
Chapter 1

Narrator: Hi my name is Iris and My family is a time-traveler I did not know till I turned eighteen years old. That is when my parents, if changed, can change the course of history and the world as we know it to be.

"Mom, where are you?" I asked as I looked around the room.

"No reply at all that is weird." Said Chris also looking around the room.

"Where could they have gone to?" I asked, with a worried look on my face.

"That's a fantastic question you asked. I do not know the right answer if that," said Chris, heading towards the door.

"Can you call the others here? We need to figure this out." I said, sitting on the floor of the room.

Chris left to go call the others.

" Where did you go, mom and dad? I will find you." I said, getting up off the ground.

"I called them where they will arrive soon." Said Chris, looking at his sister.

"I am glad to hear that is fantastic news. Let us wait for them.." I said.

"Will we wait for everyone to arrive? Let's bring all this stuff into the living room?" Said Chris, grabbing one of the boxes that were in the room.

"I have an idea, and it will help us see how much stuff is here," I said, as I looked around the room. The sound of the doorbell echoed through the house as it went ding-dong.

"That is the doorbell I'll get it." Said Chris.

"Hey, Chris, what is happening, man." Said Blake, reaching out his hand.

"Come inside and see for yourself." Said Chris, shaking Blake's hand and turning around to head back inside.

"Wow, that is some weird stuff on the table." Said Blake, looking at what was on the living room table.

" Do you want something to drink?" I asked as I looked at Blake.

"Water is fine with me." Said, Blake. Iris went into the kitchen and got a glass of water.

"What is this thing?" Asked Blake, looking at the other objects that were on the table.

"That is what we are finding out." Said Chris, collecting a book off the table. The sound of the doorbell ringing produced a "ding dong" noise.

"I will get it," I said, handing the glass of water to Blake.

"Chris told us to be over here as soon as possible." Said Grace and Claire, walking into the living room.

"Come on in you two look what Chis and I found. Do you want anything to drink?" I asked, looking over at Grace and Claire.

"Water is fine." Said the two of them as they sat down. Iris went back into the kitchen.

"What is all this stuff?" Asked Grace, looking at the table with aww.

"As I have previously mentioned, to Blake. We want to find out." Said Chris as he riffled through notes that his parent left.

"Who are we waiting for now?" Asked Blake, looking at the rest of the group.

"Kyle and Sydney are the last two that need to get here. That is it." Said Chris still looking at the table.

"Here are your waters," I said. Handing the water over to Claire and Grace. The sound of the doorbell echoed through the house, producing a distinct "ding dong".

"I will get it this time." Said Chris, getting up from what he was doing.

"Are we the last ones here?" Asked Kyle, looking at the group as he walked into the living room.

" Yes, you are now coming in so that we can figure this out." Said Chris, heading back into the living room.

'What the heck is this equipment?" Asked Sydney, looking at what was scattered around the room.

"Looks to me like things from history." Said, Kyle.

" Yep, they are things from history. On top of that, look at this." Said Chris. Chris hands a piece of paper that is old to the group.

"What the heck that is not good at all! Your parents are trapped in time." Said Blake, looking at both Chris and Iris.

"Yes, we need to find out when they are so that we can get them out of there." I said, looking at the rest of the group.

"There is some weird writing on one of the pieces of paper." Said Sydney, collecting one of the pieces of paper.

"Thoughts look like hieroglyphics." Said Grace.

"Yes, you are right and that looks like Latin." Said Kyle.

"The paper over here looks, French." Said Claire, collecting another piece of paper.

"There are two pieces of paper. One has Nordic writing, and the other has Gallic." Said Chris, showing the group two more pieces of paper.

"The question is when and where are your parents trapped?" Sydney said, looking at both Chris and Iris.

"It is important to remember that every journey begins with a single step, and in this case, we have to start somewhere. "What do you think about France?" asked Grace, curious about your opinion.

"That might be an idea." Said Chris, looking at the group of friends that were gathered in the living room.

"What is the time that it says?" Asked Kyle, looking at Chris with a worried look on his face.

"The French Revolution." I said, looking at Kyle with a confused look on her face.

"In any time period, it had to be the French Revolution." Said Blake.

"Why is that a thing?" Asked Grace also looking over at Blake.

