
Chapter 6

Get ready for some banzai action!!!(In the next chapter)


Title:"Spanish Inquisition style"

Days turned to months and months turned to year. It's 1918 and the war is officially over, or it should be. The Allies signed a white peace against the Central powers which simply meant that the war will continue after the duration of the truce. The common people celebrated in joy and delight as the declaration of peace was spread. But the knowledgeable people knew that it was a temporary peace and at most will take only two years to break. And once it's broken the full might of the Saxon will be shown to the whole Europa once again and dragging the it to the flames of war once more. The signed piece of papers outlined that the Saxons must pay more than 1 million pounds to all the countries that they invaded and to the Allies each as reparations on their crimes. But the paper didn't include the release of the occupied nations such as Belgium and Netherlands in fear that the Saxons won't agree to have a White peace.

Now, the Saxons may have to pay a large amount of money but their industrial capabilities are larger and more powerful than ever. With the integration of 3 nations, the Czechoslovakia, Netherlands, and Belgium they have enough industrial capabilities to earn the whole money back in the matter of 2 years.

The Republic of Sardinia has stopped having an influx of sailors. After the war ended the various nations pulled out the majority of their ships that was patrolling the Sardinian waters still searching for the mysterious flying object that appeared a year or two ago. But the because of the unification war fought by Italia and Sicily the Sardinia was caught in a crossfire. The Italia was seriously pressuring the Sardinia on taking a side on this war.This caused civil unrest and riots became a normal occurrence.

The Kingdom of Rus on the other hand managed to repulse the Bolsheviks.They only managed to do this because the Red Army and Vladimir Lenin had a big misunderstanding which lead to the contract of the Red Army not being renewed.

Alfonso has mixed emotions.He was happy that the Bolsheviks failed their first armed coup just like on the original.But he was also confused on why the world war ended almost anticlimactic and apparently Rasputin is still alive at this time and he has a big influence on the Russian political scene.

But he dismissed his thoughts and attributed it to his appearance to the world. He firmly believes that this world is the same as his old world except for the mechs.

A year after his Imperial base was constructed he immediately expanded it.Now it has 2 auxiliary bases scattered all throughout Sardinia. His main Imperial base where the Emperor's palace is located has already maxed out everything.From a Mecha Bay to the Psionic Decimator everything are constructed.He also summoned Yuriko Omega not too long ago.

Flash Back...

The day is shiny and warm. The breeze of spring is lovelt for everyone.Alfonso was currently on his base planning to summon Yuriko Omega. Inside the Emperor's palace on the throne room the was guarded by the countless Rocket angels and Archer maidens. The Rocket angels was guarding the whole Emperor's Palace complex on foot. While the Archer maidens where guarding the complex on the walls.

"Lock down the whole place, we may face some problems." ordered Alfonso to a nearby Rocket angel which the angel immediately did and radiod his orders to everyone.

The whole underground place was locked down from the inside. The loyal Imperial warriors stood guard on the main entrance of the base creating a layer of meat shield against anyone that may attack the base. Countless Defender VXs went full alert and the nanoswarm hives went online. The hives formed a literal impenetrable shield surrounding the whole base which also prevented entry. The Psionic inhibitors was also flare up to the max to prevent anyone who has psycic abilities from using their abilities.

"Everything is set your Imperial majesty." said the Rocket angel as he bowed to Alfonso. Natasha was beside Alfonso and was inside her specialized Rocket angel armor. Her armor looked like a human sized red colored Lancelot Albion on Code Geass with yellow outlines and a very powerful sniper rifle and gold colored energy wings with a rocket thruster on its feet besides the wheels was a custom made Rock angel battlesuit.She also had a custom King Oni that looked just like her battle armor.She needed the battlesuit to pilot her custom made King Oni mech which was designed so that if ever any of the King Oni's mecha falls in to the enemy hands it can't be used by them.

"Are you sure about this my Premiere?" askes Natasha as she looked at Alfonso with worry. Alfonso knew Natasha was worried because he told her Yuriko Omega's abilities.But he trusted that Yuriko would be loyal to him just like Natasha.

"Trust me Natasha, we have 5 Psionic Inhibitors all flared up surrounding the whole base. Yuriko will have her abilities taken or greatly weakened.She won't be a threat to us if she decided to attack me or anyone." said Alfonso with confidence.

