
Iron Harvest

A man, considered to be a god on rts games suddenly died because of explosion caused by his gas tank while he was cooking. He was then sent to heaven and participated on a tournament. This tournament was named the Heavenly War games, where anyone who thinks they're a good strategist can participate and has a big reward to anyone who was lucky and skillful enough to win. Michel Gerardson, participated on the tournament and emerged victorious.He met the creator, which hypnotized him on telling him what he desired the most.He said his desire and that desire became his reward. He was reincarnated on the world of Iron Harvest, a post Ww1 era world where the tanks wasn't developed, instead mechs took the job of the tanks. They come from all sizes, from a few meters tall to a staggering 25 meters tall. How can he survive a world where power rules? The world where strong prey the weak. Where lives where seen nothing, but just mere numbers. A world where war is always imminent due to human greed and desire for power. A world where the leaders of each nation dictate who lives and who dies. The world where lives were harvested by iron. Let the Iron Harvest... Begin.

SomeGuyOnDarkArmor · Video Games
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12 Chs

Chapter 3

Title:"Natasha Volkova"

The group exited the command headquarters and Alfonso opened his system. Once he opened it, he saw the familiar window.

"Welcome to Red Alert system User5004"

"Plase choose an action"

•Summon a Unit from Red Alert

•Construct buildings from Red Alert

•Customize Units and Buildings

Alfonso chose the option to summon a unit. He hovered his hand towards the special units section. Once he's there he saw that Natasha Volkova has a lit up icon, which he immediately chose.A window then lit up confirming his summon.

"You chose to summon Natasha Volkova..."

"Please confirm... "



Alfonso quickly chose the confirm and the window disappeared. Moments later, particles of light can be seen forming a female figure in front of Alfonso. This particles lasted only 5 seconds before it immediately subsided and it revealed the figure of a beatiful woman with short hair and black eyes, wearing a red kevlar sports bra and shorts with a sniper in hand. When she saw Alfonso she quickly saluted

"From Mother Russia's bosom springs soldiers who are superior in every way. And I am the greatest of these."said Natasha with a proud voice.

Once Alfonso heard her quote, he felt nostalgic.

'That quote, that damn quote' thought Alfonso as he smiled and also saluted to Natasha.

"Comrade Natasha Volkova, I am Comrade Alfonso Sierra, this right here is Comrade Vladikovich Zhakiv.Do you know why and how are you here?" asked Alfonso. This was his first time summoning special units so he doesn't know what will happen to them, like do they retain their personalities, do they have free thought and such. So he decided to just directly ask Natasha about it to enlighten him.The answer he got from Vladikovich was unconvincing, he said that he remembered he were just there with all his personalities,he also said that his memory leads up to that very moment which is unconvincing.

"Nice to meet you Comrade Natasha" said Vladikovich as he saluted tiwards Natasha.

"Nice to meet you Comrades, and answering your question comrade is, yes I am here to fight for the great Soviet and its leader which is you, as for how am I here, I know that I'm just here.I remember that I always follow you wherever you go and this is the only moment you decided to face me." answered Natasha regarding Alfonso's question. Alfonso was confused by her answer but he realized that the system must have implanted false memories on her to smoothen her integration, afterall everyone would freak out if they knew they were summoned to another world.

"Cough* Very well Comrade Natasha, I formally welcome you on our base but you would be continuing your original job of ensuring my safety from the shadows and I will also assign a special task for you." said Alfonso as he smiled at Natasha appreciating her beauty. Just then a system notification sounded out coupled with a beeping sound like that of abomb

"Notice! Notice! Notice!"

He opened this beeping notification and began to read its content.

"Once you take the units out of the range of base, you would have to provide for their food supplies, and other things."

Alfonso finally realized that the unlimited magical food isn't exploitable, he originally thought that he can have his army march on forever but it looks like Almighty also knew he would do it if given the opportunity so he patched it out.

'Damn it, I guess I have to start producing war resources!' thought Alfonso in irritation.He didn't realized that his face also turned into frown and made Natasha feel fear as she thought she may have said something disrespectful.

"I'm sorry comrade if I have said anything that displeased you." said Natasha as she bowed her head.

"A-ah no need I just thought of a pressing matter" said Alfonso to clear her misunderstanding.Alfonso then thought of another pressing matter. Does his subordinates with free thought age or not. He once asked the system that but apparently the system is just like a game UI it doesn't give any answers just general guide.

"Uhm, Natasha do you experience aging?" asked Alfonso in an embarrassed tone.

"Currently no, once you turned 18,the same as my current age, I would start to age." answered Natasha truthfully.

