

"Mmmh... huh...?"

A young man finds himself in an unfamiliar body, in an unfamiliar room.

"What... happened...? What's with this room? Why's it look so... antique?"

The young man looks around the vast room, spotting a mirror in the corner. The man stared at the reflection, showing a young man in his twenties, with a tall and strong stature, short jet black hair in a side part, strong brows, vibrant golden eyes, slightly pointy ears, and sun starved pale skin.

[Damn, who the hell is this handsome dude, and why's he copying my moveme- WAIT- That's me?! Is this a dream or something?!]

The room suddenly shook, and a loud shrill can be heard outside.


The young man, surprised, peers through the window and he sees it.

"A-Ah! A Dragon?!"

Off into the distance he sees a dragon spewing lightning everywhere, seemingly hellbent on destroying the land around it.

"I-I'm sure I went to sleep last night after work, right? Am I just dreaming? ...That would... explain the drago-" His ramblings cut off by a loud bang from the rooms door.

"Young Master! You are alright!"

A young lady with shoulder length wavy brown hair, light green eyes, and a small mole under her left eye adorning her cute face, and in familiar looking maid clothes, burst through the door in a panic.

[What the hell...? Now it's a... Victorian maid? What the fuck is going on?!]

His surprise going unnoticed by the woman in maid clothing.

"Oh! Thank the Gods, you are alright!" The maid said in relief, falling to her knees, her face in tears. "After you came back with that terrible wound...!" She looks at her master and notices.

"What wound...? What do you mean? Also who are you and where am I?" The young man asked, uneasy of his situation.

The maid jumps up in apparent excitement. "Your wound! It's gone! Your ear is back to normal! Is this a miracle blessed to you by Great God Lumina?!" The maid immediately bends to her knees and adopts a praying posture.

The room began to shake violently, yet the young maid seems to ignore it.

"Um... what about the... dragon?" The man asks.

"Ah! That's right! I had almost forgotten! Silly me!" The maid shouted with a smile.

She seems to be a bit air headed.

"Yes, yes! The dragon! Do not worry! I was ordered to escort you out of the Left Wing to the Lord's Central Wing! You must not tire yourself worrying about that little dragon, Young Master's older sister has it under control! It is just the integrity of this wing has become unstable and we must transfer Young Master out." The maid said with a bright smile.

The man looks out the window and observes the dragon again.

[...Little dragon? That things as big as an airplane!]

Upon looking closer the man can see a lone individual in flashy robes attacking the dragon with magic.

[Wha-what the hell is that?! Are those some sort of special effects?!... No... it all looks too real... and the fire coming from that wizard-looking lady... I can feel the heat even from here...I'm... I'm sure I was just home, on my bed, asleep. I know I enjoy Isekai novels, but I'm sure I wasn't hit by any Truck-kuns...]


A sudden pain erupts from the young mans head, feeling as if it was being split in two.

"Young Master!" The maid shouted, running to catch her master before he fell. "I have you, Young Master, hold on, I will put you on the wheelchair!" She said, her voice dripping with concern.

The young maid hoisted up her precious Master and put him down on the wheel chair she had prepared outside the room.

The maid was seemingly calm under the shaking hallway, but inside the young mans head was far from calm.

[Gah... my head feels like it's about to burst!]


Just then the man heard a noise, too loud and unnatural sounding to come from anywhere around the house.

[What the... is this... one of those?]

A brightly lit screen filled the young mans vision as his headache subsided.


Name {Roland Vestal}

Race {Half Human/Elf}

Age {22}

Class {None}

Title {Useless Bastard}

Level (LVL) {2}

HP {20/22}

MP {???/???}

Strength (STR) {7}

Agility (AGI) {11}

Intelligence (INT) {31}

Dexterity (DEX) {14}

Luck (LCK) {2}


::Ultimate Learner::

You are able to learn and process information at inconceivable speeds

::Great Stamina::

You have an extraordinary amount of stamina

::Unlocked Potential::

Your innate potential has been unlocked, allowing you to more easily grow into your destined class


::Life God's Protection::

You are able to survive an otherwise lethal attack once a week

• 1 Message (Unread) •


[Huh... so this is the infamous system... It's a little long...Also elf? What? There are elves? I'm a elf??]

The young man stared at his status as his maid pushes along the wheelchair outside. As the pair make their way out the doors, the sunlight warms the man's face as he closes his eyes, not yet used to direct light.

Suddenly a deafening roar brings the young man back from his thoughts.

"Ah, sounds like the Young Miss has taken care of that pesky dragon!" The maid chirped happily.

"Uh... is it common for dragons to be so weak that even a lone person can handle one?" The young man said cautiously.

"Haha, silly Young Master, of course not! You know the Young Miss is an exception, and not the rule!" The maid laughed.

"..." The young man stared blankly at his maid.

"Is something the matter, Young Master?" The maid asked, a tinge of worry visible on her face.

[Maybe it's best if I say I don't remember anything, right?]

"Um, yeah... I kinda don't know - or remember, I should say - who you are or where I am..." The young man, Roland, said apprehensively.

"Oh my... The Doctor feared this might've happened..." The maid trails off in sadness.

"What do you mean, what happened to me?" Roland asked.

"A few days ago you were attacked by a band of brigands after coming back from the capital with the Lord, your father, and Henry-san, the knight in charge of protecting Young Master. Your ear was grazed by a poisoned arrow and the poison made its way inside your head. It was a strong poison, and if it were to get in a person's head directly, it would sometimes cause damage to ones memories of it didn't kill them first." the maid answered dutifully.

