to me the world of Anime.

"Okay let's hear it" I listened seriously, This is my fate I should take this seriously.

[Mizumi-chan had a friend since back in Schooling age, Now she is a chairwoman of a school. I talked about you to her last week when we meet, So she offered me or should I say She offered you to transfer at her school. But with one condition, Help her prevent her school from shutting down.]

"Oh! That's a nice offer, I can prevent it from just shutting down isn't that easy! But, what's for me?" Well I'm a genius so I can do that easily.

[Wait! She also said, Don't use money, No connection, No underhanded. She don't want her school to have a bad reputation okay? Can you do that? As for you Raizo-kun, Don't worry about it. That's because it's a ALL-GIRLS SCHOOL after all. She said, The girls in her school is great and graceful, Good and Cheerful. So you don't to worry about being shunned.] She said it so easily, Well, I can do it easily No problemo Hmmm, This is really a good oppurtunity. Wait a minute? Wait what? All-girls school? Did I hear that wrong?

"Mizumi-chan did you just say All-girls school?" I doubted at my hearing so I wanted to confirm it.

[De ane? Yes I said that]


[Really, Really]

"Haahaahaa this! Are you saying I will transfer to an all-girls school? Is it really nice dream for me? or is it a nightmare?" Ahh! welp, I might try my luck, as they say No Pain No Gain. is it really that?

"Okay, I'll do it Mizumi-chan. I'm ready! Come!"

[Ooh! Raizo-kun is full of energy de ane! Yosh! I'll call her right now Bye! Oh! Another thing, The project we invested is doing good! Money will into us Raizo-kun] She likes money! But she's not a gold-digger, She loves money she makes from her own hands. I got 85% percent share of my company and she gets 10%, 2.50% each for my parents, Don't it's unfair, They decided it themselves, I forced them to have bigger share but they are stubborn. Fortunately, My company's annual is 100 billion yen. So My aunt gets 10 billion and My parents 5 billion. I get the remaining. Hohoho talking about money eh. I'm really a show off.

Okay let's prepare! I'm really nervous. I'll be the only male student in that school what the heck! That's super amazing and super I don't what to say. Let's just pray to Kami-sama. Does really kami-sama can hear my prayer? This is really troublesome.

I got a call again from mizumi-chan. She said I'll transfer next week. Speaking of contacts, I only have 3 numbers in my Luxurious phone, damn it! Mom, Dad and Mizumi-chan.

Guess I'll think of my Goodbye speech tomorrow for everyone in my school. After that, I'll buy them goodbye gifts. After that, let's play games and watch anime. Okay Let's do that.

Next day.

"Goodbye everyone, I'll miss you." I said in front of my class. Every student's table, have a gift wrapped. they looked at me with emotions. Althought the girls don't like me, they still treated me like a classmate. classmate-zone! Ah What a lonely world.

next day

Mizumi-chan delivered my school uniform in my next school. It's a navy blue blazer, Red tie, and a Blue checkered pants. Cool! This is good.

next day

I bought a big luxurious mansion near the school I would go to. My parents moved with me, Well they don't have work so. They wanted to live a peaceful life. No work no burdens. But they passed it to me. Dad became lazybum and Mom always sermon Dad at home. It's really lively. It's really nice to see your family without burdens and free from problems. My Aunt is workaholic, Because of her behaviour her ex-companies threw her out, but I gave her a company for herself to do everything she wants. I don't really help at work much but I still solved major problems in the company.

next day

I transfered some of my luxurious cars into my new mansion. All my cars are limited and some are not but it still luxurious and cool. When buying this cars, I'm just like a kid, buying a new toy. what am I thinking. I even bought a Private plane, Tanks, Heli and Cruise ship. Spendrift much.

next day

I customized my School uniform a bit....Okay a much. I made it bullet proof, Torn proof, Wrinkle proof, Water proof, Hidden weapons and Pocket dimension... nope not really, theres no way that's true.

next day.