"Yes, it is where my ancestor is." Said Blake, looking down at the ground.

"Who is your ancestor?" I asked, with curiosity building up inside.

My lineage traces back to Napoleon during the French Revolution. "Said Blake, lifting his head up with a distraught looking on his face.

"I wonder if all of us are going to have ancestors somewhere here." Said Sydney, collecting more pieces of paper.

" That is an excellent thing, one that we do not know at the moment." I said, looking directly at Sydney.

"So, we know where we are going first, but the question is how." Said Chris.

"Let us see if there are any clothes from that period." Said Claire, getting up off the couch that she was sitting on.

"Ok, let's look," I said also moving to get up. The group split up to look around the house.

"Hey, you lot I found something." Said Chris.

"We are heading right to you." Said Blake.

"What is this place?" Asked Sydney, looking around at what Chris had found.

"It looks like a staging area for something," I said, putting my hand on what looked like something metallic.

"Hey look there are clothes." Said Chris, pointing at a clothes rack.

"Looks to me like there are clothes for every era that humans were around," I said, looking in awe at the assortment of clothes.

"Yes, and all sorted into what era they are from." Said Claire, looking at the wardrobe of clothes.

"So it will be simple to find the French Revolution's era." Said Kyle.

"Yep, right here." Said Chris, pointing at a sign that read French Revolution-era clothes.

"It also looks like each era is also split into sections too," I said, pulling a French dress out of its rack.

"Yep, and look there is the French Revolution." Said Grace.

"Good to know that each era is spit as well. Now let's find now what is the next step." Said Chris, reaching for a pair of men's clothes.

"Try the clothes on and see what you like." Said, Iris.

"Success, I love trying on clothes." Said Chris with a sarcastic tone in his voice.

"You don't need to be a Debbie downer." Said Blake, looking over at Chris.

"Ya, we need to do this Rathore or not. We want to." Said Kyle, pulling clothes off the rack.

"Looks like there are changing rooms in the back," I said, pointing at what looked like make-shipped changing rooms.

"You, boys go in that one. Will the girls go to this one?" Said Sydney as she left to go to the changing room.

"See you back in with room when done." Said "Chris.

"See you," I said, turning towards the changing room. They all went into the changing rooms.

One Hour later, the boys were back

"So we are done first." Said Chris, looking around the room.

"Well, Yes, because the dresses back then took some time to get done." Said Blake.

Yes, that is absolutely correct in that sense. They take longer to put on. "Said Kyle, looking around the room.

"Oh, looks like they are done." Said Chris, pointing over to where the girls were standing.

"We are done too," I said, walking over to where the boys were standing.

"Good, now it's the question of how we get there." Said Blake.

"Well, how do time travelers on tv and movies time travel?" Asked Claire, looking around at the group of teens.

"They use a time machine," I said, as I look around for something resembling a time machine.

"Bingo, so we need to find a time machine." Said Claire, walking in the door's direction.

"That is easier said than done. "Said Sydney, looking at the remaining part of the group turning and walking away.

"Yes, even more so since we do not know what it looks like." Said Blake, walking after Sydney and leaving everyone else.

"True, we do not know what it looks like," I said.

"Do you want to seek the time machine that your parents used to travel through?" said Kyle, gazing at Iris as he asked a question.

"Yes, but where do we look?" Asked Chris, looking around the room.

"Hmm, let us start at the top of the house and work our way to the bottom." Said Claire with a confident look on her face.

"That makes sense to do that," I said.

"So we head to the top." Said Sydney, getting up off the chair.

" Come on, you lot of time is wasting that we could find Chris and Iris's parents." Said Grace confidently so that everyone could hear.

"Indeed, since we do not know if they are running out of time or not." Said Chris also getting up from his seat.

At the top of the house

"So, do we look up here?" Asked Sydney, looking at the rest of the group.

"Yes, we start with the attic and work our way down to the basement." Said Blake, opening the latch that lead into the attic.

"But the attic is creepy." Said Claire nervously as she looked at the group that was heading into the attic.

"Claire, take a deep breath and relax." Said Grace, patting her sister on the back.

"Ok I will try and relax, but no promises." Said Claire, looking at her sister.

