
Chapter 11

Henry's pov

It has been for days since the rain was pouring and raining like crazy , " 8 did not let the girl leave at all, I didn't let them go out, I was the only one who went out took ans bought some necessary stuffs at home so that we couldn't be out of stock of foods for ourselves ans the baby. Since they were here , all of hwta I heard were the baby's giggles , she wasn't crying at all, and I am just so grateful that they are trying to be happy in this small home that we have been staying and adjusting together.

"Rose ," I called her ,yes she came with amelia who was chewing a random plastic on her mouth, I wnet closer to her ans took it away from her mouth, " Don't give her something like these to it, she will get health problems I tell her .

Oh, okay !! I didn't see anything that I would give her so that she couod play with. How old is the little Amelia? She is two , she explained !! Oh, but she looks smaller i tell her and ruffling the baby's hair . " she chuckled and said , " I gave birth to her prematurely " but I thank God that she survived , Rose said with pride in her voice.

I have to go to school and work okay! So don't worry , everything is in the kitchen, if you wnat anything you will tell me when I get back, " I twll her with a smile " Thank you so much Henry, I owe you alot , she says and I smiled . You owe me nothing Rose , we just have to help each other and not giving each other debts . "

Soon I walked away after I saw Rose from a far rasing hers and Amelia's hand showing me a goodbye sign, Thes eat few days , I have experienced happiness and not only that but I have axperinced a little love between those two people. They have no where to go, they only have each other but they make sure that they smile and shower kisses on one another . " if only that could also be my family ... I murmured while walking on ky way to school .

As usual , school is just so depressing, works , teacher preaching calling us names , singing choirs in class , Then having mini breaks in the middle and usual the money which we were all waiting for , " the bell to go home "

I sighed and collected my bags , " Henry you did well today in all your exams , I just saw your results , my teacher said before she let me passed by the door . " Thank you teacher I tell her and walk out .

Good boy, make your teachers proud and stop being lazy, she instructed , " you just don't know teacher !! I murmured " what did you say ? Shs sudenly asked. Nothing I just said , " I am running late,I have to pass on somewhere today ad I am worried that I will be late. Oh okay !! Take care bye !

I walked out of the school and I saw the familiar faces , " my brothers " what the hell do they want again now? I passed by them and they didn't see me and went to the office . Henry my boy, the elder man said ti me happily. Good evening uncle, I tell him . How was school , were you saved from the flooding disaster?

I guess I was i tell him with a smile, we will talk later, let's get to work, I twll him. I entered in the office , I checked the sales stock, when I was satisfied I walked to the warehouse with a notebook on my hands , " I saw the workers carrying the materials and sent them inside the warehouse as I wrote them down . I was busy with my work until I heard my name being called , " Henry!! " I looked at the intruder ans I backed away when I saw one of my step brother wearing the working clothes .

You work here ? He asks but I looked at him blankly, " oh , don't give me that blank face Henry!! I am your brother. I had no time , please do your work , or I will make sure you aren't going to get any wages today !! I tell him straightly.

What the hell dude !! I am your bother ," step brother " I corrected him . Even if yiu were my blood brother , you were supposed to work your ass off and not waiting for free money . Get back to work, I tell him and he cursed under his breath ans smirked .

I carried on passing by the warehouse and made sure things were in order, all the things we ordered were the exact number ,the workers are also trying their best working . " After a long exhausting day, I wnatee to leave but the boss told me not to luve , I checked the time and it was a little late. " what is it boss ?" I ask him . We have a client, rember that man who came few weeks ago to buy our materials? He asked me . Yea I do , I replied .." he wants more , and I am so happy because our business is going to grow well ans more, he tells me .

We waited for the man to come and after fifteen minutes of waiting , he came.." Young man," we meet again . Nice to meet you too mr Augustus, I replied witha handshake.

We started the meeting and after half an hour he ordered the stuffs he needed and I walked him out, " Thank you for doing business with us mr Augustus I told him with a smile "

It's my honour young boy, it's Henry I tell him . Oh Henry, it's an honour of working with you he said witha smile . Soon I opened his car door for him and before he left , he reminded me again, " remember my offer ,if you need it then don't hesitate to call me " he then drove away .

I have no desire of working on any place than here ,I am also thinking of quiting anytime from now !! I took my bag bid my goodbye and walked out ready to meet my cute little adorable Amelia .

I didn't reach a far when I froze coming close and face to face with my three brothers ,dad is calling you at home Henry !! One of them said with a smirk . Like I care . And what dies he need ? I found my voice asking them .

" if you are going to come , then I think yiu are going to find out sooner , my second brother announced with a smile " I know they hate me ans I am sure their is somthing wrong with them following me around like stray dogs.

" but I will take the risk , after all I don't need anyone's pity.

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