I watched anime played games.

last day

Mizumi-chan called.

[Raizo-kun did you study for the entrance exam?]

The chips in my hand fell to ground and cracked. I stared blankly at My hero getting killed by minions. I watched blankly at my teamates trashtalked at me. Hell! they even reported me for being a noob.

"Oh! Hahahaha Of course I-I did not forget hahahaa, I-I will P-Pass don't worry Mizumi-chan, You know! You're talking to a Genius you know! A genius, I could answer any problems even without studying hahaha"

[Hee! So you admitted that you didn't study right? The academic level of that school is near college level so goodluck, Bye. You can go tommorow to report from the chairwoman for your transfer bye] She evily laughed.

Oh no! No, No! This is bad! No matter how smart I am, I'm not omnipotent. I'm not a dictionary for godsake. Shit! It's 6 at night, damn! I need to study for many hours.

I took a pile of books and studied faster, Burning my energy and Wearing my brain cells. I wish I have a super power. The only thing I have is eidetic memory.


(3rd POV)

Otonokizaka High School Gates.

Running footsteps could be heard in a distance. A shadow leaps, Like a bird flying. The shadow, A school girl is revealed.

But she crashed into someone. She fell on her knees and rub her head. She became dizzy as result. She blurry look who she crashed. She saw Raven black hair, Long bangs that covered their eyes, wearing a navy blazer with otonokizaka logo, she thought they are her schoolmates. she confusedly glanced at the red tie 'A Tie, Is it new fashion?' she excitedly thought. Otonokizaka students wear ribbons not tie. But when she looked down she saw a long blue checkered pants same as her Checkered Skirt. She's confused, Is she hallucinating? A student from Otonokizaka school is wearing a tie and a pants. It seems she bumped her head hard that's why she is seeing an illusions. she stood up and bowed to the person.

"I'm sorry for crashing you."

"Apology accepted, It's okay. But you better careful next time"

The person answered a rough voice that made her flinched. She looked up and stared clearly at the boy wearing her school's logo on his uniform.

"Eh! Eeeeeh! A-A B-Boy! I-In here!?" She panicked, though she is playful and cheerful. The only man that close to her is her Father. Although it's not the first time she talked to a boy, It doesn't mean she's close to them. She, panicked because it's about her favorite school where her grandmother and mother goes to.

"Yes, I'm a boy is there a problem miss?" The boy asked her.

"N-No, there isn't. Wait! There is! Why are you here? Who are you?" She asked him suspiciously. She doubted him.

"I'm here as a transfer student and as for who am I? Isn't it supposed to give your name before you asked someone's name? I'm Kuroro Raizo, You are?." The boy answered her calmly and he didn't look suspicious and hints of lying. Raizo thought 'Here we go again, that look, It's curse's doing' He rolled his eyes.

"Ah I'm sorry, I am Kosaka Honoka, 2nd year highschool of Otonokizaka High School" She introduced herself cheerfully. She continued "Transfer Student? You? A boy?"

"Yeah, My Aunt said this school chairwoman offered me something and I agreed to it" He doesn't want her to know, He is here to get laid, *kuhon* To get a girlfriend. Desperate much boy?

"Humu, I see. So a boy huh. Everyone will be surprised." She is thinking mischievously. but her thought snapped when she look at the school "This is Bad! I'm late! Umi-chan will scold me for sure. I'm sorry I'll have to go now, See ya!"

Before he could speak Raizo looked at the girl dashed straight to the school. He sighed and snapped too. It's time for meeting the chairwoman.

Inside the chairwoman's office. Raizo saw a pretty looking woman with no sign of aging just like his aunt. Women are so mysterious, You can't understand them truely.

"Hello, I'm Kuroro Raizo here to report for transfering as a student in your school"

"Ara, Kuroro Raizo-kun. Welcome to my school. I'm Principal Minami.(note: She doesn't have a name don't know why)" She stared at him curiously before saying " Raizo-kun are you sure you can help me?"