" Claire, no one said you needed to promise anything." Said Kyle, looking over at Claire to calm her down.

"Oh. Sorry, I forgot." Said Claire, bowing her head down to the ground.

" Claire, there is no need to apologize." I said, patting my hand on her back.

"Oh, I see that makes sense to me." Said Claire.

"Let us split up into one team of four and the other a team of three." Said Chris, looking at the rest of the group.

"The question is how are we going to split into groups?" Asked Grace, looking around at the group.

"We can draw sticks with a color on the top of them." Said Blake, taking a bunch of sticks with two colors on the end and a cup from his bag.

"Blake, that is a weird thing to be keeping in your bag." Said Kyle.

"Hey, it is not the weirdest thing that I heard in a bag." Said Blake.

"We hear you now, can we see what group we are in?" I said, staring at Blake with an annoyed look on my face.

"Oh, right sorry." Said Blake looking at the sticks.

They draw the sticks to see what groups they were in. The two groups were composed of. Blake, Iris, Grace, and Sydney were in one group. Kyle, Chris, and Claire in the other.

"Now that we know the groups let us find this time machine," I said.

"Indeed, let us go." Said Sydney. The two groups went off in different directions.

"Iris, what is that?" Asked Blake, looking at what looks like a big cylindrical object.

"Let us see what that is," I said, grabbing the sheet that was covering the object. Iris pulled the sheet off the object.

" This looks like a time-traveling device." Said Sydney, reaching out her hand and touching the hard metal.

"Tell the other group we found the time travel device." Said Grace, looking at Blake directly.

"Good idea Grace, why don't I do that right now? Hey, you lot get your butt over here." Yelled Blake over the small walkie-talkie.

"We are on our way." Yelled Chris.

"So this is the time-traveling device." Said Claire, looking at Grace, Blake, and Sydney.

"At least that is what I think it is." Said Blake, looking around at the group that was gathered around the time machine.

"Looks like it is fried or something." Said Kyle.

"Indeed, but the question is where." Said Chris, looking at the group.

"One way to find out where. That is to look around for this thing." I said, looking directly at my brother.

"You have a valid point, Iris. Now is the time to focus and begin working, so let us get started. This machine will not fix itself." Sydney said, looking around at the group that was there.

"Thanks, Syd, for that means a lot to me. That said, we need to go as soon as possible." I said, looking directly at her. The group got to work fixing the time machine. It took them away into the night.

"Jeez, it is getting late." Said Kyle, looking at everyone else.

"We are almost done here, then we can go. I am surprised that it was this easy to fix." Said Blake.

"Stop your whining, it is not helping the problem at hand." Said Kyle.

"We are done for the moment. Now, before we go, we need to set the period that we are going to." I said, looking around at the people that were there.

"The period is the French Revolution. Which happened between May 5th, 1789- Nov 9th, 1799." Said Chris, looking at the finished time machine.

"We need one date," I said.

"How about February 10th, 1799?" Said Blake, looking at the rest of the group.

"So the end of the French Revolution," I said.

"Yep, and we are looking for clues to the whereabouts of your parents." Said Grace.

"We know that Grace." Everyone Said.

"Sorry, my bad that was not my intention." Said Grace again, looking down at the ground.

"We will check to see if there is a translation thing somewhere on this machine first. So that we can understand what the people there are saying." I said, looking around the time machine.

"That is an idea, Iris why didn't I think of that? Could you tell me why didn't I think of that? I think I see something over on that wall." Said Chris, looking at his sister with a smile on his face.

"Is it the thing that we are looking for?" Asked Grace holding what looked like a transponder.

"The translation thingy." Said Kyle, grabbing the transponder from Grace's hands.

"Yes, that thing," I said, looking at a square-looking box.

"I will go see what is on that. It looks like it is in the Nordic era right now." Said Sydney.

"Do you know what time to set it to?" Asked Chris.

"Yes, I know It is February 10th, 1799 already, '' Said Sydney. Sydney inserted the last number and walked back to the group.

"Everyone steps on a dot facing one another." Said Chris. The rest of the group climbed into the time machine. Faced with one another.

"Everyone ready?" Asked Chris.

"Yes, we are." Said the rest of the group.

"Ok. 1, 2, and 3." Said Chris, Pulling the lever on the wall beside him. The time machine turned on.