"If that's what you say, then I trust you." said Natasha.Alfonso didn't replied to her but he instead opened his system and navigated to the special summon option. He saw that Yuriko's icon was lit up and he immediately clicked on it and confirmed. Moments later light particles condensed in front of Alfonso as it formed a figure of a girl. 5 seconds later the light disappeared revealing the beautiful figure of Yuriko Omega. Yuriko Omega is a cute,busty,and thicked thighed beautiful Japanese girl wearing a skirt and thigh high white socks and shoes for the bottom. On her upper body she wore a leather suit coat with a white undershirt and ribbon coupled with a Jaoanese Imperial flag on her right arm and a ponytail tied hair. She surveyed her surroundings before finally landing her eyes on Alfonso's handsome figure.

"Are you my friend?" asked Yuriko.Alfonso knew better than to say no in fron of a literal organic killing machine.He smiled at Yuriko and extended his hand.

"I am your friend and will forever be your friend." said Alfonso to Yuriko who looked at him with eyes filled with suspicions.

"A-are you like them?" asked Yuriko in fear as she remembered her time in Shiro sanitarium.

"No, and I will never be like them. Trust me and you shall never suffer again."Yuriko became convinced with his words that she took his extended hand. Once she held his hands, Alfonso quickly pulled her towards him for a hug which is a dumb move but luckily the Psionic inhibitors did their job of suppressing Yuriko's immense power.

When Alfonso pulled Yuriko for a hug the latter quickly used her psychic ability in reflex to push Alfonso away but to her surprise it didn't work, she immediately realised that there are Psi-inhibitors nearby. But as she was going to question Alfonso about this he quickly shut her up.

"Yes, there are Psi-inhibitors around here, sorry if you're being suppressed by it.But it's needed, I feared that you will not hear me out and quickly turn me in to mince meat." explained Alfonso trying to convince Yuriko that this was all only for safety purposes.The latter understood that she is dangerous in her own right but she didn't completely believed him. For all she knew he may capture her and clone her.

"Then can you let me destroy them? I don't like being suppressed." asked Yuriko trying to see if Alfonso is really serious about befriending her.

"Sure, go ahead, here's the location of all 5.No one will try to stop you from destroying them just don't hurt anybody." said Alfonso as he gave Yuriko a tablet containing the map of the whole base. Yuriko got the tablet and quickly memorized the location of the 5 Psi-inhibitors.

"W-will you really let me destroy them? I would be danger not just to you but the everyone here." askes Yuriko with uncertainty.She didn't had any true friends back from her old world. She was created as a living weapon of mass destruction.Because of this she hated Shimada who did everything to her. She was even forced to kill her very sister, Izumi, who helped her break of the the Shiro Sanitarium.When Yuriko tried to rescue her from the grasp of Shimada she attacked her. Izumi and Yuriko fought a battle of pyschics and Yuriko eventually overpowered her sister. Now that she lost everything, she was also doubtful of everyone,in fear they will only use her as a weapon.

"Of course Yuriko, you can destroy them if you want. I was trying to become your friend not oppressor.You are free to go out and explore the world for all I care. But don't kill or hurt anyone.I know your hatred is great for those who hurt you but know that they're no more you're safe here..." said Alfonso as he slowly walked towards Yuriko and grabbed her for a hug once again. Yuriko didn't try to oush him again using her psychic ability but instead she let him hug her.Alfonso decided to see if she became comfortable with and motion ed for Natasha to order the soldiers to turn off the Psi-inhibitors. Natasha complied and within half a minute evrything is turned off. Yuriko on the other hand felt that the Psi-inhibitors are turned off but she just let Alfonso hug her. She didn't felt like this way before. For all her life she was considered as nothing but a tool. But now she felt an emotion she long forgot. Love. Alfonso finally decided to finish his sentence and looked at Yuriko with loving and caring eyes.

"With me"


Presidential Manor, Republic of Sardinia. 1918

Inside the presidential office there sat Albertu and his ministers. They were discussing their action on the continuous provocative actions taken the Italia.

"Minister of foreign affairs, have you contacted Italia regarding this matter? I believe this can still be resolved in a peaceful manner." asked Albertu to the minister of foreign affairs with a gloomy face.

"Yes my excellency, but they didn't recognize that those incidents happened.They demanded us to provide sufficient evidence and only then will they recognize such matter." answered the minister of foreign affairs.

"Then what do they want? If this pace continues then our nation would face an economic downfall!" said Albertu in anger. He cursed the Italians on his mind for using such underhanded methods.

"My excellency, why don't we just side with the Sicilians? I'm sure they will gladly help us against their aggressor." asked the minister of economy with uncertainty in his voice.

