
He Said That I Belonged to You

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Xiao Jing could see the jealousy in Mu Xichi's eyes.

Raw, unbridled jealousy.

With his nose in the air and his chin upturned, Mu Xichi was staring haughtily at Xiao Jing as she cleaned up the mess. "What are you looking at? Clean it up quickly! Let me tell you, even if the Commander favors you, I am still in charge of logistics. Since I am in charge, you will not receive any differential treatment from me." Mu Xichi snorted.

Xiao Jing covered her mouth and coughed lightly. "Has there been a misunderstanding, Major Mu?"

"Humph." Mu Xichi walked up to Xiao Jing and crouched down to get closer to her. "Don't try to suck up to me. I'm a straightforward person, so if you have anything to say, just spit it out. Your tricks won't work on me."

Xiao Jing gulped. There was something sour in the air, and she could not help but sneak a peek at Mu Xichi as he left. He had gotten up with one hand on the wall and kicked at the glass fragments before walking out.

Why was she the one to suffer when they were the ones who had fought?

The siren had just sounded and was now echoing throughout the entire dormitory building.

"Oh gosh," said Xiao Jing, as she quickly got up from the floor. She slipped in her haste and ended up ingesting a sizable amount of dust once again.

Not having enough time to tidy her attire, Xiao Jing ran straight to the main entrance. It was a good thing that she had stayed on the second level. If she had been on a higher level, she might have jumped down without thinking twice. As long as Xiao Jing survived the fall, she would make her way to the drill grounds with her last breath.

Cigarette in his mouth, Qi Yue seemed to be in high spirits as he stood on top of a vehicle. He looked down at the people who had gathered before him, and wisps of smoke came out of his mouth.

Lin Qi was the first to arrive. His breathing was even, and not a single hair was out of place, despite him running over.

Qi Yue pointed at Xiao Jing, who was standing at the end of the line. "You. Come out," he said to her.

Xiao Jing stepped forward with her head high and chest out, standing at attention. "Yes, sir," she answered.

Qi Yue leaped off the roof of the car and circled Xiao Jing twice. "Didn't the Commander say he would train you personally? What are you doing here? Aren't you in the wrong place?"

Xiao Jing was taken aback. Looking around the drill grounds, she saw no signs of Shen Chengfeng.

Grinning like a Cheshire cat, Qi Yue asked, "What? Have you been sent back here because you were too stupid?"

"I thought it was time for morning lessons," answered Xiao Jing.

"It is time for morning lessons, but you are no longer my responsibility. If the Commander hasn't arrived, maybe you should head back to your room for a little snooze," suggested Qi Yue.

Xiao Jing furrowed her brows. She did not believe that Shen Chengfeng would be so kind as to let her sleep in a little longer.

Could he be hiding somewhere waiting for her to leave the drill grounds? Maybe he would suddenly appear out of nowhere the moment she left, and give her a talking-to.

At that thought, Xiao Jing figured that it would be better if she stayed put and waited for him to appear.

Meanwhile, Qi Yue led the remaining six to the training grounds in the southwest.

Xiao Jing was all by herself on the gigantic drill grounds, and the only thing that kept her company was a mosquito flying around her.

A car entered the camp, just as the sun bashfully peeked out from behind the mountains. Since it was dawn, it was not warm or humid.

Shen Chengfeng opened the door of the car with one hand and casually looked up. His eyes glinted when he saw the solitary figure standing not too far away.

Xiao Jing glared at the man coming out of the car with a hint of resentment in her eyes. If it had not been for their respective identities, she would have scratched him.

Shen Chengfeng closed the car door behind him and approached her slowly, then checked out the surroundings. From a distance, the passionate roars and growls of soldiers who were currently busy training could be heard. "You didn't follow Qi Yue?" he asked.

"He said that I belonged to you and didn't want me to trail along," answered Xiao Jing as she massaged her thighs. She had been standing there like an idiot for the past three hours!

Shen Chengfeng gave her a once-over, then looked at the sun hanging above their heads. He then bypassed her and headed straight to the canteen. "Let's talk after eating," he said, as he walked past her.

Xiao Jing tugged at his sleeve and said wryly, "Commander, I'm hungry too."

Peering at the hand that was tugging at his sleeve, Shen Chengfeng lifted his hand and gently shoved her hand aside. "You are the stupidest soldier I have ever met," he said to Xiao Jing.

Xiao Jing quickly followed after him. Since most of the soldiers were at training, the canteen was empty except for the staff.

The leader of the Cookhouse Squad, Zhou Jin, personally carried over a plate of buns and two bowls of corn porridge. "Master Shen, this is the first time that I've seen you bring one of your soldiers to the canteen for a meal," he quipped.

"Do you know why your predecessor, Chen Bao, left suddenly? It was because he was inefficient and had too much to say. Steel Eagle is no place for idlers. Would you perhaps also like to leave your post?" Shen Chengfeng looked at him expressionlessly, his eyes not betraying any emotion, as usual.

Zhou Jin got the hint and quickly shut his mouth before bringing the empty tray back to the kitchen.

While chewing on the meat bun, Xiao Jing cautiously snuck a glance at her temperamental superior.

"Eat!" Shen Chengfeng picked up a bowl and started eating the corn porridge earnestly.

"Sir, there is a question that I have wanted to ask for the longest time," Xiao Jing mumbled.

"Well, keep it to yourself. This is not a family gathering. You can't speak on a whim," Shen Chengfeng placed the empty bowl on the table, then stood up. He looked at the skinny person who was still seated, and said, not unkindly, "Come to Zone 3 of the East Camp when you're done."

Xiao Jing finished her bowl of porridge quickly and scrambled after Shen Chengfeng. They then climbed into an SUV together.

The entire drive was bumpy, despite the cushioning of the car seats. After they arrived, the SUV parked in front of the sign for Zone 3.

There was a shooting range in the distance, which was reflected in the sunglasses that Shen Chengfeng was wearing.

A few officers were practicing, and the sounds of the guns echoed throughout the range.

Cheng Chen put down his sniper rifle and could not help furrowing his brows when he saw the figure following Shen Chengfeng. It was a training ground for official members of the Steel Eagle unit. No rookies, not even the recruits who were waiting to be selected, were allowed here.

And the Commander had brought someone as unremarkable as the rookie into a sacred place!

Shen Chengfeng picked out a 5.56 mm M733, manufactured in Country M, at random. After inspecting the magazine and making sure that there was nothing wrong with it, he handed it over to Xiao Jing.

"Ah, this gun is pretty good," Xiao Jing chuckled. She quickly wiped the smile off her face when she realized the people standing around them were staring at her as if she was an idiot.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

Did any of her shots hit the target?

Did it matter?