
Invisible String (Full Story)

In year 3245, due to all improvements of earth technologies, people accidentally created monsters that hunts human. With the lack of counterattack, God have mercy and helped his people. With the help of unknown asteroid that hit the earth, the balance has been set. People being awakened with unbelievable power. And the story begun.. The people who are awakened with power become the superhero. But superhero has weakness too. That is why, they have to be with someone who can soothe their power to continuously being human and not a monster. In this new world of fantasy, two men has been tied up with invisible string. To fight for the world and to also fight for their.. Love???!

Fire_QUEEN · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs


The people of the country watched the news about the arrival of the 5 Malemyns representative of America. Since the world changed, each countries around the world also began being friendly with each other. The era of war with ammo has been gone. Each country needs each other to eliminate monsters. Their mission is to only find the king of all monsters.

And because of that, people feel relief. However, with every power, you can't erase the possibility that someone wants to be more powerful. That someone, wants to take all the power that each countries have.

"Aren't you going to deliver today? You woke up late and still watching the news. You have no sign of living the house for delivery. Have you ever eaten your breakfast?" George entered the house and started his daily routine. Of course, the nagging also.

"We have five delivery boys working on us. And besides, I feel not well today." I rest my head at the backrest of the sofa and put the pillow on my face.

Honestly, am still thinking about surrendering to the government. But I'm also thinking if what would I tell them. Since I've been awakened, this thought never came to my mind even once. My goal is just to live peacefully and quietly with the people whom I with. Protect them and secretly help the country. But now, after meeting that asshole who totally forgot me. After realizing he's in danger, I suddenly feel an urge to show up and protect him.

"Are you sick? No, that's impossible. Since you awaken your power, you never been sick. Tell me, there's something troubling you, am I right?" I feel George sitting beside me.

He is really like my father. He feels worried if I'm quiet, he always asked me if I'm alright. And lastly, he knows well enough if there's something troubling me. I feel like he's my brother, uncle, bestfriend and father.

I took a deep breath before I removed the pillow on my face. I then look at him with serious expression on my face. "George, what if I go to the monsters department and tell them about my unique ability? Do you think it's alright?"

He just stare at me and didn't utter any words for a few seconds. He then let out a sigh and shuffle my hair. "Actually, it's not that bad if you want to help people without hiding yourself. It's actually great and also a pride. But Yohan, you have to choose between your two power. Are you going to tell them that you are a Malemyn, or secretly help your people with that power and just tell the government that you are a Gwandy?"

I clench my fists and once again put the pillow on my face. I really don't know what to choose. My head is telling me to choose the power of Malemyn inside me, but my heart is telling me that Jevro needs me. Another thing that keeps bothering me, why can't I erase the man on my mind?

"Before showing up to the government, think carefully. Remember, you can't use your two abilities on public. Not only our government will have an interest in it, but also those people who wants more power." George speak again before he stood up and left me in the living room.

I stayed there for 5 minutes and decided to go to the pizza house after. I can't decide and I don't want to make a move carelessly. If God's wants me to help people with this two abilities He gave me. Then I have to think wisely how to use this. I may help them but who will protect me if someone run after me?

I saw my workers inside the pizza house talking with someone whom I don't know who. Maybe it's just a customer. I walk towards the receiving orders and check if there's something I can do but Anne suddenly called me. I raised an eyebrow before approaching her.

"What is it? Something wrong?" I asked her.

"This man is asking me about the incident yesterday, sir. I don't know what to tell him that's why I called you." She answered while looking at the man and me back and forth.

I tilted my head and glance at the man resting his arms on the store bar. He's wearing a black face mask and his eyes keeps wondering around. His fingers keeps tapping the wooden bar and surprisingly, I am seeing his red aura. Because of that, I squinted my eyes and slowly approach him.

"Excuse me, how may I help you?" With my cold voice, I asked the man who even flinched when he heard me.

I now confused why I can see his aura. As far as I remember, only Jevro's aura I can see. I look at the front of my pizza house and my brows automatically furrowed. At the corner of the street, someone is standing wearing white jacket with hood, and has a black thick aura. But the thing that surprises me the most is that, that someone's aura is similar to Jevro. I lick my lips and shookt my head a little. It's impossible to Jevro to come here and use someone to investigate. He can't remember me right? Then, who is that someone?

"Sorry for disturbance. We are the investigation team from the government. We received the news that our strongest Malemyn is not the one who killed the Hruon yesterday morning. So, we would like to know if who is the one who killed it?" The man is asking while the tapping of his finger suddenly became faster.

"Investigation team? I see.." I nodded my head while saying that. "I'm sorry sir, I was not here yesterday so I have no idea about what happened. And, my workers was hiding too. So they also has no idea about it. Why don't you try to ask those who were in the area yesterday?" I gave the man a cold shoulder again.

He once again flinches but nodded his head. He then look at the man standing at the corner of the street. "Thanks for answering. We will go now." The man said as he stepped back.

I just gave him a nod and I also went back inside the house. Not to sit again but to use my stealth. I teleported to the place where the man in white hood standing. He is now talking with the red Malemyn who just talked to me. I walk closer to them to listen.

"Negative. They have no idea about your fight yesterday. Are you sure someone helped you during your fight?!" The man with red aura asked the man.

According to the words he used, the man with white hood is no other than, Jevro. I rub my fingers and control myself to laugh. But I stopped when I realized something. Jevro can't remember me anymore, but how the hell is he looking for someone who helped him yesterday morning?!

"My monitor caught his body, Allen. Unfortunately, my monitor didn't caught his face and I can't remember it either. Not only that, my monitor recorded his voice too." Jevro answered while started walking.

I froze instantly when I heard that. Damn! If Jevro recorded my voice, then that is the reason why he said those words back to his room yesterday night?! He even told me that he was right, that I am the one who killed the Hruon. What the hell?! How am I supposed to hide my identity from now on?!

"If you recorded his voice, then why don't you do the investigation to at least try to find him using his voice?! Why the hell am I the only one do the questioning?!" The man named Allen stomped his feet on the ground.

Jevro cleared his throat and just continue walking. "Everyone knows me. And I'm sure, everyone also can easily recognize my voice if I started talking." The man said.

That's not a joke from Jevro. He's telling the truth. Even myself can tell that his voice is recognizable even I close my eyes right now. That's how known he is all around the country.

"Then stand besides me during my interview! At least you can listen to that someone's voice!" Allen once again stomped his feet.

"Next time.. We have to go back to the Monsters Department before the arrival of those Malemyns from US." Jevro answered.

"Oh! Right! Today is their arrival. You'll be joining the raid right? I heard it is the nest of two headed snake. Damn man! Doesn't it dangerous?!" Allen exclaimed.

The two already left and disappeared in my eyes but I'm still standing there unfazed. I suddenly feel nervous upon hearing that. Jevro will be joining the raid together with other Malemyns. What if he triggered his Redo? What if he put himself in danger again?! And what if, Rowan tried to kill him again?!

I teleported back to my house and immediately took a bath. I finally have a decision. I.. Will go to the Monsters department to be identified as being awakened. And the position I chose is to be..