"Yes Principal Minami I can, So don't worry about small things." He confidently stared at her eyes.

She sighed a relief "Okay then, You can take your entrance exam, I'll call a teacher to guide you there any questions?"

"Yes, Not a question but I think you should notify the students about the school shutting down." She looked at him again, She can't see through him at all.

"Okay then."

Then he left with a teacher.

After taking an exam, he waited for the result. Then he came out with perfect score and Smug face.

He walked in the hallway and coincidentally saw Honoka with two girls supporting her. They are staring at the notice pasted on the board. Honoka stared at it in disbelief, She muttered something. Then she fainted. The two girls with her called her name again and again. Raizo was worried and wanted to help her but every student looked at him curiously, suspicions, Whispering. He couldn't bare the gaze of everyone, he run to upstairs and arrived at the rooftop.

The teacher said he could go to class today so he waited after lunch break. He spend his time at the rooftop.

Raizo stared at the classroom door nervously, Who wouldn't? This is a school full of girls you know. He waited to be called. He heared the teacher talking about a transfer student.

"Let's welcome a New student in our school and the only boy at this school, Please come in"

Raizo opened the door, closed it and walked to the podium calmly. He glanced in the room and what he sae is heaven, *Kuhon*.

"New student please introduce yourself to your new classmates"

"I am, Kuroro Raizo. Though my name is weird, please don't make fun of me. I'm here because the chairwoman offered me to. Since all of you are girls, There might be problems here and there but I wanted to be friends with all of you. Please take care of me"(Note: Kuroro Raizo in English Chloro Rice or Green Rice.)

The class started laughing and smiled happily. while some were worried. A boy you know. They don't interact with boys that much so it's logical they are worried and scared.

Raizo noticed orange hair girl sleeping on her table. Her hair is tied in a side ponytail. she was drooling and looked like she was having nice dream. The cute gray haired girl next to her seat worriedly called her out. She looked like the chair woman. In front of the girl is a dark blue haired girl with a stern face, she looked at honoka ready to scold her, but she still looked worried.

The teacher said to him "Student Kuroro, You seat at the right most back-" Before the teacher could continue she saw Honoka sleeping, A tick appeared in her forehead "Student Kousaka! Wake up!"

The Orange haired girl, Kousaka Honaka Woke up and stood up from her seat "Hay! Kousaka Honoka is here!" She said.

The gray haired girl looked at her worriedly and she panicked. The dark blue haired girl same as the teacher she had ticks on her foreheads, she's ready to burst out.

Honoka saw everyone looked at her amazingly and worriedly. "Eh! What's going on?" She asked them, Then she curiously looked at boy standing at the podium, She was stunned but reverted back to her normal self she called out "Oh it's you! So we're the same class, Nice to meet you again."

Raizo nodded to her. He started walking to her and sat at the back of her seat. She also sat again. The teacher sighed continued her lesson.

Honoka looked at him. It seems she's curious about him. welp, He got her curiosity after all. She asked him "So, Why did you transfer her?"

"A change of pace?"

"Why the question, Welcome to Otonokizaka School, Please take care of me" She welcomed him happily.

"Please take care of me too kousaka-san" He smiled at her.

They continued chatting, They talked about the food they liked and things they like. They started became friendly. But this didn't go unnoticed, The teacher is irritated but she ignored them She thought he is smart so he could help her. Honoka's friends looked at them curiously and with a hint surprised.

After class, The gray haired gir and dark blue haired girl approached them. And the gray haired girl says to honoka.

"Honaka-chan are you okay?" Her voice is soo Cute, She's an angel came from the heaven. She's a cute girl with a cute voice.

"Oh, Honoka talking while teacher is having lessons eh" The dark blue haired gir sternly said to honoka. She's pretty and cute too, from the looks of her body, Her style is well-toned. Bet she exercise her body well. She stared at him Sternly too her face clearly says 'Hey, it's your fault'.

