
Irrevocably Lost In The Twilight

This book has been republished with the same title. This new version contains 89 chapters. The adventures of Estrange and his friends will continue in a second volume to be published soon. Thank you for your support! Estrange's dull existence is suddenly interrupted by a dream that awakens in him an uncontrollable desire mixed with an intense and hitherto forgotten thirst... Incited by this new sensation, he decides to leave the gloom of his life as a mercenary and to go in search of Alma - the little girl he had rescued 20 years ago during a plane crash. By the time Alma realizes that the man who has saved her life several times is a vampire, it will be too late and there will be no turning back for their intense love story. Meanwhile, Alma's hidden talents are noticed by a secret organization working in the shadows that is willing to do anything to achieve its ends.

nan_men_xing_ · Sci-fi
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38 Chs


I spent my life until now, hiding from those who are different, living in a world where my talents are used to serve the GOOD. But when everything becomes unbearable and we want to give up, the hunt begins...

Am I the only one?

Summer, 2020 France

Was I ready for the end of this theater play in which the universe had cast me a role? Would I be prepared for such a test? Or, maybe... My mind was numb from all these years? Was it all in vain? Beyond my anger and my distress, I had a brief glimmer of hope. All this was over and I would soon get away with her...

I took a step, crossed the threshold... My view became confused... my breath had stopped, and in front of me, in a twinkling... I saw a nightmare...

The smell of blood, I had loved so much before, had twisted my heart with sorrow now. The desk was spilled, near a fallen chair. With a prowess, frozen fingers, unbreathing, I pushed the door a bit more to unveil another part of this agony...

A roar arose from my chest and I raged, trying to understand what had really happened...

The light changed, shadows sprang out of nothingness and twined together to formed deeply thick smoke clouds, which gradually morphed into a human form...

I screamed in terror...

Everything disappeared and the darkness reigned again...

At the end of the longest tunnel, I saw the one who had always accompanied me, lurking in the shadows - the predator... It was there... It was approaching... I heard its roar. It was ready. Its prey was at his feet...

I looked around me, bewildered. I saw only my own reflection... It sneered...