
Is her love true?

At first glance, Wendell Chestna appears as a beautiful prince whose presence will enchant others while dashing away on his horse. In reality, he's not much different from any normal teenage boy, despite how children's books portray those that wear a crown. When holding such a high title it's quite difficult to determine the sincerity of peoples' kindness. His father's recent death after a lasting war leaves Wendell in a stressful position. Their law dictates the eldest son must claim the throne upon reaching sixteen years of age, which he will turn to by the next two months. To make matters even worse his mother sets an arranged marriage with some nobleman's daughter. This union would grant them an ally nation all at the cost of her hand, but she is not the one Wendell plans to wed. Rather hoping for a sweet peasant girl dwelling in the poorest village to become his lifelong companion, Kana Littleton. Queen Althelia proposes a simple deal. If the lovestruck boy can get a favorable answer before the set time limit he is free to espouse her instead. These conditions are generous enough but will Kana accept him for the right reasons? Is her love pure honest emotions from the heart or only swayed by his wealth and status? Under a fake persona as an ordinary foreign boy, Wendell will discover if they're truly meant to marry. Meanwhile, another war thought to have ended is slowly approaching... Cover by: mahiramateen13 Banner by: GGUKLITE (Also on Wattpad called: Is It True Love?

Mystical_Dreams · Teen
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41 Chs

Q and A

Greetings readers, before your departure, I'd love for you to participate in a little questionnaire that won't take very long. 

1. Who are your favorites characters? 

2. What characters did you dislike? 

3. Favorite side couple and any cute ship names? 

4. Best Wendell x Kana moment good/sad?

5. Things you enjoyed about the story overall? 

6. Areas where you feel I can improve? Open to constructive criticism! (Even though this story's final draft is completed, I still appreciate general writing tips^^)

Fun fact #1: In the original script for this the side relationships were pretty much nonexistent. I had a bit going on for Oliver and Blanche but the other two especially were glossed over. This book would've been far shorter if I stuck to the old version.

Fun fact #2: I had many names changed from the original script. They were mostly just placeholders until I thought of something better. (Examples from a few of the main characters; Victoria=Blanche, Richard=Justus, Jodi=Saelufu, Ashton=Alphonse,
