
Bring Him Back

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Xiao Jing pursed her lips. What did he want her to say? Was she supposed to say that she was surprised or profess how exciting it was?

If she got PTSD from this, she expected to be compensated for therapy.

"I will give you a week to settle down. I expect you to return to the unit after one week," Shen Chengfeng put on his gloves once again. It had been a habit for a long time. No matter where he was or what he came into contact with, the pair of gloves had become an indispensable tool.

Lying back on the bed, Xiao Jing stared at the ceiling lifelessly. She had a feeling that the rice dumpling was going to give her a hard time once she returned! She was not looking forward to it.

In the SUV, Mu Xichi wanted to say something but hesitated, eyeing Shen Chengfeng to try to judge his mood.

Feeling his eyes on him, Shen Chengfeng said evenly, "Spit it out."

Mu Xichi cleared his throat, before stammering, "Sir, this is very unlike you."

"What do you mean?" Shen Chengfeng asked in response, even though he knew very well what Mu Xichi was getting at.

Mu Xichi stared fixedly at the document he was holding, which had been sealed by magma. Based on the rules, the person who had come in last in the evaluation was supposed to be eliminated. This time, that person was Xiao Jing.

However, the Commander had asked him to destroy the file, evidently intending to break what had been a rule of Regiment SS501 for the past few hundred years.

"I am very displeased with the results of the training. I would go so far as to call them trash. Back at their camps, these recruits were all the cream of the crop. In mine, they are like a tray of loose sand that lacks team spirit, which greatly disappoints me," stated Shen Chengfeng. The black sunglasses he was wearing were a perfect cover for his eyes. No one could tell what he was feeling, which was exactly what he wanted.

Mu Xichi listened with bated breath. Was the Commander thinking of eliminating the entire batch of recruits?

"I have decided to give all of them a chance. Just this once. At the actual combat drill, next month, the rookies and the veterans will train together. If they fail, all of them will be sent back. There will be no exceptions!"

Mu Xichi gulped. A combined actual combat drill? Wouldn't the recruits be at a disadvantage? The rookies were full of themselves and thought they were superior just because they called the shots in their previous camps. Little did they know, the veterans could take them out without lifting a finger.

It might have appeared to be a fair match, but the veterans would be able to destroy the entire team of rookies, even if it were one against seven.

"You think that you guys have already got it in the bag? That your success is assured?" asked Shen Chengfeng, appearing to have read Mu Xichi's mind.

"Commander, although the veterans will have the edge over the rookies, as soldiers, we ought to do our best whenever, wherever," Mu Xichi said with conviction.

Twisting his head to look out the car window, Shen Chengfeng said casually, "One month of training on the Northwest Plateau if you guys lose."

Mu Xichi could not help but shudder violently as he visualized the boundless grass plains, the snow-capped mountains looming in the distance, and the cold, sharp winds that felt as if someone was running a knife across his handsome face.

It was a cloudy night, and the clouds partially obscured the moon. A gentle night breeze ruffled the curtains, causing the beads to knock against each other and producing a light rattling.

The quiet study room was filled with the faint aroma of tea.

Two people were seated at the desk, facing each other.

"What kind of tea is this? It's f*cking good," Xiao Zheng downed two cups of tea, in a bid to relieve the summer heat.

Xiao Ye held the cup with a single hand and sniffed the aroma. "When I was a kid, Father used to make me read a lot of books. Why? If one has read a lot of books, the tea might be described as being scarlet and translucent, its aroma as fragrant as orchids, its taste mellow, full-bodied, sweet, and aromatic. It might be described as being heavenly, or that it is the best among the best. However, if you are not well-read, you might simply say that it is f*cking good."

Xiao Zheng had slammed the cup on the desk angrily, staring daggers at the man who had just taken a jab at him.

Xiao Ye refused to back down. Putting down the cup, he continued, "Third Brother, weren't you supposed to be on a mission? When did you return? You gave me such a big present when you came back. I feel so honored as your younger brother."

"An honorable person never resorts to insinuations. Why did you dump Xiao Jing on Steel Eagle? You know what kind of person that devil incarnate is."

"I think Fourth Brother is pretty decent. He is a member of the Xiao family just like us; all he lacks is an opportunity. If he goes to Master Shen's Steel Eagle, he would be able to shine and might even surpass us."

"With that tiny frame of his?" Xiao Zheng scoffed. "Bring him back. Regiment 525 is not that bad. Even if Lian Qing's a little out of touch, he's a good leader. At least Xiao Jing doesn't have to suffer under him."

"Soldiers should do their best for their country and their countrymen. They can carry out their patriotic duty anywhere. Besides, 525 has had a bad reputation. If we let Fourth Brother remain there, there was bound to be gossip about how there were loafers in the Xiao family, and that is not good for our family reputation."

"Look at him, he already looks like he's there to pass the time," Xiao Zheng said through gritted teeth, as he grabbed Xiao Ye by the collar. "I didn't come to discuss this with you."

Patting him on his hand, Xiao Ye responded with a smile, "When did Third Brother start showing so much concern for Xiao Jing?"

"Why should a member of the Xiao family be taught and trained by an outsider like this? Especially Shen Chengfeng, I hate his guts," Xiao Zheng clenched his fists, the veins appearing to bulge under the light.

Xiao Ye glanced at the hands restraining him, and smirked, "Third Brother, you still bear a grudge against Shen Chenfeng for defeating you?"

The corners of Xiao Zheng's brows twitched. He shoved Xiao Ye and immediately started raining punches on him.

Xiao Ye effortlessly dodged the punches. It was apparent that Xiao Zheng relied on brute force. Xiao Ye's smile grew more prominent, and he said, "Third Brother, you can't abuse your power like this. It's not a bad thing for Xiao Jing to join Steel Eagle. Who knows, you might be pleasantly surprised one day. For all that you know, that insufferable devil incarnate could end up calling you Third Brother as well."

Xiao Zheng missed and smashed his fist into the desk instead. The table broke in half with a loud boom.

With one hand behind his back, Xiao Ye said assuredly, "Don't you and I already have an understanding about Xiao Jing's secret? Is it necessary for us to make it plain and get ourselves into an awkward situation like this? Are you satisfied now, Third Brother? Don't you find this awkward? Wanna take it further?"