

Hi my name is Charles I'm sixteen years old and I'm in the famous void waiting for reincarnation. I hope I get wishes for my next life. It's been like forever and nobody has come to get me.

Hello, child My name is something you can't understand but you can call me God it's what most mortals call me. I am here to reincarnate you with wishes.

Hello, My name is Charles can we begin.

God: You get three wishes to aid you on your journey.

Charles: Can I explain my wishes.

God: Yes my child you can.

Charles: For my first wish I want a pocket dimension full of metals from Marvel and DC. like Nth metal and Vibranium, Uru, Adamantium and nanites.

Charles: Can I have the IQ and creativity of Azmuth

God: Yes you can

Charles: Can I have the powers of ban from seven deadly sins with a control switch in my brain.

It has been six years since my reincarnation I live alone with my mother. My family is supremely rich because my mother works all the time. I keep thinking of the time when Ben gets the Omnitrix. I know he gets it when he's ten years old. I've got to practice using the nanites I think of the bleeding-edge ironman suit and it appears.


TIme skip four years

I've joined been working out and learning Martial arts. I'm learning Muay Thai, Brazilian jiu-jitsu. I'm going to Madison elementary school. Yesterday I met Ben he was being bullied by J.T. and Cash Murray. I walked over did two jabs to Jt's face. Then I elbowed Cash then they both fell down and we ran. I then picked up Ben and we walked to class. As we get to class I hear over the speaker Mr. Alton come to the principles office now.

I tell Ben to see ya later and start walking to the office. Once I arrive at the Principles office I see both of the dumb fools that I whooped there. The Principle asks what happened. I say that they tried to bully my friend and I came out swinging. I apologize to the idiotic alpha male syndrome children in the office. Then I leave and go back to class.

Once in class Ben asks " So what happened.

I reply " Nothing much just the usual they call home and put it on my record.

Ben says: Thank you for dealing with those bullies

I reply " My pleasure.

Ben: Would you like to come with me and my family camping this summer break.

I reply: Yes I would.

I'm thinking this is going to be the start of the show this summer.

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