

"I don't know what's going on, but you can never be the Dragon King of the South Sea! I know because I'm a princess. He's a real nobility! You have that much money, but you're not picky about money. There's more than one fox monster sold here and there as a slave by him! Anyways! Never for him!"

Jin-ryung was chewing on Oh-yoon, looking at the floor alone, even after finishing his words, as if he had a lot of bad feelings toward Oh-yoon.

Listening to the truth, Oh Yun seems to be a very bad guy, but he couldn't give up on these words because he had a heavy duty to take responsibility for Iris's life.

Soma grabbed Jin- spirit by the shoulder with a pretty serious look on her face and said,

"Please! Teach me the way! It's very important to me!"

Suddenly, when Soma grabbed her shoulder and spoke seriously, the truth slightly blushed and lowered her head. And said in a very small voice.

"Do I have to go? Other Dragon Kings..."

The truth, which had been saying so far, flinched at the sight of the Soma's eyes. Because he had such innocent and serious eyes.


The truth sighed.

"Okay! Then I know the way and I'll show you!"


Soma tried to refuse immediately, but she stopped at the words of the truth that came next.

"Can I? Brother?"

Soma was weak at the word "brother." So Soma accompanied the truth that she was the daughter of a thousand-year-old boy on her trip. It remains to be seen whether the spirit's companion will benefit or harm.

Then the dragon thundered violently.

[To test my strength!]

The dragon horse was using a method of conveying his thoughts to the opponent with a new power. Half the blood of the dragon is flowing, so I guess the dragon is right.

"Power? You're trying to fight me?"



[Because you're a dragon-powered man!]]

"Oh, how!"

Soma could not hide her surprise when the dragon knew who she was. Right now, he was nothing different from the way dragons were humanized. It was never known by appearance. But that dragon horse knew it.

The dragon smiled at the reaction of the horse. No, at least Soma thought so. The dragon horse is laughing at himself.

[You smell like a human being. Even if dragons are humanized, they must smell like dragons. But you smell like a human being. That's it. Now, what can you do? Are you going to fight me? Decide!]

Soma was shocked by the horse.

Smell? Yikes. You didn't think of that!'

Soma reflected on himself that Ahn had done it. The more I thought about it, the angrier I was at myself. Smell. It was enough to think of Soma. And it wasn't that I didn't expect him to pop out. However, if we keep meeting these guys, we might not be able to make it. Soma hit her cheek with the palm of her hand.


There was a fairly loud noise. And Soma bowed her head down as if she were depressed. The sight embarrassed not only the truth but also the dragon horse.


What the hell am I doing? You're just going to save Iris with this kind of mindset?! Don't even think about it! Shinsoma! Is that all Iris is for you? Wake up! There's still a chance! From now on, we're going to power!'

When she looked up again, Soma was a completely different person.

"...is it okay?"


Soma spoke quietly and asked again if the dragon hadn't heard. Soma shouted the answer as she jumped out to the dragon horse.

"I asked him if he was okay to die! You big-headed bastard! Ahhhhh!"

Yongma might have been embarrassed when the cow suddenly popped at him, but he avoided the cow's fist with ease, as if he was used to this situation.

Although Soma's fists were fast, she was more relaxed when she avoided them.

[Wow! Only...]

A wound has formed on the upper lip of the dragon horse's lips. It was caused by the psychic force that the cow spouted unconsciously as she punched.

Yongma looked like she had seen Soma again, but refrained from rash attacks and cautioned against Soma.

[Great job, too. Are you saying that even humans are the power of dragons?]

"We haven't even started yet. You bastard!"

When Soma finished talking, dozens of water windows appeared around her. And it's the dragon horse that the spears of the water are pointing at. It was just that.

[Long time no see.]]


Dozens of windows of water poured down on the dragon horse at the same time as Soma's consistency. The dragon horse also started racing toward the soma with its own unique threshing.

And they soon bumped into each other.

The two fought furiously. No matter what kind of attack the soma carried, the dragon horse beat the ground to stop it. Perhaps Yongma's father was a dragon of the soil family.

And his psychic powers were also formidable. Iris, the best of the four dragons. It is comparable to the Soma, which has received the full power of Iris. Of course, Soma has little control over Iris's powers, so she can't use a tenth of it properly.

And Soma also blocked all Yongma's attacks. Sometimes a really dangerous attack hit the cow, but that became a dragon. No, the human form was an advantage. The human body was almost perfect, so it could take much more form than words.

The fight between the two was likely to continue anytime. But it soon tilted to one side.

This is because Soma's new power is starting to run out. Soma was suffering from physical strain because she did not fully accept Iris's power but attacked him too hard.

And it soon turned out to be the result.


Soma suffered a deep wound in her left arm. The sharp leaves of the dragon shot through the tree behind the cow, deeply scarring on the cow's forearm.

Watching the scene, Soma had goose bumps in her body.

"Ha... ha... ha... ha..."

Soma did not stop the attack while breathing heavily.

Water has no shape. It really helped a lot in the attack, too.

When Soma used up all her last nerve power and shot the water from all sides, the dragon was in a hurry to stop. But soon the attack stopped.

Finally, the limit of the body will come.

Soma held her knees with both hands and breathed heavily.

He was completely defenseless, so he looked like that when the dragon attacked him. But luckily or unlucky, the dragon didn't attack. Instead, he only mocked her with a wry smile.

[Is it over already?] That's all you've ever been!]

"Shh... Shut up!"

Soma had a hard time breathing, but she uttered harsh words to the dragon horse. The dragon-horse gave it a toss at the look.



Oh, my God!

The turejil was a shock to Soma, who had been far away from it, but had a good mix of psychic powers.

"Damn it..."

[Where did that proud look go?] Come on! Come on, ask if you don't mind killing me like before!]

Soma clenched her teeth at the sound.

Was it just this? My strength is... This was the only power that traded Iris' life for? I... Why are you so...'

Soma thought so and recalled her past for a moment.

Soma has only been helped by someone since she was young. It is a word that used to defeat monsters with the law that was studying. I was helped by my sister when I studied, and she was always with me when I went out to fight. The death of Iris also happened because of himself.

"Mommy, too.

Soma believed that her mother had left because she didn't want to see her useless self. So I've tried to fix myself dozens of times. But the results have always been disastrous. Soma could do nothing. Soma was too small for that.

Even in elementary school, middle school, and high school where I went in dozens of times thinking that it would be really different now, Soma couldn't do anything. He looked at the people around him and cursed and turned away at them. Soma has always been compared because of the existence of an outstanding sister. Now that I've been in high school, I've changed a little, but it's literally a little bit.

Soma, who has lived like that since she was a child, was now becoming a useless person who could do nothing alone.

Soma was scary. What if you live uselessly and die uselessly? My sister has always been a useful human being. He wanted to be like that himself.

But your walls are... It's so... It was high.

Perhaps Soma's going to an unaffiliated high school where she attended was also because of her sister's presence.

Just like it's always been. My sister always smiled brightly and helped Soma.

"You... would you have done that if I wasn't your own brother? Would they have helped me like that even if they knew each other?'

Thinking so, Soma smiled. My sister would have helped me though. Yeah, sister. That's how Shin Jihyo used to be. A useful Jihyo, and a very useless Soma compared to such a sister.

"No... no... I don't... I don't want to hear that it's useless.'

When Soma thought so, her fighting eyes lost their light. The eyes that seem to have not been lost even if they were exhausted and stabbed in the chest.

The dragon said, kicking its tongue at the sight.