"What the heck is happening to us?" Said Claire. One by one each person in the chamber disappeared.

"Ahh," I said, as I landed in a bed of some kind.

"Ow, my head where are the others?" I said, looking around the room that they landed in. She spotted Sydney right next to her.

"Syd, it is time to get up," I said.

"Iris, is that you over there? Ow, my head." Said Sydney, rubbing her head with her hand.

"Yes, it is me who else. Now we need to find the others." I said, getting up off the ground. Both I and Sydney got up and moved to the door on the other side of the room. Then. Bang! The door flew open, revealing Chris.

"Good, Iris, and Sydney are here." Said Chris, walking into the room.

"That was some entrance, brother," I said.

"Well, yep now, we need to move on." Said Chris, turning towards the door.

"Heard that, but where do we go?" Asked Sydney, looking at the rest of the group.

"Follow me downstairs." Said Chris, turning back towards the opened door. Iris and Sydney, follow Chris down the stairs to where the other was waiting.

" Took you long enough." Said Kyle, getting impassionate waiting around.

"Oh Shut it, Kyle." Said Blake.

Turned to Blake annoyed at what was said. "You want to go?" Asked Kyle.

"That is enough!" yelled Chris directly at Kyle and Blake.

"We will stop." Said Both Blake and Kyle together.

"We are not here to fight or mess around." Said Blake, looking down at the ground.

"So, where do we look?" Asked Chris, walking out of the building.

" That is the question." Said Kyle, looking around at the people walking around Paris.

"We can't split up to be dangerous." Said Chris, looking around at the people. Some of the people were even looking at them

"Heard that, but what do we do?" Asked Blake, his eyes looking all over the place.

"We look for clues as a group. It is much safer in a group than not." Said Chris, as the group moved.

"We should also find a place to stay while we are here so that we are not on the street." Said Kyle as he looked at the building that lined the street.

"Heard that, but where are we going to seek a place to stay? Will we be here?" Asked Blake, looking at the group that was standing there.

"That is a Good question one I do not know at the moment." Said Chris, thinking to himself about what to do.

"Jeez, the person who told us to get moving does not know where to go," Kyle said.

"Give me a break, Kyle, for one minute. It's not like you know what to do either. It is not like you know where to go, either." Said Chris, looking around at the group as they fell silent after that.

"Iris, do we know what we are looking for?" Asked Blake, looking over at Iris for some help.

"No, we do not know what we are looking for," I said, looking at Blake and the others in the group.

"I see that is not a good thing at all. Well, we need to know so that we know what we are looking for." Said Blake, pacing back and forth.

"I wish that there was a way to figure out where to go next," Kyle said.

"We know for a fact that the labyrinth under the city we should not go into." Said Chris, looking at the group.

"True, I do not want to go down there and get lost." Said Blake still thinking about what to do. The group kept walking till they ran into someone.

"Ow, watch where you are going." Said the person, rubbing her shoulder.

"We are sorry about running into you. Is there anything that we can do?" Asked Chris, bowing his head at that person.

"Well, you could come with me and help me with something." Said the person.

"Help with what, exactly do you have in mind? I do not know what you want us to do," said Chris, looking at the person with a curious look on his face.

"First, what are the names that you have been given? Asked the person, looking around at the group.

"My name is Chris Fillmore the 3rd. This is Blake, Kyle, Iris, Sydney, Grace, and Claire. "Said Chris, looking at the person who was run into.

"A pleasure to meet your acquaintance. My name is Napoleon Bonaparte General of the French Army. If you please follow me to a place that you can go. I will show you what I need help with." Said Napoleon, waving her right hand, beckoning the group forward. The group followed her to what looked to be her home.

"This way, keep up." Said Napoleon, picking up her pace.

"Where are you taking us?" Asked Chris.

"This way, there is no time to explain." Said Napoleon, standing in the doorway of a building.

"Ok, we will follow you." Said Chris, looking at the rest of the group. We walked with Napoleon to a big house. It looked like an ornate mansion.

"In here." Said Napoleon, waving her right hand towards the group.

"Ok, but what are we doing here?" Asked Kyle, looking around the mansion.

