
I Will Claim Your Life

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Would he put a coin into her palm? If he did, should she conjure the backbone of the Xiaos and bite him to death?

"You may leave." Shen Chengfeng turned around and gave no more attention to the pair of hands that were hovering awkwardly behind him.

Xiao Jing retracted her hands embarrassedly. Although she would have very much liked to punch him, when told to choose between dignity and survival, she chose the latter.

Even a man knew when to be humble and when to hold his head high. Why would a woman like her be any exception?

Hahaha. Xiao Jing exited the room and looked up at the night sky. Finally, she could not hold it in any longer. She turned around and put up her middle finger at the door.

The room fell quiet once again. Shen Chengfeng unfurled his hand and scrutinized the lines on his palm with undivided attention. The next moment, he casually picked up a piece of paper.

A whiff of white smoke rose from between his fingers. In mere moments, all that was left between his fingertips was a pinch of dust, which quickly disintegrated into nothingness as a gust of wind blew it to the floor.

He knocked on the tabletop softly. The tabletop, which has initially been smooth and even, formed a hole almost instantly, as it was eroding. The smell of charcoal filled the air.

Shen Chengfeng stopped testing the environment. He put on his gloves, calm and composed.

His face, stoic as ever, was a face that none could read. It was impossible to tell if he was happy or sad. He was so cold and aloof that he cut off everyone entirely with his icy demeanor.

The intense fragrance of food from the mess hall tempted Xiao Jing like it was a hand pulling her in. He looked at the dishes behind the glass and was satisfied to see meat. She teased, "Did anything happen, Squad Leader Xiao? Your culinary skills sure have improved over the past two days."

The man whom Xiao Jing addressed as Squad Leader Xiao raised his chin proudly and lifted his brows. "Didn't the higher-ups send a bigshot over? We, the Cookhouse Squad, must also seize the chance to show him what we've got."

Xiao Jing picked up her lunchbox and chose a table. The moment she sat down, she could feel strange stares coming at her from all directions.

Chen Hu slid the chicken drumstick on his plate into her bowl. He was friendly. "Eat more."

Xiao Jing took a quick look around at the gazes of those who scanned her somewhat. She touched her face. "Why are you guys looking at me like that?"

"Commander Lian said told us that the superior officers had prepared one last fitness test for you tonight." Chen Hu explained.

Only then did Xiao Jing recall about that matter. The drumstick she was chewing dropped to her plate with a thud, and she winced, "What fitness test?"

"I heard that it's gun-related." Chen Hu shook his head. "The bullets have been specially modified. While they're not fatal, they will have a real effect on the body when you get shot."

Xiao Jing felt her back stiffen inch by inch. What did he mean by a "real effect?"

"It'll feel as if you got shot. It'll be excruciating." Chen Hu patted her frail-looking frame solemnly. "Rest assured. Even if you go down, we will carry you back to the barracks."

Xiao Jing chewed on the chicken drumstick in silence. She had the premonition that the Xiao family would receive news of her glorious sacrifice tomorrow morning.

The night soon got late, and the night winds consumed the field. Soldiers, who had been moving the sandbags, evacuated the area in an orderly fashion.

Lian Qing put the guns down one by one in front of Xiao Jing. Usually, they were there only to pass the years, so no one seriously took the time and effort to understand the prowess of the guns. All they knew were their calibers and range.

Xiao Jing smiled wryly. "Commander, are we going in with such high stakes?"

"It's an order from above. I have no say in the matter." Lian Qing put a sniper rifle into her hands. "Major Mu just gave me a suggestion. He recommends using Barrett M82A2 without stock. Developed by M Nation, it is light and easy to carry, has good range, incredible accuracy, and great power. It will suit you better than the heavy M82A1."

Xiao Jing was shoved into her area of bulwarks. She was about 300 meters from where Shen Chengfeng stood.

The night gales wailed. Calmly and steadily, Shen Chengfeng strode towards her.

Xiao Jing immediately went into position with her sniper rifle. Without hesitation, she pulled the trigger, aiming straight for that arrogant yet impressive figure.

Bang! Under the silent night sky, the sound of the gunshot was almost as loud as thunder.

Xiao Jing's eyes widened. The figure that had been right in front of her had disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Bam! The next moment, a bullet narrowly missed her ear and burrowed into the sandbag behind her.

Xiao Jing covered her ears on instinct and quickly hid, ensuring that her body was well hidden. She hugged her gunstock near to her chest, allowed herself to pant twice, and then prepared once again to shoot.

"I've already given you a chance." The ominous voice of the man echoed the field like a midnight terror.

Xiao Jing reacted almost immediately and quickly turned around. However, the barrel of a gun was already pushed against her forehead.

The man pulled the trigger lightly and said, "Decent reaction time. You're just too inexperienced. It's a pity, but you would have been killed in battle."

Xiao Jing grabbed his hand, trying to put up one last fight. However, all she could manage to do was to grab his glove before the man pulled the trigger again.

Bang! The bullet landed on her chest, and the considerable impact sent her frail body flying.

Xiao Jing clutched the glove she had managed to peel from his hand as she landed heavily onto the ground. It felt as though the bullet had pierced her chest clean through, and an indescribable pain quickly engulfed all of her nerves.

Shen Chengfeng threw the handgun on the sandbag behind him. Looking down at her, he said to Xiao Jing's unresponsive body on the ground, "I can see that you're indignant."

Xiao Jing pressed down on her chest as she sat up. Searing, throbbing pain shot up from the injured area with every breath. Indeed, she was indignant. It sucked that she had been declared dead before she even had the chance to step onto the battlefield.

"With how you currently stand, you are unqualified to enter the regular special ops, let alone the Special Command Unit."

Humiliation. That was a complete humiliation.

"I'm giving you a chance. Remain this pathetic in one year, and you will go back to wherever you came from. I have no place for weaklings under my command!"

Xiao Jing didn't know what overcame her at that moment, but in the face of provocation, she could not resist a retort.

Under the crisp night sky, her determined voice resounded, "One day, I will take not just your glove, but also your life!"

Mu Xichi shivered. The newbie had dared to say anything, and it was as blatant as it could have been. He felt that their petty yet vengeful Commander might snap the lad's neck on the spot.

Shen Chengfeng turned around and threw a sneer at the frail-looking Xiao Jing. He said coldly, "I'll wait for you to claim it."

Seeing that he had left, Xiao Jing fell on her butt and started to rub her still painful chest.

Lian Qing handed her a bottle of water. "I was so worried that he might follow up with another shot."

Xiao Jing twisted the cap open and looked at him, looking pitiful and wronged. "You've got to take responsibility, Commander."