'How the duck does that work?' thought Alfonso but didn't asked Natasha,from the answer he got from her about her memories she will most likely say that it's just how it is so he didn't bother.

"Cough* Comrade Natasha!" said Alfonso as he straightened his back. Seeing this Natasha too straightened her back waiting for orders.

"Comrade Natasha, I task you on creating a mercenary group that would go under the name of Red Army. Your soldiers would be the conscripts summoned from the barracks and armored vehicles summoned from the war factories.I want you to help our comrade Vladimir Lenin,if I remember correctly the war should end in approximately 3 years and you will strt helping him on overthrowing the Tsar using the Red Army, in that way we can get a hook on them and will help us if we needed help.And within that time span, I would be sending you love letters which will surely be read by my parents, which you would answer.They would only be observing from the shadows and will try to dig things about you which will end in failure.And finally on my 15th birthday I would introduce you to my parents as my girlfriend and once they agreed, We will immediately marry and I would be helping you manage the mercenary group.This way your integration to the society would be easy and obstacle free.Understood?" said Alfonso as he gave the task he has for Natasha.Natasha paid attention to this task and when she heard the last part, it made her blush. But being a professional soldier she managed to control her emotions thinking that it's all part of the plan.

'If she will accept this task, I would be killing two birds with one stone' thought Alfonso in delight dreaming about having an intimate relationship with Natasha.

"I accept the task Comrade, but how will I protect you if I will be managing the mercenaries?" asked Natasha as she looked at Alfonso with questioning eyes,her blush has now subsided.

"Your job is only to create it, accept contracts, arrange a supply line and let our soldiers do the rest. You would always be by my side and the letters I will send you will be addressed to a nearby house on the city,which I will be buying using my allowance, where you would be living. So it's still the same,we get to kill two birds with one stone" answered Alfonso with confidence exuding from his body.

"Then I accept Comrade, I shall fulfill this task with all my might" answered Natasha with resolution.

'She accepted hahaha, who would've thought getting a girlfriend would be this easy.' thought Alfonso in delight as he easily achieved his goals.

"Very good Comrade,your service to the motherland won't be forgotten.Comrade Vladikovich, I want you to oversee the construction of a couple of war factories." Ordered Alfonso as he thanked Natasha and turned towards Vladikovich to give his orders.

"Of course comrade, I shall fulfill this task and ensure everything is the best for the motherland." answered Vladikovich as he saluted.

Alfonso then once again booted up the system and chose the option to construct buildings. He decided to construct 10 war factories which would produce the guns, ammunitions, food, etc.The buildings were instantly surrounded by a building wall and the sounds of building can be heard.

"Come, let's drink inside the headquarters.We need to talk about the future of the motherland." said Alfonso as he turned his back towards the both of them. Once he turned his back he started to smile nonstop thinking of how he just got a wife in a few sentence.


The world has been engulfed on a state of world war. Men are being sent to their deaths.The commanding generals, on the other hand are chilling on the safety of the backlines. Barking orders to the normal soldier as if they were just pawns.The time of the year is early winter. They can't afford another Christmas Truce to happen.

On the headquarters of the English Empire....

A strategic meeting was taking place. Field Marshall John French was overseeing this meeting.He was the commander of the whole English front near Somme.

"We can have this sector, this sector and this sector charge this enemy sectors.This way we would be on advantage once winter ends." said an officer as he pointed his stick to the targets.

"The losses would be tremendous to our side! We don't have unlimited troops!" shouted another officer.

"Do you want to have another Christmas truce? We need to bolster our troops morale and at the same get and advantageous position!" shouted back the officer.

"Yes, I know that we can't afford such truce to happen again but this isn't the way!Those enemy controlled sectors would be heavily defended because it's a strategic position!" argued another officer.

"Field Marshall, please give your decision regarding this matter." the officer who first spoke turned to Marshall John awaiting his decision.

"Yes, I think we would go with your plan. We need to bolster the troops morale and at the same time get and advantage over the Saxons. I also want a 24 hour artillery barrage to the enemy position to prevent any unofficial truce from happening." said John to the officers inside the meeting room.

"But sir-" the officer who opposed the plan earlier tried to voice his disagreement but was cut short by John.

"Complete my order officer, I don't want any questions.Understood?" said John intimidating the officer who just nodded his head.

"Yes sir" nodded the officer as he saluted.

"Very good, now moving on what's the situation on the eastern front?" asked Marshall John to the officers inside.

"Permission to speak sir." an officer raised his hand and said.

"Permission granted" answered Marshall John.

"Thank you sir. Based on the report from London and our allies, it's pretty bad. A communist revolution is brewing on the shadows. The communist party Bolsheviks, lead by Vladimir Lenin is planning a coup against the Tsardom of Rus's Tsar Nicholas II.Apparently they were being funded by the Saxons to try and eliminate Rus from the conflict." reported the officer.

