
3 : Improved Mark 2

The Stock market shifted severly due to Tony's words, news reporters, directors were giving Pepper a headache, while the said person was in his garage busy making the Mark 2.


Stark Mansion, Pepper is watching the news.tark Industries! I've got one recommendation! Ready? Ready? Sell, sell, sell! Abandon ship! Does the Hindenburg ring any bells? Let me show you the new Stark Industries business plan! Look, that's a weapons company that doesn't make weapons!

Tony Over the intercoms "Pepper. How big are your hands?"

Pepper "What?"

Tony How big are your hands?"

Pepper"I don't understand why..."

Tony "Get down here. I need you."

Pepper enters Tony's workshop to find Tony lying shirtless on a chair.]

"Hey. Let's see them. Show me your hands. Let's see them."

Pepper holds up her hands as she comes closer.

"Oh, wow. They are small. Very petite, indeed. I just uh.. need your help for a sec."

Pepper "Oh, my God, is that the thing that's keeping you alive?"

Tony "It was. It is now an antique. This is what will be keeping me alive for the foreseeable future. I'm swapping it up for an upgraded unit, and I just ran into a little speed bump. And i have made a few already." 'Actully Tony made more because system warned him which made him confused but it dosent hurts to make more.'

Pepper" Speed bump, what does that mean?"

Tony "It's nothing. It's just a little snag. There's an exposed wire under this device. And it's contacting the socket wall and causing a little bit of a short. It's fine."

Tony pulls out the old device, handing it to Pepper."

Pepper "What do you want me to do?"

Tony "Put that on the table over there. That is irrelevant."

Pepper "Oh, my God!"

Setting the old reactor on the table.

Tony Stark "I want you to reach in, and you're just gotta gently lift the wire out."

Pepper "Is it safe?"

Tony "Yeah, it should be fine. "

Pepper "What do you mean it should br?"

Tony " It's just a game, never mind. Just gently lift the wire."

Pepper " Okay."

Tony "Okay? Great."

Pepper "You know, I don't think that I'm qualified to do this."

Tony "No, you're fine. You're the most capable, qualified, trustworthy person I've ever met. You're gonna do great. Is it too much of a problem to ask? 'Cause I'm..."

Pepper "Okay, okay."

Tony "I really need your help here."

Pepper slides her hand into the hole in Tony's chest. She says with disgust "Oh, there's pus!"

Tony "It's not pus. It's an inorganic plasmic discharge from the device, not from my body."

Pepper "It smells!" Wrinkling her nose

Tony"Yeah, it does. The copper wire. The copper wire, you got it?"

Pepper Potts: Okay, I got it! I got it!

Tony "Okay, you got it? Now, don't let it touch Ahh.."

Pepper lets it touch the side.

"..the sides when you're coming out!"

Pepper "I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

Tony"That's what I was trying to tell you before. Okay, now make sure that when you pull it out, that you don't... "

Pepper pulls out the wire with the magnet attached and the medical equipment starts beeping.

"There's a magnet at the end of it! That was it. You just pulled it out."

Pepper"Oh, God!"

Tony "Okay, I was not expecting..."

Pepper"Okay, what do I do?"

Tony "Don't put it back in! Don't put it back in!"

Pepper"What's wrong?"

Tony "Nothing, I'm just going into cardiac arrest--"

Pepper" What? You said it was safe!"

Tony "'cause you yanked it out like a trout... We gotta hurry. Take this. Take this. You gotta switch it out really quick."

Pepper"Okay. Okay. Tony?"

Tony" What?"

Pepper "It's going to be okay. Okay?It's gonna be okay. I'm gonna make this okay."

Tony"Let's hope. Okay, you're gonna attach that to the base plate. Make s-sure you... AHhh"

Screams went it attaches." Was that so hard? That was fun, right? Here, I got it. I got it. Here. Nice."

Pepper"Are you okay?"

Tony"Yeah, I feel great. You okay?"

Pepper" Don't ever, ever, ever, ever ask me to do anything like that ever again."

Tony " I don't have anyone but you. Anyway... "

Pepper "What do you want me to do with this?"

Tony "That? Destroy it. Incinerate it. Anyway I have made spares."

Pepper"You don't want to keep it?"

Tony "Pepper, I've been called many things. 'Nostalgic' is not one of them."

Pepper"Will that be all, Mr. Stark?"

Tony "That will be all, Miss Potts."

Pepper glared at him and left. Tony then started to tinker with the design of Mark 2.

He spoke to system "So System what are you an Artificial intelligence or something."

*Just think of me as one for now you are not qualified to know

"Fine anyway" Tony didn't bother about it as he dosen't like to waste time on finding useless origins.

"By the way why did you give me the Mark 3 drawings for free."

*Just think it as novice benefit anyway there are no big technical inventions and your current arc reactor can only support 30 minutes of flight and 10 for full force fight you may as add some like to shoulders or back keeping the aerodynamics fine and more power.

Tony felt that fight that can last more than 10 minutes is only with an army still he started to modify the armour with the intention of keeping flight dynamics good.

"Maybe it is good idea and I can try to make a big killer."

Yes Tony was making the the super cannon on his chest used in fight against Thor in Avengers which required a fully charged Arc reactor to be dischagred at once. After an hour of hardwork a basic model of Mark 2 was created by Tony.

"Jarvis how about making a test model first for flight control."

"That's a good idea sir."


in system space system still sighed.

'Somethings cannot be changed