"I think that's what the Italians wanted us to do. They can use that as a Casus Belli and declare war on us in ground of betraying an Alliance. This would also affect our international image and we will be labeled as untrustworthy by other nations." said the minister of defense as he shook his head in disagreement.

"Damn it, those Italians had us on their palms dancing all along!" growled Albertu in anger.

"The only way left for us is to be the first one to declare a war against them in the grounds of unlawful assault against our trade ships." proposed the minister of defense.

"Our army isn't powerful enough to combat the Italians.We only have a couple of mechs and they're outdated, opposite to the Italians who has a large population pool and large number of mechs add that with their powerful economy, we can only make concessions." Albertu said as he turned down the proposition of the minister of defense.

"Our army yes, but a certain mercenary force is." said the minister of defense.Albertu was clearly intrigued by this mercenary force capable of going toe to toe with Italia as he motioned for the minister to continue.

"They were the one who helped the Bolsheviks conquer St. Petersburg which was eventually lost once their contract eneded. They were the mercenary group of Natasha's family which his excellency Alfonso is courting." continued the minister.

"The Red Army? But how can we hire them isn't their service exclusive to the Bolsheviks? I heard they even gave them an island as a sign of thank." asked the minister of foreign affairs.

"Yes, they're the Red Army and no, based on the news from mainland Europa they were a mercenary force and their contract with the Bolsheviks ended a year or so ago.I think the Bolsheviks are trying to hook the Red Army as their personal army by giving them the island of Zemlya Georga once they overthrew the Tsar but it didn't seem to worked." answered the minister of intelligence on behalf of the minister of defense.

"Okay, let's say they aren't contracted as of the moment how do you think can we pay them to fight for us? I mean their fee should be quite high considering they have forces equivalent to a superpower." asked Albertu to his ministers.

"We can offer them building rights for a military base." suggested the minister of intelligence.

"Are you kidding me? It's like having a ticking time bomb right inside our house! They are powerful enough to overthrow the Russian Tsar if they wanted, what do you think our measly force can do against them if they decided to rebel?" growled the minister of public safety and order.

"It's the only thing we can give them besides money, which we can't.I'm sure that they will consider this offer. They would have an oytpost on the Mediterranean.Gicing thwm access to the mainland Europa and they would have a faster deployment anywhere in Europa once they accepted of offer." defended the minister of defense.

The ministers started to argue amongst themselves. It's either you let a mercenary force have an outpost on the country or endure the provocative actions of the Italians. That's the main question, which of the two will you pick. Both has its own pros and cons and the only thing similar between them is that they can spell disaster on their Nation.

But just as they were arguing a man in suit barged inside while holding a paper, he didn't care about the meeting for he has grave news in hand. He gave Albertu the paper he has in hand and silently left. Albertu read the paper and was shocked by its contents.

"Minister of defense organize the army, the Italians are spotted entering our waters with a fleet. They were going to attack us, everyone prepare." said Albertu to the minister of defense which made everyone shocked. Everyone was dumbfounded but the shout of Albertu made pulled them back to reality and everyone quickly went to work with their own task that needed to he accomplished to at least stop the invaders.

After eveyrone left, Albertu quickly went to find his family and organize their escape. He didn't care if he'll die as long as his family is safe and away from the fight that was going to occur.

Albertu found Alfonso and Alessandra with Natasha having an afternoon tea party. He quickly pulled all of them and ordered a a soldier to send them to a trade ship that was to depart. The soldier complied and quickly got a vehicle. Alessandra asked Albertu what was happening.

"My love, what is happening? Why do we need to evacuate?" asked Alessandra in fear and confusion.

"Damn Italians are upon our shores, they will invade us with a whole fleet.You two need to escape and go to URSA or asia.Anywhere just be away from here." explained Albertu to Alessandra.Alfonso on the other hand was having a gloomy expression and feeling.

'Those damn Italians did a Spanish Inquisition on us!' thought Alfonso in anger. He knew his father has accepted that he will never see his family again so Alfonso hugged him one last time,and thanking him for everything he did.

"Thank you father, my mom and I shall go now please follow us to URSA!" said Alfonso while trying his best not to cry.

"Yes my son, I shall follow you two to America. Promise me to always keep your mom safe okay?" said Albertu trying to stop the tears from falling.The moment he became El Presidente of Sardinia he accepted that he will die by war. Just like the saying "You who lived by the sword, shall die by the sword"

Alfonso knew that this was all false promises and he will most likely die here but he didn't care, his father already accepted he will die by the sword the moment he became El Presidente so he will fulfill his father's request and keep his mom safe and sound, even if it means to burn the whole world.

