
no one's here

His name is benny aka Benjamin park and that was the a day when i got my first mobile phone.

Well its not like that was the best featured phone but that was he's first phone that's why he was really happy.

He was just using that phone as a normal phone until he found the secret features of that phone.

That night when he was using his phone while lying in bed

That was the time he saw a strange looking icon which he has never seen in that phone before So he got curious.

"What is this app I've never seen this before did i downloaded it by mistake well it doesn't matter I'll just delete it"

After that he tries to delete that app 3-4 time but that didn't work

"What the h#ll"

Than he thought let's try to open it so he tapped at that icon

Than the only thing he saw was a camera with some weird emoji/stickers

"What the f#ck what kind of app is this"

Than he select a creepy looking sticker

"So lets see which one should I choose, let's just select this one "

After selecting the sticker he take sone photos of his room after some time all lights automatically got turned off

"Wha__What is happening"

He got scared because of that but after that he heard some saying

"Unknown voice:is someone here?"

He got stunned by that sound so he screamed


But what was mire shocking is the even if he screamed with so much energy but no one heard he voice but that Unknown voice heard his scream than he Said

"Unknown voice: oh looks like someone is here but don't want me here okey for now I'll leave but I'll come back tomorrow at the same time for finish my job"

After he left benny take a long breathe

"Hooooooooh what job that guy was talking about well let's about that for now

Let's just sleep while no one's here

yo readers this is my first time writing something so if you find any mistakes just tell me in the comments

and also my English is not that good so just try to accept this in future I'll definitely improve me and my English

Vinny_Wonkacreators' thoughts