
irreverence's tale

A soul that exuded the pungent stench of blood was trapped in the river of reincarnation Not accepting the fate of death, his primitive instincts came to the surface. Fighting against the pressure exerted on his soul, his soul was about to break, but suddenly he found himself in the body of a noble teen, who was considered the trash of the Crimson family. English is not my first language, so may have some mistakes :p

grimdemon · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Chapter 002 - Power Ranking

The sun slowly appeared on the horizon, bringing warmth and chasing away the cold feeling that accompanied the night.

Lying in bed was Drake, enjoying his first good night's sleep in a long time.

His eyes trembled, his consciousness was about to awaken and soon, his eyes opened.

"It's the morning huh"

Enjoying of a few seconds after waking up lethargic, he straightened up. Forcing his stiff body to stand, Drake dragged himself out of bed, standing, focusing on his schedule and his plans from today onwards.

He went towards the wardrobe, taking the first light t-shirt he found, putting on his shoes and heading towards the door. Opening the door he saw a corridor, there were few doors close to his room. Due to his lack of memory and his sense of direction, he didn't know which direction to go.

A delicious aroma entered his nostrils. His basic need, to feed, was pushing his body to the limit, making his stomach growl.

Walking towards the delicious aroma, he found the kitchen. There were few workers who moved quickly between the ovens and pans. They were preparing breakfast for the Crimson members.

"Greetings Young Master"

Some workers greeted him, while others just glanced at him. Drake Crimson was just a normal human being, making many question what made this teenager better than them.

"Good morning"

Responding with a short sentence and then walking away, Drake went towards the basket of bread that was baked, taking 2 in each hand and sticking one in his mouth he walked towards the exit.

As he walked and enjoyed the fresh bread, he carried on in a carefree manner.

The taste was good, it brought a good amount of dopamine to the brain, making him close his eyes for a few moments.

Walking for a few minutes, upon seeing a servant cleaning some decorations, he approached and asked.

"Hi, after the accident, my head is a little confused. Can you tell me if there is a library here?"

The servant looked on with a surprised expression.

"There is the Crimson family's official library on the fifth floor, young master."

Nodding he walked away, walking towards the stairs, Drake climbing step by step.

After his slow walk.

What met his vision was a completely luxurious and elegant environment. Large wooden shelves filled the room, many books were on display, not a trace of dust could be seen.

"Good Morning Young Drake"

Hearing a deep voice that seemed to reverberate throughout the room, Drake looked toward the voice.

There was an old man there, he had long white hair, his gray eyes contained a gleam of wisdom, wisdom that can only be obtained with time.

Drake had some suspicions as to who this man was, but from the boy's notes, he was probably the librarian. A Mage of great wisdom who joined the family and one of the few people who were friendly with Drake.

"Good morning Condis"

Drake responded politely.

Condis was a Mage. An orphan who contained great talent in the path of magic. For a long time he accompanied the group of comrades of the current family patriarch, when their paths separated, the patriarch offered a place in his family to Condis.

" Young Drake, excuse my intrusion, but how are your injuries? " Condis asked with a curious look.

From Condis' question, Drake suspected that he was the one who rescued him.

"I'm fine, were you the one who rescued me?" Drake asked with an indifferent expression.

Condis had an amused expression on his face.

"Sorry young Drake, I wish I could see if you would awaken your bloodline on your deathbed, but who knew you'd almost die for real"

Condis was shamelessly mocking his inability, but the fact that he had rescued him showed that at least he wouldn't let him die.

However, Drake today reacted differently, instead of getting angry or showing childish expressions. His face remained indifferent, somehow his entire presence seemed more composed today.

"Well, I accepted the risk the moment I decided to venture out, but anyway, thank you Condis"

Drake said as he continued unconcernedly.

"I'm looking for some books, about mana core and power classification, can you tell me where I can find them?"

Condis with a thoughtful expression replied.

"Young Drake, I've lost count of how many times you've read these books, but anyway, do what you want. Look at the 3rd shelf on the left."

"Thank you" Drake said.

Drake gave a brief salute, and continued on his way to the 3rd shelf.

There were many books on general knowledge on this shelf, related to languages, the world and politics, however, his hands went towards a certain direction.