"Heard that mom? Father will follow us, let's go." said Alfonso as he grabbed her mom by the wrist. Alessandra didn't bat an eye on Alfonso as she kissed Albertu and bid him farewell.

"Till we meet again Albertu." said Alessandra as she stopped her kiss and started to cry.

"Till we meet again on the other side Alessandra." said Albertu as he too cried and gave Alessandra his necklace. Natasha didn't bothered to look at this scene,instead scanned the surrounding for potential threat. She already radiod the Yuriko and Vladikovich to evacuate and start sailing towards the random chain of islands on the pacific using the Black Tortoise. She too didn't expect that the Italians are this kind of people.They're so much of a warmonger.

As the vehicle arrived, Alessandra, Alfonso and Natasha got in. The soldier who drives the car saluted to Albertu and promised in his heart that he will protect them with his life.

As the car slowly speed away, Albertu dropped one last tear before steeling himself for a last stand.


Banana creek, Florida U.R.S.A 1919

In a random apartment near the beach there lived a 14 year old man reading a newspaper while having a breakfast.He's Alfonso, a year ago he and his mom escaped Sardinia to avoid the capture of the Italians. His father and his close ministers were publicly executed in grounds of crime against the people.The Italians then spread a malicious propaganda that labeling him and his mom as traitors.They released numerous "evidences" point to their family being corrupt.The people of Sardinia believed the italian propaganda which portrayed them as liberators.His mom broke under the stress and depression and decided to leave the world to pursue her husband. She walked towards the beach woth heavy objects inside her clothes and bag.She slowly walked towards the deepest part and drowned herself.Alfonso was late to find her and once he found her she was long dead.

Alfonso was beyond devastated by what happened that he almost ordered the nuclesr options for the Italians.Luckily, she was convinced by his girls to not order it. He and Yuriko's relationship development just appeared out of the blue. Yuriko became somewhat of a yandere to her "friend".She did things that a friend can't do to each other, like a kiss. Yuriko didn't yet realised what she truly feel.She just interpreted it to her caring about her only friend and didn't think of it much.Natasha on the other hand tried to educate Yuriko about things like love. But she made it worse. Yuriko now believes that she must strive hard to be loved by Alfonso or else he might not want her to be his friend anymore.Which lead her to do some weird things to try snd earn Alfonso's love. Natasha just laughed at it and didn't thought that she started it all. But she accepted that she will eventually have someone to share Alfonso love. Afterall, the Premiere's heart belongs to the people.

Alfonso was currently eating a breakfast that consists of toast, eggs, bacons and a warm glass of fresh milk specially prepared by his unofficial maid, Yuriko. Natasha was currently busy managing the Imperial which was already maxed out, on a random chain of islands in the pacific. They have a monthly change of leader and this month it was Natasha, so Yuriko was acting as Alfonso's maid right now. The Imperial base hasn't summoned someone with a free thought.Each and everyone of them acts like what they are based on their background story.

"So Yuriko, is the Azure Dragon finished construction?" asked Alfonso to open up a conversation.

"Yes, my lord." said Yuriko in her cute Japanese voice.

"Very good, then I guess everything is all set am I right? From the images that our satellites provided us a more on eastern Europa was about that happen in the next year or so." asked Alfonso as he looked at Yuriko who was cooking something.

"Of course my lord, everything is set. The Imperial warriors and the Soviet conscripts are all ready to charge your opponents once you gave them the order." replied Yuriko still cooking something in the stove.

"How about your Zangetsu King Oni and battlesuit? Are they finished?" asked Alfonso yet again.

"Yes, they're ready on the launch pods.If I ever need them they can be deployed anywhere in the world in less than a minute." answered Yuriko enthusiastically.Alfonso didn't replied to her but he just stopped drinking his coffee and seriously looked at the newspaper.He stood up and dragged Yuriko towards the garage of their apartment.Yuriko didn't mind what he did but instead she loved it. But she still can't seem to stop herself from asking what Alfonso saw on the newspaper that made him act like this.

Once they entered their vehicle Alfonso ordered Yuriko to radio for a Sudden transport to be ready on the secured location.Yuriko immediately complied and radiod Natasha for the Sudden Transport which the latter agreed to be sent.

"What's happening my lord?" asked Yuriko with worry.

"Yankees allied with the Italians and agreed to send me back to Italia for a trial!" growled Alfonso in anger.

"W-why would they do that?" asked Yuriko in confusion and anger.