"I'm okay Kotori-chan, I'm really shock about the school" Honoka talked about how she like her school too much and didn't want it to end because if the school shut down, She will have to transfer to a new school and take an exam, She hated exam. She talked to them about how to prevent it from shutting down. Raizo stared at them with smiles, They are really good girls.

"Nee, Kousaka-san. They are?" Raizo asked her, He pointed at the two girls.

"Oh, Hehe sorry Kuroro-san they are my bestfriends, this gray haired cute girl is, Minami Kotori and this stern girl is, Sonoda Umi." She introduced her friends to him. Kotori blushed when her friend called her cute in front of a boy she goes "wawawa, Honoka-chan don't call me cute it's embarrassing"

"Heee! Stern huh! So that's what you want me to be huh Honoka. Okay, let's go with it. It's not like I became like this because I want to, It's because of a certain someone hehehe" Umi said scarily. Honoka had a dread lookr on her face, She mechanically turn her head to Umi, She smiled at her "Umi-chan You're wrong, I didn't say it right? Kotori-chan.

Kotori did not hear her, because she was still embarassed. Honoka glanced at Raizo Who gave her an eye to the door saying 'Run before it's too late!'

Honoka stand up hurriedly and dash to the door, running for her life.

Sonoda Umi calmed down. She shook her head while she looked at the opened door. She sighed heavily, Then she glanced at Raizo before meeting his eyes but she hastily averted it. If you notice carefully her cheeks is dyed with pink. But Raizo didn't notice that, He is clueless about girls after all. He thought she hate him. 'Damn you curse' He thought.

"Hey, Kuroro-san, As you know. Honoka's grades is low so please don't distract her from lessons got it right?..." Her composure reverted back to normal stern. She sermon him endlessly. Now, Raizo understood, never piss a woman.

After that school ended, Raizo goes home.

Next Day.

"Hey, Look! look! look!" Honoka brought a pile of magazines.

Kotori and Umi curiously looked at the magazines

"Yes, School Idols, Idols you know" Honoka said.

Raizo listened to them and got curious about it too. He was once an idol so he wanted to hear about this school idol thingy. Honoka talked about various school idols in different schools. So she said that those school got more students because of the popularity of the idols.

"So I thought..." She paused because Umi disappeared, Honoka and kotori followed her.

"Umi-chan I'm not finished yet"

"Well, I have something to do..." Umi tried to came an excuse.

"But I have a good Idea, so Listen" Honoka said to her, Umi sighed and said.

"So you are going to say we should be School Idols, Aren't you?" She stared at her. Honoka jump and was shocked she said "Umi-chan are you an esper?"

"Anyone could deduce that"

"That makes things easy then" Honoka playfully said while massaging Umi's shoulder. Umi ignored that. Honoka talked about creating a club of idols and submit the form to the principal. But Umi answered.

"No! I decline!"

Raizo looked at this scene. He couldn't help but laughed.

But Honoka didn't give up reasoning her, But it backfire. Umi gave her a piece of mind. Bring an Idol is not an Easy matter. Honoka's shivered she looks sad, Raizo wanted to help her but He knows too that being an Idol is not a easy. It needs hardwork and resolve. Honoka needs to understand.

Suddenly Raizo saw the Eyes of Honoka, He was shocked to the core. He thought she was just curious being an idol or just playing around. But that look! Is the same as the one he saw back then. His acquaintances had the same look when they made their resolve. This is the eye of a successful person. She's serious about being a school idol, He bet she got an enlightenment yesterday. What could it be.

Break time. Raizo is loitering around the school. He arrived at his last destination the rooftop. He admired the view. But he got a glimpse of a moving object below. He approached the railing and looked down. What he saw made him stunned. He smirked and laughed, He isn't laughing because it's funny it's because he was happy. He saw Kousaka Honoka, Dancing Sloppily. Even she fell down she didn't give up. He also sas Her friends looking at her in shock.