"That damn Saxons! What's the action our government has taken to prevent this?" asked Marshall John to the officer.

"Currently, they were just watching the events unfold and no real action or countermeasure was set." said the officer as he shook his head.

'Damn it!' cursed Marshall John inside.

"But it's still too early to jump into conclusions, I'm sure that their revolution won't work.Afterall you can't expect to defeat an army using words." said Marshall John towards the officers inside trying to convince them on dropping the matter. But then the officer who reported to him just now raised his hand again waiting for a permission to speak.

"Speak what's in your mind" said Marshall John to the officer.

"Thank you sir. So sir apparently they managed to hire a mercenary group who will act as their army in this revolution.The contract wasn't revealed but the higher ups suspect that the contract is good for 3 years because that's the normal duration of mercenary contracts." said the officer to his commander.

"Even if they managed to hire a mercenary group what will a mercenary group do against an army, are they fools?!" questioned Marshall John to the officer with a laugh.Everyone inside also laughed with the Marshall except the officer who reported it.

"Uhm sir, this mercenary group is something extraordinary." said the officer trying to stop his fellow officers from being confident.

"Extraordinary? Hahahahaha. What do they have? Some magical cannons hahahahaha!" The marshall said as he laughed louder. His officers also kaughed louder at the comment of their fellow.

"No sir but based on reports we painstakingly gathered, they have their own mechs, quite a lot of them." said the officer which made everyone look at him with seriousness on their eyes.

"What's the name of this mercenary group they hired?" asked Marshall John to the officer with a serious tone. Which the officer answered with a serious tone if his own.

"It's called the Red Army, sir"


The sun is shining brightly on the island nation of Sardinia. It's been 3 years since the start of the war and Alfonso in now officially 12 years old. He was currently overlooking the building of his new Soviet outpost inside a mountain wearing a black suit with tie.His main Soviet headquarters has already maxed everything out and he finished relocating it to the highest mountain in Sardinia 8 months ago. As for the base inside the cave it managed as his transport hub and quick reponse if something bad happened to him or his family and acted as the naval yard for his whole army. He used the amphibious capabilities of his vehicles to relocate everything on his new headquarters.At first he thought it will be a failure but everything becmae convenient once he learned that submarines isn't widely used.All he did was plan the transport of everything in night,then Vladikovich will handle the rest. All in all it took about 3 days to relocate everything inside the mountain from the cave. It took that long because they still need to create entrances and clear the inside of the mountain.They have close calls but thankfully due to the riots on different cities they managed to evade.

This riot was indirectly caused by the banquet 2 years ago. Apparently, the envoy of Kingdom of Italia has decided to disrespect the El Presidente and his family calling them names.This action is probably the result of them being neutral between the Italian and Crimean war years ago.This incident on the banquet soured the relationship of the two. Months later the Italians stopped their export on Sardinia which caused civil unrest. They demanded his father to apologize because they believe that he disrespected the Italians during the banquet.Of course Albertu didn't do such thing, because he knew that this isn't a matter of pride or honor but a scheme. The Italians wanted them vassalized so he tried to control the civil unrest by promising he would apologize which he never did. Then just 2 months before Alfonso relocated, an incident happened, a Sardinian battleship sunk an Italian battleship who trespassed the Sardinian waters without any permission and they wasn't answering the hails. This once again caused anither unrest and everyone are slowly reaching their boiling point which made Alfonso's relocation possible.

As his army continue to grow stronger everyday and the fame of the Red Army is increasing day by day. They were known for their tenacity, loyalty and efficiency.Once they sign a contract they will live by it and be always loyal to their client until the end of the contract duration.

The Bolsheviks has already captured St.Petersburg lat year and has forced the Rus to fight 2 wars, both internal and external.The contract of the Red Army stil has a year left and from the looks of it Vladimir Lenin will extend it to another 3 years.Anyway it doesn't really bother him or anything, his losses has only reached 2 thousand conscripts and Flak troopers combined with a couple of Sickle and mortar cycles. He, of course made sure that the Sickles will look like a mech of this world through cutting corners there and lowering its full capabilities.Add it with uneven smithing and no paint except for the hammer and sickle on the side and there you have it he easily fooled the world.

Currently, he's inside the command hub of his new outpost in the mountain, chilling with his bodyguard Natasha and another special soldier who was busy drinking vodka. This soldier is originally a conscript but when he exhibited free will like Vladikovich he was immediately report to him personally by Vladikovich which brought him joy.