"Quiet, and listen to what I have to say." Said Napoleon, looking at the group of people.

"Ok, we will listen to what you have to say. "Said Chris, looking directly at Napoleon.

"Good, now what I am about to tell you is do not leave this room." Said Napoleon, looking around at the group of people that were gathered there.

We all nodded.

"I was helping two people when they were here. A man and a woman when attacked. It was like something out of a nightmare." Said Napoleon, starting in on the story.

"Did you have time to see what it looked like?" Asked Blake, looking at Napoleon directly.

"No, I didn't see what they looked like. By the time I reached them, they were gone." Said Napoleon, putting her head down towards the ground.

"I see, can you show us where they were?" Said Chris, looking at Napoleon directly in the eyes.

"Yes, I can show you where the two were." Said Napoleon.

We walked to where Iris' parents were last seen.

"So this is where they were last seen." Said Kyle.

"Yes, this is where I last saw them." Said Napoleon.

"What is that?" Asked Chris.

"What is oh? That was not there the last time that I saw those two." Said Napoleon. Looking over to where a desk was.

"Ok. That is a little weird." Said Sydney.

"What do you make of this?" Asked Chris.

"When I was working alongside your parents. We stumbled across something strange." Said Napoleon.

"What do you mean by that?" Asked Kyle.

"Dimension hopping." Said Napoleon.

"What are you saying that my parents will be in another dimension?" asked Chris.

"That is exactly what I am saying." Said Napoleon.

"Do you want to go there?" Asked Someone in the shadows.

"Yes, we do." Said Chris.

"Not so fast you still need to get the relics that your parents were getting." Said the person in the shadows.

"Who are you?" Asked Sydney.

"Oh, where are my manners? Name is Newton." Said the person.

"What the heck, Is the timeline out of whack." Said Kyle.

"Wait, is a person from the British industrial revolution in the French revolution?" Said Chris. Everyone looked at Chris.

"Chris, did you not hear that timeline is out of whack?" Said Sydney.

"Oh, I guess not." Said Chris.

(Shaking her) "Typical Chris. Not paying attention as normal." I said.

"What! Did I do something wrong?" Asked Chris.

"Pay attention." Said Blake." Oh shut it." Said Chris.

"No. We will not." I said.

"Time is definitely out of sync if Napoleon and Newton are in the same place." Said Chris.

"Yes, it is out of sync. You also find that there are nine other groups of two people that are not at the right time." Said, Napoleon.

"I am guessing here, but does sending the people that are misplaced in time back do something?" Asked Sydney.

"I believe so." Said Newton.

"That means that we have to send Newton back to the British industrial revolution somehow." Said Kyle.

" Yes, but the question is how." Said Claire.

"It will not be easy, that is for sure." Said Chris.

"You said it." Said Newton. "Where do you look?" I Asked.

"What about the prison?" Asked Blake.

"Newton and I already checked the prison." Said Napoleon.

"I see. The catacombs are also not an option. Mainly because you will get trapped down there from now on." Said Chris.

"What does that leave us?" Asked Kyle.

"The church, and the cemetery to name a few." Said Newton.

" So what now?" Asked Chris.

"I guess we split up into teams of two." Said Blake.

We choose who we will team up with to search for my information. They were Iris and Sydney. Made up team one. Team two was Blake and Claire. Team three was Chris and Kyle.

"Well, now we know the teams. Let us meet back up here when we find something." Said Chris. All of us nodded our heads. Then we left.

"Sydney, where should we look?" I Asked.

"I guess we will start looking at Notre Dame," Said Sydney.

"Heard that. Also, stay together." I said. Iris and Sydney headed to Notre Dame Cathedral.


"Blake, what is that?" asked Claire. Looking over to where Claire was pointing.

"Something not good," Blake said.

"What is that? "Asked Claire.

"That is a time watcher," Blake said.

"What does that mean? "asked Claire.

"Someone is crossing their timeline," Blake said.

"Do you know who that might be? "asked Claire.

"No. But if I were to guess…" Said Blake.

'Blake, why did you stop what you were saying?' Asked Claire.

"What if the person was not a person, but two people?" Blake said.

"Do you mean yours and Iris's parents?" asked Claire.

"Yes, I mean our parents," Blake said.

