
I, Too, Would Like to Be a Hero for Once

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The three of them met a dead-end at the bottom of a cliff and were overcome with despair.

Lin Qi put Xiao Jing down. After studying the map carefully, he said with a heavy heart, "If we want to keep going, the only way is to climb up."

Qin Yishan frowned slightly, and remarked, "It won't be much of a problem for the two of us to climb up this cliff. But given how serious Second Lieutenant Xiao's injury is, it's going to be very dangerous for him to attempt it."

"Don't worry about me," Xiao Jing said as she took a massive gulp of water. Having rehydrated herself a little, she stood in front of the cliff and clenched her teeth as she began to scale it.

Lin Qi followed behind her, intending to act as her human cushion if Xiao Jing accidentally fell.

Xiao Jing panted forcefully, and she struggled to grasp the vertical cliff with her right hand. Her hand slipped on several occasions, and she almost fell. Blood soaked her bandage and dripped a trail on the rocks.

They were enveloped by the darkness of the night and surrounded by gloom.

"Awooooo…" a wolf howled in the distance, and the sound echoed for a while.

In the tent erected at the finish line, Mu Xichi sat solemnly in front of a computer screen as he stared unblinkingly at the picture he had received from the satellite. It was a pity that his favorite candidate, Lin Qi, had fallen behind to last place.

"The commander has personally gone out with two others again," someone opened the flap of the tent to report. The tone of his voice betrayed his glee at the candidates' misfortune.

Mu Xichi lit a cigarette and hiked his feet up. "Cheng Chen," he called out, "is it just me, or has the commander been acting a little strange lately?"

The man who was called Chang Chen placed his water glass down. He felt a little puzzled too, and said, "Now that you mention it, I have to agree with you. Since when has our commander ever personally taken part in the training of the recruits? Although there are two Lieutenant Colonels among the recruits this time around, that still doesn't warrant him lowering himself to attend to them personally."

"Why do I have a feeling that it isn't because of Lin Qi and his counterpart?" Mu Xichi clasped his hands together and rested his jaw on them. He narrowed his eyes, and an unreadable expression flashed across his face.

"I heard that the higher-ups specially sent someone from Regiment 525. Is it possible that the commander is concerned about that recruit because of his background? But the commander himself is from a prestigious family! Why would he give two hoots about those matters?"

"I really can't put my finger on it. The whole thing just feels weird to me. But, fortunately, Xiao Jing is going to be eliminated this time," Mu Xichi said with a massive grin on his face.

"You dislike Xiao Jing?" Cheng Chen asked.

"I don't exactly dislike him. It's just that every day that he's around is another day that the commander thinks less of me."

"When has the commander ever even thought of you?"

Mu Xichi glared at Cheng Chen. What on earth was that supposed to mean? How could he not know how highly the commander thought of him! He had to know it!

Inside the jungle, the moonlight flickered through the foliage, and several figures flitted past like ghosts.

"I want you to give it your all, and teach these arrogant recruits a good lesson." Shen Chengfeng leaned against a tree trunk with a gun in his hand and looked down the two individuals hiding on the ground as he motioned at them with his hand.

The two members of the Special Forces who were behind him leaped down and confronted their targets head-on. Bullets fell like droplets of rain from the sky.

Qi Pei and Jiang Qi were exposed before they could even react. Bullet holes surrounded them, and they were sure that blood would pour out of their bodies if any of the bullets hit them.

The Special Command Unit lived up to its reputation well! Live rounds were used even for casual training!

"Surrender or die," Jiang Xin, one of the Special Forces members, announced as he aimed at the other party, in line with his commander's order.

Qi Pei and Jiang Si exchanged looks. They were in unspoken agreement that this was likely just part of the training, and if they chose to surrender, they would be disqualified on the spot.

Without replying to each other, they both picked up their guns in a bid for a last hurrah.

"I guess you've chosen to die," Jiang Xin's body moved in the blink of an eye, and assumed a position for close combat.

Jiang Si sensed movement behind him. When he turned around, he saw the flash of a knife and stepped back instinctively. The sharp blade sliced across his cheek, leaving a thin and bloody line in its wake.

The two of them looked at each other! This was real combat!

"Let me teach you a crucial lesson today. Dignity in the face of death is important, but not as important as having a grip on reality! When you are in a situation where the odds are significantly in your enemy's favor, it is most important to protect yourself!" Jiang Xin brought his fist down on Qi Pei's right shoulder.

Qi Pei stumbled forward. By the time he recovered, the gun in his hand had disappeared. He looked up just as a pistol was pressed against his eyebrows.

"And you're dead," Jiang Xin announced.

Qi Pei knew the rules. He was, indeed, as good as a dead man.

Jiang Si was heavily beaten by the blows his opponent rained on him. With his eyes and nose swollen shut, he fell to the ground. Similarly, a gun was pressed between his eyebrows.

The death of the two individuals brought their armed training to a premature end.

"Jiang Xin, come with me," Shen Chengfeng, who had stayed hidden in the treetop throughout, issued his next order.

Jiang Xin packed up his weapons and followed closely behind. "Commander, who are we going after now?" he asked.

Shen Chengfeng stopped in his tracks and directed his gaze at the three people who had just climbed in front of him. The expression on his face was cold, and no one could read his thoughts.

Jiang Xin said eagerly, "These three people make up a severely handicapped team!"

"Get rid of the other two in the southwest direction. Leave these three to me."

Jiang Xin gaped at his commander. These three individuals of varying levels of capability were all more or less injured. How could such a pathetically weak team warrant having the commander confront them in person? He could easily destroy them all with just his pinky finger!

Shen Chengfeng glanced sideways at Jiang Xin, who was busy staring at the three people ahead, and said dispassionately, "I do not like having to repeat myself."

Jiang Xin shuddered at his tone and rushed off in the other direction, not daring to remain a moment longer.

Lin Qi noticed that something was amiss and warned, "There's an ambush waiting!"

Qin Yishan went on the alert and scrutinized their surroundings. Except for the night wind, he wasn't able to detect any suspicious movement.

Xiao Jing lay on her back, feeling like she was about to die. She felt like she was at death's door. The pain in her arms was excruciating, and her head was spinning. She wanted very much to throw up and sleep at the same time.

"Take Second Lieutenant Xiao and leave. I'll cover you from behind." Lin Qi hid behind a barrier as his eyes scanned ahead unblinkingly.

"I, too, would like to be a hero for once." Xiao Jing leaned against the boulder, and her face broke out in a bitter smile.