Power Ratings, a basic book, about the knowledge that any knight or wizard would have from a young age. Looking through the other book he was looking for, he soon found it, Mana Core.

With the books in his hands he walked towards the tables and sat down. Looking at the writing in the book, he felt uncomfortable, although the language was strange to his eyes, in his head everything was flowing automatically, but he soon ignored this daydream.

Picking up the first book, Power Ratings, he began reading.



An energy of nature

Many question the origin of such a miraculous existence.

But unfortunately few received answers.

Mana allows us to strengthen ourselves, thus increasing our chances of survival

When it comes to survival, those who are fittest will always prevail.

From the fourth century after the great war, Humans and all adjacent races reached a consensus on power levels.

Scholars separated between Knights and Mages.

In a way it was unfair to compare completely opposite fighting classes, but after many studies and many fights, classifications were decided that equated such levels of power.


They were warriors who used their bodies

To be a knight you need to create an Aura core within yourself.

Forming an Aura core requires you to be sensitive to Mana.

The nucleus formed in the center of the body, where all the meridians interconnect, emits a certain power, called Aura. Allowing its users to coat their bodies and weapons, increasing their fighting capacity.

There are even those lucky ones, who have compatibility with natural elements. Their Auras assign your element of compatibility, taking ownership of such elements.

The Knights' ranks are.


Knight - novice - intermediate - advanced

Grand Knight - novice - intermediate - advanced

Aura Master - novice - intermediate - advanced

Aura Pinnacle - unknown

The apprentice level represents the basis of body control. In short, an apprentice would be reaching the limit of their body structure, muscles, organs and bones. Apprentices who train and push their bodies to the limit eventually reach their threshold, but to advance to the rank of Knight requires an aura core.

What differentiates a Knight from an Apprentice is that the Knight has Aura and can emit Aura through his meridians. Strengthening your strength and fighting capacity.

A Knight uses aura, which can only be attributed to part of their body, muscles and internal parts. As their exert theirself, their cores strengthen, improving the ability to sense mana, increasing the Aura stock and explosive power.

A Knight became a Grand Knight from the moment he managed to cover the entire length of his body in Aura, improving all attributes equally, but at the price of a greater expenditure of energy.

A Grand Knight becomes an Aura Master from the moment he can wrap his Aura in objects external to his body, such as wrapping his weapons in Aura, increasing their durability and attack power.

Obviously in the case of Aura users, depending on their weapon, combat style, technique, lineage and talent, the results may be relative.

Leafing through the book further, drake decided to interrupt his absorption of knowledge about Aura levels, as he felt that it would not add anything to his current level.

As the pages scrolled, he soon spotted the interesting part.

Mages Classification

Unlike Aura users, Mages, created a mana core in their sea of consciousness. Strengthening your soul and using mana in magical circles.

Mages gained notoriety after their major appearances in the great wars. On the battlefield, his long-range attacks and area attacks were super effective in the face of a large number of opponents. But such power could not be easily obtained, only those graced with the good will of destiny were born with the talent to be able to walk the path of magic.

Regarding Aura users, Mages did not need to physically strengthen themselves, as a result, having weaker bodies.

Mage's Ranking

Apprentice - 

Mage - 1 to 3 circles

Grand-Mage - 4 to 6 Circles

Arch-Mage - 7 to 9 Circles

Mastery of Magic - unknown

Currently, this was the information that was available about the power ratings of magicians.

The current emperor of the country of Deore was a 6-Circle Grand Mage. Even comparing with other important figures, there is no information about those who managed to surpass the 9th circle.

The circles represent the amount of mana a Mage can store. Also the complexity of the spells it can cast. The greater the need for Circles in a spell, the greater its firepower.

There are records that a full-power attack from a 9-Circle Arch Mage could easily erase an entire continent. Like the time a legendary Mage fought a dragon and just the air pressure created by their impacts created tsunamis around the world.


Looking at the book and observing its pictures. Drake decided to stop his reading.

His goal was aligning with the path of Aura.

His eyes shone with fiery determination, he was in awe. All those words and even some figures showed the greatness of those beings who obtained great power.

He was eager to join his Aura User journey.

There was a reason for that.

Feeling a tingling like magnetism around his body, Drake realized.

He just felt Mana.