"Who knows, but one thing's for sure, I would be deported to Italia because of my "treachery" and the ursa's enternal edsire for profit" answered Alfonso as he started to drive towards the extraction point.


On a distant sand bar in Florida, there's two figure standing as if waiting for something or someone.Just then sounds of jets whistled and 3 Sudden transports revealed itself from its stealth.From 2 of the Sudden transports emerged 16 Imperial warriors each. The 32 Imperial warriors quickly spread out forming a protective circle. Alfonso and Yuriko went to the Sudden trnasport on the center and silently entered it. The Sudden transport they rode quickly out followed by the Jet Tengus. The remaining 2 Sudden transport waited for a couple of minutes before they also left.

The main convoy of Alfonso was rendezvous with 20 Yari mini-subs and they slowly made their way to the chain of islands they call Pacifica.

Once Alfonso and Yuriko landed they were greeted by Vladikovich, Natasha, and Georgy. Vladikovich gave Alfonso the whole general situation of the world and the future of the Europa and URSA.

"A hidden organization? Fenris? Rasputin?" continuously asked Alfonso with doubt and shock visible in his eyes.

"Yes, a year or so from now Rusviet Saxony will attack Polania from both sides. Rusviet will be lead by a commander named Zubov. I believe they were finding for 2 people that hid on Polania. They call them the "keys" to Nicolas Tesla's factory." answered Vladikovich as he briefed Alfonso and gave him a tablet containing all the data.

"Are Italia under the influence of this Fenris?" asked Alfonso.

"We believe this is the case my Premiere, and the Italia will enter the war and also find the "keys" which will increase the organizations chances of finding the Factory." answered Vladikovich truthfully.

"Are they were the ones who orchestrated the blitz on Sardinia?" asked Alfonso once again,anger was visible on his face and voice.

"We don't know my Premiere, the information we got wasn't enough to prove anything." answered Vladikovich with a tinge of fear. His Premiere is still devastated by what happened in the soan of a year so he didn't dare spout nonsense specially when the topic is Sardinia or his family.

"Then find more information, launch more satellites if needed.Do everything! As for Rasputin, he's shady and I will guess, he's the leader of Fenris or at least a senior member of it.And just put him in surveillance, also send a burst drone to follow him anywhere he go." ordered Alfonso as he slowly made his may to the Premiere's manor which is essentially a highly modified Emperor's palace. He still hasn't got the time to fully customize his troops. The only thing he has customized is the color of the uniforms and armor for the troops. The look of some buildings and such. He still hasn't customized the emblem and the mech, tank, etc. look for each of his factions.

"Oh yeah, how about our painter boy?" Alfonso stopped and asked Vladikovich who was about to leave.

"Mr Adolf has been admitted to the art school and was considered as a revolutionary artist." answered Vladikovich as he remembered that he was tasked to keep an eye on Adolf and make sure he didn't go full supremacists.

"At least I got a good news. Very well, round up the troops, we are to depart to the Shogunate tomorrow morning.I have long waited for this moment." declared Alfonso to everyone.Natasha,Yuriko,Vladikovich,and Georgy was all hapoy amd ecstatic.They were about to go to war and revolutionized the world's common sense.

"But for now, bring me to the empty island, I will construct the final faction's base."


Author's Notes:The next chapter will be Ar's vs bolt action rifles. They will have some mechs but due to limited info about the Shogunate I will create my own units.

Here's the list of the units.


Rifleman:Standard bolt action rifle like K98,earth colored ww2 jap uniform

Stormtrooper:Type 100 sub machinegun,brown colored ww2 jap uniform

Field Engineer:Standard bolt action rifle. gray ww2 jap uniform

Medic:No weapon, blueish colored ww2 jap unfiorm

Machine gunner:Type 99 LMG, earth colored ww2 jap uniform.

Weapon systems:

Field Artillery


Heavy Machine gun

Light Artillery



Light mech: About the height of a house with a crane hand on right and minigun on the left. (2 legged)

Medium Mech:About the height of a 2 storey house and has cannon on its right shoulder with a minigun on both hands each.(2 legged)

Heavy Mech:2 cannons on each of its shoulder with a minigun on each hand. With 3 mini cannons on each side of its lower body.(shaped like a centaur)

Please leave a comment if you have any criticisms so I will know where to improve myself.

Have a good idea?

Comment it and I will try to integrate it to the story.

Have a question?

Comment it, I will try to answer it on the best of my abilies.

Keep safe everyone :-)

SomeGuyOnDarkArmorcreators' thoughts
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