"Oh, and what we are doing. Might lead them straight to them." Said Claire.

"We need to go to the rendezvous right now!!" Blake said. Claire and Blake went to the place that Napoleon and Newton told them.

At Notre Dame

"I found a piece to something from.." Said Sydney. She was trailing off.

"Take it and let us go. "I said.

" Indeed," said Sydney. Taking the piece to a time machine. Iris and Sydney left. As they left, they ran into Blake and Claire. Fancy meeting you here. Could you tell me why are you running?" I Asked.

"I will explain later when everyone is back." Said Blake. Exhausted.

At the meeting place.

"Chris and Kyle you are back already." Said Blake.

"You look like crap. What happened?" Asked Kyle.

"Claire and I saw a time watcher." Said Blake. As Blake said that, Napoleon and Newton came up to the group.

"This is worse than I thought. If the time watchers are looking in on want is going on." Said Newton.

"Are the time watchers good or bad?" Asked Claire.

"Good and bad. They are what we call time police. Said, Napoleon.

"The question are they going after?" Said Newton.

'Blake thinks it is his and iris's parents." Said Claire. Shaking his head.

"No, that can't be, since they are important to them." Said, Napoleon.

"Important how?" I Asked. "That is all he can say." Said Newton.

. 'So what did you and Sydney get?" Asked Kyle. Showing the group.

"I think this is a time machine. '' I said.

"Why is a piece of a time machine doing here?" Said Chris.

"That is the question." Said Sydney. The group thought.

"What about if we split up into groups again?" Said Blake.

"That might be an idea with what you told us." I said.

"Why is that an idea?" Asked Claire.

"Think about it, there is something or someone watching us." Said Kyle.

"That makes sense." Said Sydney. "Then what are we going to do?" Asked Blake.

"What if the reason for your parents' disappearance is that they did something bad." Said Sydney.

"True, that is a possibility." I said.

"This is far too confusing." Said Kyle.

"Not as confusing as that." Said Claire. She was pointing to the sky. Everyone was looking up.

"Time riffs that are not good at all." I said. Said is told that time and dimension riffs appeared. Modern cars like teslas to BMW feel from the sky. Dragons blinked in and out of existence.

"We need to fix this or this world will never be the same." I said.

"Dragons, and weird contraptions falling from the skies. What is going on." Yelled someone. This Iris got a vision. Two teens trapped in time. Under the tower of London.

" Iris love what are you seeing?' Asked Sydney holding Iris's hand.

"What if the things that are following us? Good and my parents turned evil?" I said. As she cried. "You think that they might have done this?" Asked Newton.

"Right now, nothing will surprise me." Said, Napoleon.

"Then we need to correct what our parents did." Said Chris.

"Yes, but how?" I Asked.

"Iris, in that vision did you see anything else." Asked Claire.

"Let me see. Oh, the boy had a bronze sword and a shield. The girl was in a blue dress." I said.

"Do we have the parts to go back to the time that we are from?" Asked Chris.

"Yes, I believe so," Blake said. "Then let's go back home." Said Claire.

"Yes, we have the parts that we need to go back to where we came from," Sydney said. "Then what are we waiting for? Let us get to work and build this thing." Said Chris. "Brother! Relax this will not be rebuilt overnight." I said.

"Ok, you are right." Said Chris. The group got to work.

Two days later

"That was a lot of work." Said Kyle. Looking at Iris and Sydney.

"Yes, Kyle, what is on your mind?" Asked Sydney.

"Where were you two when we were rebuilding this time machine?" Said Kyle.

" The first day we helped you rebuild this machine. Then I and Iris went to see the town. "Said Sydney. The rest of the group looked on and watched.

"You two are lucky that you are both girls or else I will punch you in the face." Said Kyle angrily. Chris heard that and looked at Kyle.

"Did you say?" Yelled Chris.

"I just…" Said Kyle.

"You what. You will punch them if they were men?" Asked Blake.

"Not cool Kyle." Said Grace.

Kyle looked around at the group." Could you tell me why are you looking at me like I am the guy?" Asked Kyle.

"Because this is not the first time that you lashed out at Iris and Sydney," Blake said.

"Anyway, we will talk more about this when we get back." Said Chris. They all loaded into the time machine and went back to their time.