
A dog's life (3)

Authors note:

This chapter has some form of beastiality. Please don't read if not okay with it.

I don't condone sexual acts with animals, but neither am I okay with rape, murder or pedo action. I am writing it but hope that my readers have proper understanding of right and wrong.


The next morning started out normal. Hana was still doing her best to help around. Tsume was still her stern self. A small dog was still seen running around here and there.

But if one looked more carefully, there were signs that things did change. For example, whenever the small dog appeared, Tsume would go away. And if she was unable, the dog would get near her and sniff her private parts, making Tsume gasp.

Tsume tried to shoo the dog away, but it refused. And not only that, it would even growl if she wanted to run. Normally such things would anger Tsume and she would apply corrective behavior training on a dog, but for some reason she was unable to. 

Its gaze was stern and made her feel as if she needed to obey. But it was only a dog. Yet, it was the dog that made her feel like no man had ever been able to.

'She feels guilty, horrified and a bit disgusted. But I can smell her body reacting to memories of the night. Only, she is not voluntarily willing to repeat it.'

Iruka had spent the day watching and observing. Having seen her in that position and having tasted her, filled him with desire. Desire to make her his. 

'I am still not sure when I can revert to my human appearance, but somehow I retained my girth and partial length. Although this is already more than most men have, if I can trust those sluts in the village.'

Iruka couldn't help but feel his male pride. He truly was gifted in one aspect at least. And that was enough to conquer. One tool to make them all drool.

The whole day passed in such a way. Iruka had tried a few times more to get close to Tsume. He had met with failure most of the time. It was close to dusk when he finally made some progress.

Tsume was sitting on the veranda, tired of the whole day of work. The whole tension and guilt with one particular dog strained her even more. 

'How could I have done that? What kind of disgusting woman am I? Am I that desperate?'

She buried her face in her hands. She was trying her best to calm her mind. But everytime she did that, her mind would wander off to last night. And her body would twitch at the memory, no matter how much she tried to control herself.

She had no idea how to deal with all of this. Frustrated, she laid her head on the table. Before she knew it, she dozed off.

Unbeknownst to her, Iruka had been peeking through the bushes all this time. He was waiting for an opportunity. It took a while, but the moment presented itself. 

'Patience bears sweet fruits. Or in this case hopefully sweet and sour pussy.'

Iruka was excited but didn't lose his head. He tiptoed towards the veranda. 

Tsume had worn shorts as it was a very warm day. Since she had fallen asleep, her legs had parted. The shorts were strained but a bit of space remained from the sides.

'How to have maximum impact with this? Because if she wakes up, she will run again.'

Iruka looked a bit and simulated a few different scenarios in his mind. Finally he decided to just lick from the sides. It wouldn't be as useful as licking her slit and clit, but it would still be erogenous. That much he had already experienced last night.

He carefully reached up and started to lick, using the tip mostly. 

'It's a bit salty. Maybe her sweat from all day work. But it makes it even more tasty.'

As he continued to lick, he noticed Tsume squirm. He was prepared to be a bit forceful if needed. He had observed a few things during the day.

'She always wants to run away and acts forcefully with others. But if someone overwhelms her will and is a bit more forceful, she melts a bit. Luckily, I am the only one who is a bit forceful with her around here.'


A sudden moan escaped from Tsume. She seemed to be dreaming a bit dreaming. 

'Good. Her dream is being influenced by mine action it seems. Good, she is not traumatized.'

Suddenly he felt her hand on his head, playing with his fur.

"..No doggy…bad doggy…ah."

'What? Is she really daydreaming about me? She is even more perverted than I assumed. What a wonderful life.'

Tsume was initially just sleeping. But her mind wandered even in her sleep to the happenings of last night. In her sleepy state however, she had no way to adjust her thoughts.

Purely by coincidence it was exactly when Iruka had started to lick down there. The memorie and the real world merged together, creating this moment. 

'It feels so great…but why is it a bit different?'

Tsume tried to adjust her position because she wanted to feel the tongue on her slit. Like last night.

Her movement however caused the chair to get unstable, making her fall over.


The fall woke her up of course. She was confused, but then she saw the dog. She also became aware of the saliva on her thighs. It was happening again!

"No…please no…!"

She almost cried as she ran away. Iruka didn't follow. He was a bit disappointed but not sad. He was sure he had already broken her mind a bit. It was a matter of time.

He shook his head and was about to turn. It was at that moment he noticed another person. A girl who shared her bed with him, Hana!

'Is she…?'

Hana was sitting there with her eyes closed and her fingers under her skirt. It seemed as if she was trying to squish her legs.

'I am so stupid. There is another prey in this house…younger…immature and one who just entered puberty.'

Iruka grinned. He didn't scare her. He walked away…excited about the night.

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