
Is it forbidden?

Never did I thought my first crush would be this man. Everybody feared him, people told me to distant myself from him- that I would get hurt but I kept drawing close to him, it was like a force which keep pulling me close no matter how far I go, I keep getting close to him. I just couldn't resist him and it all started from that One day.....

Hiyo_Kami · Teen
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2 Chs

Chapter 1 : CRUSH

My name is Sena Watanabe, a 17 year old teenage girl who still hasn't experienced love yet. My friends and family urge me to get a boyfriend soon but I couldn't care less. I got everything I need, I love my family, I got great friends, good in studies and people regard me as Papa's little girl. I go to one of the most prestigious school in Tokyo - Ikigai Vocational Academy, it is highly known for its Cheerleading squad and also did i mention I'm the Captain of that cheerleading squad? Well as you can see my life is full of happiness and fun but yet I feel an emptiness deep down like a void with nothing but sorrow.

My summer break ended and we all had to go back to school. This morning my father drove me and my brother to school. I saw my two best friend waiting for me, Marin Aikawa- She's also in the Cheerleading team with me and Yuki Tanaka- My friend since grade 1. On the way to class we talked about how we spend our vacation and also saw Shinzo Okuda, one of the popular guy in our school. Every girl likes him and every guy admires him , he got the good looks, good grades, from a wealthy family and also part of the student council. People ship him and i together as the God tier Couple and also he liked me for the longest time I know since middle school but I just didn't felt the same towards him, there's something like an eerie atmosphere around him and for some reason he seems kinda fake so I rejected him.

We reached our class and sat at our usual spot beside the window and Marin was telling me about our new homeroom teacher, how scary was he and feared by everyone. There was already a rumour circulating about him that he has a juvenile background and the only way he got accepted for the job is because of his parents connection.

At that moment the door opened and my whole world stop - it was like the time just stop for me with no one around and I felt butterflies in my belly for the first time, I felt something different in my heart as the Man who entered walk towards me, My heart started beating so fast as if it would come out any second. In front of me stood a tall handsome guy with crimson red hair and grey eyes staring at me as I stared him back. Suddenly I heard Marin whispering my name and I snapped back from my world and realised that I was standing and staring at my new homeroom teacher.

What a great start to a new semester I thought.

"Any problem?" was the first word I heard from him and his voice was still lingering in my head, his deep and husky voice it just turned me on and I wonder how can a man be this hot. The homeroom ended soon with no more conversation between us, I was waiting for an opportunity to speak with him but failed to do.

"What were you thinking, Sena Watanabe? "  Shouted at me by my best friend Marin, she was literally so shocked for what happened early during the homeroom. I was also confused at myself that how could I just stare at my homeroom teacher, but for me at that moment I felt so different something I never felt before.


"Seriously she did that, What the heck Sena" Said Yuki who was laughing so hard at me. Marin and Yuki started to tease me that I like my homeroom teacher but I just couldn't accept it, I mean how could I have a crush on my own homeroom teacher it was totally absurd. But then I saw him walking down the hallway, my eyes fixed on him as he goes, I felt something inside of me whenever I saw him. I reached home, went to my room and tried to recollect everything that happened today, that why would I feel that way towards him,why did I try to find opportunity to talk with him, why would my cheeks burned whenever I think of him.. . Why why why was all I could have thought!!

And the only conclusion I could reached was that my friends were correct, I am in love with my new homeroom teacher - Ito Yoshida.....

I couldn't sleep that night, the whole night I was thinking about him and ways to be closer to him. Don't blame me, I mean who won't think of it when they have a crush on someone, literally everybody does that. "What's with that eye bag? " Said Marin, then I told her about my feelings and about last night, Marin seemed excited as it was the first time I was talking about my love life. Yuki could not stop laughing at me saying how hideous I look today with that bags, well what could I do, couldn't help it.

For the first time I was pretty excited for my homeroom class because I will get see him, that too first thing in the morning. Then he entered the class looking hot as always and my eyes again all fixed on him.

"Miss Watanabe, meet me after the class".

Did he just ask for me, am I dreaming - I thought, I felt excited and couldn't wait for the class to be over, I couldn't wait to be finally alone with him.

The bell rang and my time finally came.

Marin wished me Good luck and I went off to meet my crush. I was feeling pretty nervous inside as I would be alone with him. I could hear my heart beat thumping away, i hope he won't hear that.

"Yoshida Sensei, you asked for me? " I asked with a confident face but inside felt like my heart could come out any second. I never knew Humans felt this way whenever they were with their crush, I guess I still have a lot more to know.

He then suddenly stood up and walk towards me, right in front of me and looked into my eyes. He's close this is bad my heart can't handle it, is this what I think it is? Is he gonna kiss me? My first ever first kiss? and without thinking I was leaning towards him, closing my eyes as the actors does in the movies I saw before.

"Miss Watanabe are you not feeling well? , your face looks pale, you got bags under your eyes and your lips are all chapped up"

HUH? Did i heard it right? I was just crushed at that moment well Goodbye to my romance life, This is it. I ran from there, I ran so fast till my legs gave in. I couldn't believe what I just heard from him, I felt such an embarrassment inside and wanted to hide somewhere, where no one could ever found me. But then I bumped into Okuda, of all the people seriously why him. I didn't even have the energy to deal with him right now. "Going somewhere? ", he said it with a smirk face. I ignored him and walk past him. I really hate this guy. But he held my hand and pulled me close and whispered in my ear, " You look so hot when you are breathless, it's turning me on so much"

I was just out of words, how can someone be this shameless! Is he even in his right mind?

I tried to push him away but strangely I feel so powerless, it's like i don't have any energy inside me and then he suddenly pushed me down and i noticed his hands was sliding between my thighs. I couldn't move and couldn't utter a word either, I was so scared that I was slowly losing my consciousness.

The last words I heard was - "Miss Watanabe!! ".