Ah, It seems the school didn't need him to solve it's problem, The school had a good seed already. It's not sappling yet but it's growing. Raizo can't wait to see how she grows.

It appears kotori and Umi made their decision!

Raizo thought 'I don't care about getting a girl for now, I want to see a miracle. F*ck you curse, I don't care about you anymore, I'll enjoy my life more than you do.'

He came back downstairs in the hallways, He saw them being stopped by student council from entering chairwoman's office. Looking at this situation, That Student council president would not accept their submission. This is tricky. Even though they still didn't start as an idol, Obstacles appeared on their way already. Raizo sighed, Even if he wanted to help he cannot. It's the student council's decision after all, Albeit he was just a new student.

He can only pray for them and gave them a goodluck.

He gave an eye to trio and nodded at them, They greeted him also. He followed them inside the student council's room.

Just as he thought so, The president Eli Ayase rejected it. She even said she won't accept them even they got 5 members.

The vice president, Tojo Nozomi, Only smiled at them. It's like she's rooting at the three. He was puzzled. But understood that Eli Ayase is the greatest obstacle for them to continue their journey as an Idol.

Nozomi looked at him curiously and she also gave him a smile. Raizo was stunned for a second, A girl just smiled at him. Well, Honoka gave him a smile too but they are friends, Nozomi is not. He thought 'Curse are you gone, Hey!'

After that they go home.

"See you tommorow Kousaka-san, Minami-san and Sonoda-san."Raizo said and parted with them. But he turned around and said.

"Nee! Kousaka-san, If you are done with your practice and perform live. I will be the first fan of yours, I'll wait for three of you so let me hear a good song and amazing dance okay? see ya." Then he dashed leaving them stunned.

Kousaka Honoka stared at the back of leaving figure. She smiled happily and shouted "Un! Watch carefully, I'll let hear our first live!" Her eyes became teary. Although, They don't have songs yet, Even though they still don't have dance steps yet, Here a Weird Good guy became their first fan. He is really Weird guy they thought.

Next day.

Kuroro Raizo was in his seat staring outside the window, Yesterday was so embarrassing for him. What would they think of him he ask himself why would he do that? His answer is, I don't want them to look sad. Because in anime, You should never make a girl sad. that's why he blabbered nonsense yesterday to cheer them up, though he really would watch their live if done.

He watched Idols live performance too but they are too professional and it's boring to watch. He wanted to see a blooming Seed instead of Old saggy trees. It's best to watch a blooming seed grows big and shiny. He sighed. He looked at the empty seats infront and side of him.

"Where are they?" The class still not starting but, why are they late? At a last minute before class starts, The trio appeared.

He saw Honoka cheerfully smiling and A smiling kotori but the last one isn't, She looks devastated. He wondered what happened.

"Kousaka-san what happened?"He glanced at the still smiling Honoka.

"Hm? Kuroro-san, Did you know, we'll have our very first live in new student orientation." She turn her heads towards him with *kira kira* eyes.

"What? Seriously?" Raizo is stunned. This guys, New student orientation will start a month from now. Are they ready for that. He glanced at kotori who was nodding her head. Umi who turn her head away.

God! Orange hair are you an Optimist? You are risking this. Ah, No wonder why Umi is Devastated. Honoka is an Optimistic girl.

"So what about your Song? Dance? Dress? are you ready?" He looked at the girls they were shocked silly. "I take it as None."

"Uhh, Oh yeah! I saw this new student in music room, She's amazing She can play piano and sing a song. She said she made that song. Maybe I can ask her?" Honoka said in thinking pose.

"I can make the dresses" kotori suddenly said. She drew a cute dress on piece of paper. "Here I'm done"

"wow so cute!"Honoka said admirably.

Umi stared at the drawing with a pale face. Honoka asked Umi. "It's cute right?"

"K-Kotori what is this long extended thing right there?"

"Legs" Strikely said by kotori.

" We're supposed to wear short skirts and keep our legs bare?" Asked by Umi.

