
Invisible String (Full Story)

In year 3245, due to all improvements of earth technologies, people accidentally created monsters that hunts human. With the lack of counterattack, God have mercy and helped his people. With the help of unknown asteroid that hit the earth, the balance has been set. People being awakened with unbelievable power. And the story begun.. The people who are awakened with power become the superhero. But superhero has weakness too. That is why, they have to be with someone who can soothe their power to continuously being human and not a monster. In this new world of fantasy, two men has been tied up with invisible string. To fight for the world and to also fight for their.. Love???!

Fire_QUEEN · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs


Who wouldn't gasp when you hear the two men who hold the title of powerful in the entire Monsters Department spar? More than that, few have known for a long time that Rowan's blood is hot with Jevro because of the sudden appearance of the man and snatch the title previously held by Rowan.

And many also know that Rowan tried several times to kill Jevro through monster fights. Fortunately, he did not succeed in his dark plan. However, just hear the word "Spar" between the two, and you will definitely feel a lot of excitement.

"Say that again?!" Rowan shouted angrily at me.

I feel that his mound is fuming with anger, maybe because of what I said. Why not? The reason why he uses the Monsters fight to kill Jevro is because, he can't fight the man face-to-face. Other than that, he would be too embarrassed if the two of them faced each other.

"I said, since you think Jevro is scared and weak, why don't you spar so we can find out if he is really weak? Perhaps, you'll be the team leader after you win against him." I answered him one more time.

Rowan's appearance grew darker as his aura thickened. The veins in his arm also tensed, showing great anger for me. However, I tilted my head while grinning. But because I was wearing a face mask, Rowan could only see my eyes, which were slightly closed.

I knew he could feel me smirking because he clenched his fists tightly. Meanwhile, Jevro took a deep breath before facing Alistair.

"Don't take what I said wrong, sir. People's lives depend on the raid we're going to do. It's better to be prepared than to regret it later. More importantly, I don't want to be a team leader." Jevro said before looking back at Rowan. "You can make Mr. Hensel a team leader. He was once a powerful Malemyn of our country. As for me, I want to join Yohan in a team. He has just been awakened so he is not used to fighting monsters yet." Jevro said at length.

I know that Jevro only said that with Alistair to avoid Rowan's possible dark plan against him. Or maybe because he really is concerned about me? Never mind the second thought.

I glanced at Alistair and saw how he bent over and his eyes were tightly closed. If the foreigner is offended, Jevro really has a point. Let's say that the monsters that will be attacked are just baby snakes. But those baby snakes are not normal earthworm-sized snakes. The snakes are as big as a man's thigh with a length of 50 meters. Other than that, every snake has two heads. I know that because it was the second monster I killed after I was awakened. The snake emits a poisonous acid that can dissolve a metal. The superior may think that the possible fight is simple.

"I will contact the higher up later and let them know what you said. Dont worry im not offended and I understand. I'm sorry if I overreacted." Alistair calmly apologized.

The man's brain is not closed. I like the way he accepted what he did wrong. I can say that he deserves to be a representative of the American monsters department.

"I also wanted to apologize to you. Don't worry, I will also talk to the head of our department for additional personnel. Speaking of head, he's here actually." Jevro said with a smirk while glancing at Alfonso.

The head of the department just raised an eyebrow while looking at Jevro. As for me, of course I don't forget sparring. So I cleared my throat loudly as I said..

"Since everything is settled. Let's continue the sparring between Jevro and Rowan."

The people inside the training room screamed loudly as Rowan reddened in anger again. Jevro's eyes narrowed as he looked at me. To avoid whatever he was going to say to me, I quickly pulled Alfonso's hand away.

"Instead of Jevro, I want you to spar with me." I stopped walking when I heard what Rowan said.

I looked at Alfonso before I turned to the speaker. "Say that again." The tone of my voice was colder than the ice of Antarctica.

Honestly, I don't want to spar anymore because I'm worried that there might be some power that will be unlocked if that's what happened earlier. More than that, with the strength of the Stone's mana burst earlier, I had a strong hunch that something inside my body had changed. Based on Rowan's aura, which is black mixed with red, I know that the man's power is not that strong.


"What? Are you making the excuse that you were just awakened so you're not used to sparring yet?" He said stupidly.

I raised my eyebrows before finally facing him. I just proved it, the screw in Rowan's brain is loose. Did he forget what happened in my sparring against Alfonso? If he hasn't forgotten, does he expect me to refuse and look like I'm afraid of him?

"Alright.. Let's spar." I said with a smile.

I saw Rowan's surprise and secret swallowing. So, I'm right. He's just trying to challenge me because he expects me to reject him. Well, I'm sorry. I want to know what changed or added to my power after that mana burst.

"Y-ou sure you wanna spar with me? I'll just remind you, I used to hold the title of most powerful Malemyn of the country. Are you sure..."

"Don't tell me you're scared? Let's begin." I said with a grin as I stepped closer to the man who was stunned after I interrupted what he was saying.

Alistair and Jevro quickly left the middle of the sparring floor. While those sitting next to each other shouted loudly, the six foreigners now joined in the cheering of the excited spectators.

"Don't disappoint me former title holder. I hate being provoked, you know?" I said deeply and seriously before taking out the two daggers in my hands.