

Amelia Banks loves romance novels. How she wishes she could be the woman in the books she loves to read, to finally get the happy ending she craves for. Sadly this isn't a fairytale, she isn't the woman in the books. This is her reality; a boyfriend who is the biggest jerk to walk this planet we call earth, a job she doesnt want to be in and a home she desperately tries to leave. Let's take a journey with Amelia to see if she will get her happy ending. "WHAT?!!!!" Dwight shouted. "Yes, across my ass cheek was 'Property of Matthew' in bold letters." "Tell me that's not true Lia, please." He was now bubbling over with emotions, every one written across his face. "It is, I can show you..if you want." "It's never easy living in abuse, but if you can free yourself from it, it's the best feeling in the world. Freedom is taken for granted until you end up in situation where it's completely take from you." ¤¤¤ Author's Note ¤¤¤ This book is a work of Fiction. This is my very first story. I have a vivid imagination and I wanted to write a story for the longest time now, I just didn't know where to start. I work in healthcare and I must confess, there will be a few parts that will be similar to my life. However, the names of people and places will not be the same. Give it a go and let me know what you guys think. Thanks. ▪︎▪︎Editing▪︎▪︎

Briana_Ebanks_8993 · Urban
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38 Chs

Chaper 31- Home Bound Part 3

Good sex is like good bridge. If you don't have a good partner, you'd better have a good hand. - Mae West

Dwight didn't wait until the door was fully closed before he attacked my clothing. 

"Babe! Let.me.close.the.door.first." I said in between laughs. 

"Leave it." He said as he placed tender kisses on the spot between my neck and shoulder. 

"Please." I asked trying to get him to let me close the door because anyone walking to the elevator could see what we were doing. 

"Argh," he let out a frustrated groan and pushed the door with his foot. 

I quickly rushed into the kitchen, trying to get away. I squealed out as I felt his arms wrap around my waist. He turned me around to face him, mischief in his eyes and his smile laced with innocence. 

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked, with the widest grin on his face. 

"No - where?" I asked

"You're right, you're not going any where." 

He lifted me from the floor and placed me on the island. "I need to eat, I'm starving." 

"So, eat." I responded as I encouraged him to eat. 

"Will do my lady, since you said it so sweetly."

He went into a stooping position, pushed my legs apart and took a whiff. 

"You smell like heaven." He pulled me closer to the edge of the island and swiped his tongue over the entrance of my vagina, down to my anus and back up to my clit. 

Pleasure took a hold of me, wrapping me in itself and tying a knot, holding me firm. I gripped the edges of the island as his tongue slid over my vulva and into my vagina. My breathe hitched, I couldn't move. 

He pulled on my labia, pleasure running through my body like lightning. I moaned, my head tilting back, his tongue did wonders to me. 

He pushed my legs further apart and continued his assault on me. I felt like I was floating from the effects of ecstasy and I loved it.

He began to rub my clit while he had his tongue inside my vagina, his finger going in circles as his tongue went forwards, backwards, up and down. 

I reached out to touch him, I placed my hand on his head, I wanted more, I needed him closer. 

He moved his head away, and stuck two fingers inside me. I had died and gone to heaven in that very moment. He pushed in and out of me as his leaned in to suck on my clit. 

"Oh my God, right there, please." I begged, I didn't want him to stop, I was now close to falling off the edge. 

"I'm coming." He didn't stop, he continued until I came apart on his fingers. He leaned in to lick the wetness that dripped from my vagina. 

When he was finished he kissed the insides of my thighs. 

"It gets better every time, come here and kiss me." I said, motioning him to come towards me with my finger.

He did as he was told, he then hoisted me over his shoulder and walked into the direction of his bedroom. 


I was exhausted, we went another three rounds. Two in bed and the other in the shower. 

Dwight had an insatiable appetite, he wanted to go again. I climaxed so many times I could still feel my vagina contracting from the last round and that was over an hour ago. 

"I want you so bad." He whispered in my ear. 

I smiled in the dark. "Sorry to burst your sex bubble mister, but I'm exhausted." I responded. 

"Oh really." His hand brushed across my left breast, my nipple instantly harding. Dammit, my body had to give me away. 

"Well, your body says otherwise." He said with a smirk. "I'll look but I won't touch, even though I really want to, I wanna lick, nibble, suck and pull." He said as his hand brushed over my other nipple. 

I moaned, "That sounds so good, but your touching, not looking." My hand sliding over his thigh, I was now in the mood. 

"Please Dwight." I begged. 

He responded by placing a kiss on my lips, then slowly making his way down to my breast. Taking a nipple in his mouth, gently pulling. 

A moan escaped my lips before I could stop it. After releasing my nipple, he placed his arm on the other side of my head and climbed on top of me. 

"I can't get enough of you Lia. I love you so much. I know now is not the best time to be saying it, but I really do love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you." He said, you could see the genuineness in his eyes. 

"Are you proposing?" I asked. 

"No, but I'm foreshadowing." We laughed together. 

"Show me how much you love me." I told him. 

"Yes ma'am." He responded immediately, like a kid in the candy store that got the chance to pick any candy he wanted. 

He did just as he said he would and I felt it, multiple times. After our final round, we took another shower and laid in bed talking about all the things he did for the two weeks while he was away.

"I forgot to tell you that Fiona is pregnant." I squealed. 

"What? Really?" He asked

"Yes, they were at it like rabbits." I giggled. 

"That's exciting news, I'm happy for her and Dom. I wish them all the best. When you talk to her, tell her I said congratulations. " He said. 

"I will." 

"Lia, we haven't been using any protection, what if you get pregnant?" 

"Then that would be such great news. I would happy. Would you?" I asked. 

"Of course, I would be ecstatic." He responded. 

"I'm so happy you said that." I said. 

We resumed talking about random things, and then he asked me about Matthew, if he was behaving himself and leaving me alone. 

I told him, I saw him at the grocery store. We didn't talk too much about Matthew because he was sore topic. 

He told me about his upcoming trip, that he would be leaving in one month's time. His team wanted to study the bocaccio rockfish, a species of fish that has been severely overfished.

They wanted to take samples to determine if they could help speed up the larvae process since the survival rate is very low. 

We also discussed all the places he would go on his trip and what the team was hoping to find. After our discussion, we drifted off to sleep holding each other, not know that the figure that was once perched on the chair is now standing at the foot at the bed, staring at us with angry eyes. 


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