"Just like an Idol" Again Strike by Kotori.

Umi looked down and watched her thighs and legs. Then suddenly Honoka patted her thighs and strike her "Don't worry, your legs aren't fat, Umi-chan"

Umi received a large critical hit! Is what Raizo was thinking.

But Umi countered She stood up and said to Honoka" You should worry about yourself"

Honoka heard that shocked and inspect her body. "Yosh! It's time to diet"

"You two looked fine" kotori said smiling. Umi dropped her shoulders.

Kotori looked at Raizo and said "How about we asked someone, right Kuroro-san"

"Eh! Me!" Raizo pointed himself, then stared at them, But Umi crouched down "Kyaaaah, Don't looook!"

"Ah! Sorry, sorry I didn't mean to" Raizo averted his eyes frantically. He gave an Eye at kotori but this girl just playfully laugh.

Honoka ignored them and sat, She talked being idol. And discussed about signature. But Umi denied it. Kotori then talked about what they should name their group. After class they go to the library followed suit by Raizo. They still thinking what name they should use. They came up with silly names, while raizo just watched them happily. They then asked him but he came up with stupid names too. Honestly, He is bad at naming things. He even named his company UNIVERSE.

Then Honoka suggested to make poster and leave it to the hallway board. They can make other came up with the name of the group. Umi complained of how can they make others came up with their group name. Raizo agreed it's a good and silly idea.

After that event Raizo parted with them and starts walking to his favorite spot, The rooftop. He really admired the view here many times. He climb at the ladder and sat at the top of little structure where the stairs and entrance of the rooftop. He lay down and watched the sky and clouds passing bye. Raizo contemplating about his career being an Idol, Well true he is popular and had many fans mostly guys and little bit of girls. 9:1 ratio. He made good songs. But he didn't continue because it's really not for him. Instead of himself being an idol, he preferred watching seeds grows.

So he started singing unconsiously while laying down. He sang his favorite song he made back then 'The Blooming Flower'. (Note: Just a made up, So don't search it. I'm not composer so i don't know how to make songs)

Raizo's voice is clear as sky and fluffy as clouds and beautiful as blooming flowers. It's a lullaby for the nature, His rough voice is like guardian of nature. That proudly roars. He sang and sang, Oblivious of everything around him. He was just remembering about his past. When he was a child, he was hated by mostly girls, since boys wanted to play with girls they shunned him too. He just wanted to play, why would they hate him? He is not an insect that eats the blooming flower, He wanted to be a growing seed that can make everyone in awe. He tried everything until he reached the height that never everyone could think of. But, When he looked back everyone just want to cut down that big tree for profit. It's not what he wanted, He did everything to be acknowledge why didn't go as planned. Gods he prayed everyday, But when everything collapsed, He doubted gods, Doubted the meaning of his life, He started acting to hide his true self. He practiced music to overcome his fears. The one saved him from the drakness is his Aunt. She introduced a world to him, He saw that every story he read, Something similar happen to them happened to him. That's why he saw light again and accepted what he is but he won't let fate toy him.

When he was done singing he opened his eyes. Raizo saw not a clear sky but a face instead. It's Kousaka Honoka. She stared at his face in shock. He wondered what happened. so he asked "Hey what's problemo?"

"Y-You can sing?"She asked him.

"Well yeah I could why?"

"Why didn't you tell me?" She pouted.

"You didn't ask, what are you doing here?" He wondered why she's here.

"Practice we're here to practice. This is the only available spot." She then turn around and looked at the rooftop. "Kuroro-san, Your voice is amazing, Why didn't you become an idol?"

"Ah! I was once though" It's really not secret. Of course it's not how could it be. millions of people knew him. He wondered why this school didn't know of him. Is it because his bangs covered his face? Maybe.


[A/N: I stopped her because I'm tired. maybe next time the other part. I'll only make this to 30k short story. 5K/30K done]

Next part maybe next week.