A certain part of her explanation caught Roland's interest.

[... Henry-san? SAN?? Seriously? It's that type of isekai? I'm not even Japanese! It does sound nice though. But she calls me 'Young Master', how come? I wonder if I can get her to call me with a -sama...]

"Hey, why do you call me Young Master? why not call me by name?" Roland asks eagerly.

"Oh! I could never soil Young Master's wonderful name with my tongue!" The maid slightly bows apologeticlly.

"What, what're you apologizing for? You can just call me by name with a suffix... maybe." Roland words trailing off, slightly embarrassed.

The young maid looks down in apparent embarrassment and hesitation. "Then is it okay... t-to call Young Master, R-Roland-sama...?" The maid asks, her face red to her ears.

"Absolutely!!" Roland shouts in excitement.

[Ah, I had no idea how awesome it would be for my name to be called in a Japanese fashion! Especially by a cute maid!]

With a bright smile on his face, and a cherry faced maid pushing the wheelchair at his back, Roland enters a big mansion.

"Oh by the way, what's your name, Miss Maid...chan." Roland asks the maid, hesitantly adding a suffix.

[I guess since the people here are using suffixes, I should too. It'll get some time for my western brain to get used to, though.]

"Yes, My name is Sara, Young- I mean, Roland-sama." Sara answered diligently, her face still slightly red.

"Well since I've seemingly lost my memories, this is the first we meet for me, so, Hello Sara-chan, nice to meet you, and thank you for caring for me." Roland said, looking behind him with a toothy smile.

"A-Ah, y-yesss, ssank you, it is nice to meet Roland-sama, as well!" Sara bumbled, slightly slurring her words, her face red with shyness at Roland's sudden smile.

'Roland-sama is gonna kill me with that handsome smile of his!', Sara thought.

Her demeanor did not go unnoticed, however.

[Huh? S-shes blushing so hard after I smiled at her... am... am I that handsome? Am I an infamous riajuu?! After being a totally average looking guy my whole past life, have I finally made it!? Is it because I've held on to my virginity that I've been blessed with good looks in this life!? Banzai!]

His merry thoughts going unnoticed due to his naturally stoic face, Roland and Sara made it in front of an expensive looking door. Sara stepped up to the imposing door and knocked twice. A rough sounding voice can be heard from within, "Enter."

"Yes, my Lord." Sara answered with a firm voice, her earlier blushing face gone as if it never happened.

Sara opened the door to reveal a stern looking, yet handsome man, on a large desk with papers and books strewn about. He looked similar to Roland, but older and with streaks of white and grey hairs decorating his head, and ears of a normal human.

Sara pushed the wheelchair towards the front of the desk, bowed to the man and stood to the side of the entrance of the room.

"Hello, my son, how are you feeling?" Said the stern man who looked to be no older than his 40s.

"I'm fine, uh, father... though I seem to be suffering from amnesia..." Roland said.

The stern man narrowed his eyes, and stayed silent for a few moments before speaking, "Yes, the Doctor had expressed his fear of that to me... *sigh*. I suppose not even the best doctors can heal back memories." The man said in a slightly sorrowful tone.

"I am Rayleigh Vestal, Lord of the land of Vestal, and Duke of the Sun Kingdom." The man claimed, as he stood and walked over to Roland.

Kneeling in front of Roland and putting a hand to his arm, the man said with a smile in his face, "... And you are my son, Roland."

[Ah... he reminds me of my dad... I wonder what happened to the me over in my previous world. I hope dad's not sad, he was very proud of me after I applied for trade school and was excited for my future...]

Tears began to swell in Roland's eyes, but was held back as Roland tried to control his emotions, thinking it awkward to cry in front of his new father as he doesn't even know him.

[I'll cry later, now's not the time damnit!]

"Uh, Hello pa- Father." Roland said with a strained voice.

"Hmm, it looks like you are not physically injured... can you stand?" Rayleigh ask with slight worry.

"Um, yeah, I can..." Roland said, slowly standing up as to not trigger another headache.

Suddenly, Roland was pulled into a hug.

"I'm so glad your alright, Roland...! So glad...! I wouldn't know what to do if I'd lost you... your the only thing I have left of Dalia...! *Sniff* Even if you lost your memories, you can always make new ones, so don't worry! I'm hear for you if you have questions! And so is Sara!" Rayleigh said while crying.

"Yes, Roland-sama can count on me!" Sara said solemnly, loyalty in her eyes as she stared at Roland.

"Yeah, okay, I'll rely on Father and Sara-chan." Roland said with surprise in his voice.

[I'm sure glad this body had been born in a seemingly good family, despite there being a trope of having asshole noble family members in most of the isekais I've read.]

Roland glances at his snot covered Father, and the beaming Sara, and thinks, [I guess I should live this life now that I'm here. Alright! Let's make the most of it! Tropes and all!]

After all, experiencing tropes first hand should be fun, Roland thought.

Was this good? I hope so... Anyways that was the Prologue! I wrote it in third person just for the prologue, but I'll be going in first from now on. Hopefully this Fate thing works out. I'm confident in my grammar but not so much in the way I tell a story, so forgive me for inconsistencies, I'm a total noob when it come to writing stories. Remember, the story is partially in your hands! I'm steering the wheel and stomping the gas, but you guys are the breaks! Thank you for reading!

TheTwoTwocreators' thoughts
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