This soldier's name is Georgy Steilin. He has a menacing looking face and looks like Vladimir Putin but has a diagonal scar on his left eye. He looks like a true Russian couple it with a general's uniform and he's mire Russian than a Russian would be.His abilities is also great. He can lead the whole army easily, if given the authority.He's also a great field commander which made Alfonso delighted thinking he has now a capable commander to lead his troops on the frontline plus this eliminates the need for him to risk his safety of going to the frontline himself.

"The weather is nice today isn't my comrades?" asked Alfonso to the two with a smile trying to start a conversation.

"Yes comrade, couple it with this vodka and it's already the best." answered Natasha as she chugged down a bottle of vodka.

"Comrade Natasha is right, but everyday is the best as long as there's vodka" agreed Georgy as he also chugged down his own bottle of vodka.

Alfonso just laughed awkwardly to their answers and didn't bother.He just looked at the bottle of vodka on Natasha's hands and thought.

'How I wish I'm that bottle so you can drink my liquid too.' thought Alfonso naughtily as a smile subconsciously formed on his face.

Natasha saw this smile and felt confused so she decided to ask Alfonso about it.

"Comrade Alfonso what's the matter? You suddenly smiled there." asked Natasha as she stopped chugging the vodka and looked at Alfonsi with a curious face.Alfonso immediately got out if his stupor because of this question as he laughed awkwardly.

"Nothing just looked at something beautiful" answered Alfonsi while looking at Natasha. This made Natasha blush and she just looked away. Their relationship is really great. It isn't a commander-soldier relationship anymore but a mutual one built from trust and romance. Actually, right now his parents thought that he would be taking Natasha on a date because he wore a suit but in reality this is what he wanted his parents to think.His guards is also nowhere to seen because he paid them to just drop him off Natasha's house and go somewhere. Because of this he easily sneaked away from his parent's eyes.

The letters he wrote for Natasha was also read by his parents through secret means and they started to tease him but he just go with it. His mother tried to dig something about Natasha but was prevented by his father because it's his choice and he trusts him.

"Cough* Natasha, how's the situation on Rus?" asked Alfonso changing the topic.

"Comrade Lenin will extend our contract for sure, but shall I accept it, I mean this war with Italia is a good way to show our might." said Natasha with a proud face.

"You must accept it, we need a strong hook on Comrade Lenin and the Italians won't outright declare war on us, afterall the war is already ending and it will be bad for if their image if they were to start a war against.At most, they will wait for another global conflict before declaring war on us." answered Alfonso on Natasha's question.

"As you wish comrade, then the only important event besides this is our.... marriage." said Natasha with a bright red blush onbher cheeks.

"Of course, I will make sure that our marriage will be the best!" said Alfonso in delight and joy. Which made Natasha blush even more.

Then a call sounded from the telephone inside Alfonso's office.He quickly got it and found out it was his Comrade Vladikovich from the headquarters.

"Comrade Alfonso, the special airfields are now built. We are ready to produce the flying war machines and its necessary resources." said Vladikovich on the other line.

"That's great! Now I want to have a company of Kirov Airships,MIG fighters, Twin blades and badgers." ordered Alfonso as excitement can't be hidden from his voice.

"As you wish comrade" said Vladikovich as he finished the call.

"Yes!" shouted Alfonso which made his two other companion confused.

"The great Soviet air force is now ready.


Days after the special airfields are built, the air force equipments has started to be produced and this was the day where the world shall know the devastating might of the Soviets.Alfonso himself was waiting for the big reveal, he wore his army uniform and has a walkie talkie in hand. Baside him was his bodyguard and girlfriend Natasha and Comrade Vladikovich.

The figure of a big faded yellow colored airship can be seen on the particle of lights that was condensing on the airfields.Moments later this light has immediately subsided and there revealed a big airship with the design of an eye and sharp teeth in front. It has 3 big iron rings surround the whole airship and a rocket thruster on the rear. On the sides if it was the sysmbol of the Soviet Union. The famous Hammer and Sickle. As it slowly ascended to the air, a voice can be heard on Alfonso's walkie talkie. The voice which brought fear to anyone who hears it.Which made countless players pee their pants on the sight of it back in Earth.The legendary Kirov Airship has unveiled itself for everyone to fear. After it has fully ascended the voice in the walkie talkie has said his most famous quote.

"Kirov reporting!"

So yeah, this chapter is obviously longer than the last. I'm sorry for this, and I promise this should be the last of long chapters.

Of course that is if you don't want long chapters.So comment your choice so I can decide

Please leave a comment if you have any criticisms so I will know where to improve myself.

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Comment it and I will try to integrate it to the story.

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Comment it, I will try to answer it on the best of my abilies.

Keep safe everyone :-)

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