

Amelia Banks loves romance novels. How she wishes she could be the woman in the books she loves to read, to finally get the happy ending she craves for. Sadly this isn't a fairytale, she isn't the woman in the books. This is her reality; a boyfriend who is the biggest jerk to walk this planet we call earth, a job she doesnt want to be in and a home she desperately tries to leave. Let's take a journey with Amelia to see if she will get her happy ending. "WHAT?!!!!" Dwight shouted. "Yes, across my ass cheek was 'Property of Matthew' in bold letters." "Tell me that's not true Lia, please." He was now bubbling over with emotions, every one written across his face. "It is, I can show you..if you want." "It's never easy living in abuse, but if you can free yourself from it, it's the best feeling in the world. Freedom is taken for granted until you end up in situation where it's completely take from you." ¤¤¤ Author's Note ¤¤¤ This book is a work of Fiction. This is my very first story. I have a vivid imagination and I wanted to write a story for the longest time now, I just didn't know where to start. I work in healthcare and I must confess, there will be a few parts that will be similar to my life. However, the names of people and places will not be the same. Give it a go and let me know what you guys think. Thanks. ▪︎▪︎Editing▪︎▪︎

Briana_Ebanks_8993 · Urban
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38 Chs

Chapter 34- Find Me (Part 2)

When you've never felt like you really belonged somewhere, it's almost impossible to know what it will feel like to finally feel at home. - Sarah McBride,

I didn't want to be here, I dreaded opening my eyes, I feared the reality that I once knew would no longer be there. I wanted to hang to it and not let go. 

The floor was cold and hard, the areas on my body ached, as he tried to push my body into the floor. 

I wanted the floor to open up and swallow me. I would have greatly appreciated that. As he kept pushing my body further into the floor, I felt my shoulder dislocate. I screamed out in agony. 

I asked God in my mind, how much more would I have to endure. I didn't think I would make it at this point. He slammed his fist into my face. 

"SHUT UP." He shouted at me. 

I didn't want to look into his eyes because he wanted to take away the part of me I didn't want to give. 

He covered my face with his palm, I tried moving my face from side to side. I had hoped that by moving my face his hand would shift, even if it was the slightest movement. 

Asking God to help me, his hand shifted ever so slightly. I took the opportunity and bit him. He howled out just as dog would if it was hit. 

"You fucking bitch." He said as he slapped me across my face. "You're going to regret doing that." 

He grabbed both of my hands and roughly pushed them above my head. Using his other hand to balance his weight as he hovered over me. 

I got all the courage and strength I could muster and slammed my forehead into his. As adrenaline rushed through my body, I slammed my forehead into his again. If I kept this up, a concussion would be the likely outcome. 

He let my hands go and shot to his feet, he staggered a bit, trying to gain his balance. 

I slowly got up from the floor and ran into him, pushing him to the floor, landing on top of him. He groaned out loudly, rubbing his chest. 

"You dumb bitch, I'll make you pay for that." He said angrily as his upper lip folded back.

I was now unable to move, the binds on my wrists digging into my flesh, it was now raw and bleeding profusely. 

He grabbed my hair and flipped us over. I was now on my stomach and he was on top of me. 

My legs and knees rubbed against the hard surface of the floor, leaving scratch marks where skin once was. 

He pushed my face into the floor and used his knee to push my legs apart and entered, taking what was not freely given to him. 

There was pressure from not wanting him inside me - my body resisted him, but suddenly - I was instantly relieved of the discomfort. 

He was no longer on top nor inside me. 

Someone grabbed my shoulders and hoisted me from the floor, throwing me over strong shoulders. 

"What the fuck are you doing? He said no one should touch her, look what you have done to her, look at her face and now you have taken what's not yours to take." The unknown man said to Bruce.

"Fuck you man, the bitch had to learn." Bruce responded. 

"He's going to kill you when he finds out." 

"He can't do shit. That's all talk so we don't touch her. " Bruce said sounding smug. 

The door suddenly opened and someone walked in. A fresh pine and oak wavered acrossed my nose. I smelled the cologne before I saw the face. 

That scent was familiar, my mind trying to decide where I've smelled that scent before.

Realization hit me like a ton of bricks. Matthew. What is he doing here and how did he find me? My head started to hurt trying to answer my own questions. 

"Why do you have her over your shoulder Aaron? I specifically told you to tell them she must not be touched." Mathew stated. 

"Sir, Bruce here didn't listen and I found him on top of her." Aaron said. 

"What?!" Matthew shouted. 

Aaron flinched. "Yes sir."

"Put her down I wanna look at her." Matthew ordered. 

I was gently placed on the chair I was sitting on earlier. I lifted my head and looked into the eyes of the man, I thought I would never see again. Words failed to leave my lips, so that only thing I could do in that moment, was to look at him. 

I wanted to cry, I wanted to run, I wanted to float away from this place, those were not possible. He had me kidnapped, the nerve of him. Does he think that this is a game, that my life is a game. 

I was extremely infuriated, shocked, disappointed, and sad. So many emotions running through me. I didnt know which one to choose, I didn't want to choose. 

I looked at him, hatred boiling within me, I wanted to move on with my life and for him to move with his. I was unable to use my hands so I used my eyes to show him how I really felt about him. 

He got down to eye level with me as he assessed my damaged face and body. 

As he looked me over, rage started to build within him, pouring out on to his face. He was seething. 

He got up and pulled a gun from is waist, turned and pointed it at Bruce. 

"I gave specific instructions, you should have followed them." Matthew said.

"Well the bitch didn't listen -." He never got to finish, he was shot in the forehead, his body hitting the floor with a hard thump.

Matthew then turned to Aaron and said, "Dispose of him." 

"Yes sir." Aaron answered. 

"Why are you doing this Matthew?" I asked. Words rolling off my tongue, seeking freedom, finally able to leave the confines of my mouth.

Matthew then turned to me and said, "I told you love, I would see you soon. You failed to believe me. I must have you Amelia. If I can't have you, no one will." With that he walked out of the room, ignoring my shout of profanities and my pleas. 


This chapter took some time to write. Thinking cap was not flowing tonight but I hope you guys like it.

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