
In The Past

Auroar’s Pov

The man had a smile on his face. "Yes indeed, I am talking to you" he said with a soft smile . " May I know your name, good sir?" I asked him. " I am Joseph. I came here looking for a young boy named Auroar." I blink a few times before processing all that he just said to me. " Dear sir, why would such a noble man like you search for Auroar.?" He smiled again. " I am looking for you because I wanted to let you know something." He knew that I was Auroar. How did he know it? Where is he from? I had a lot of questions in my mind." I know you have a lot of questions to ask me. But, I am afraid you would have to wait. I have come to warn you." He said. I was more confused now. What was he going on about? Warn me? Of what?

He decided to speak up and save me from clouding my mind with more of these thoughts. “I am here to give you a warning or rather to let you know about an important thing. But before that I want to ask you a few things. Firstly do you believe that there is a divine presence in this world? As in, do you believe that all this beauty we see around us was made by someone great and powerful?” He asked me. Now, I was more confused. “I have never thought about it. So I am not sure. But if I believe that, I would have to believe so many other things.” I replied. I was starting to feel like he was just playing a trick on me. It might just be one of those cruel jokes that the villagers might be playing for their pleasure. But why would mum pretend? Was she in on it too? No, this wasn't one of those. I refuse to believe that my mum would turn against me.

“I cannot blame you. With evil increasing as the days go by, the magic that existed in this world is almost exhausted.” he replied. Now that I think about it, not only does he look very eerie, the way he talks is also strange. He speaks as if everything he says has some other meaning behind it.

“Do you believe in legends and myths?” He asked next. What was wrong with this man. “I believe they are called legends and myths as they are not true. They are just made up stories to fool small children. I am old enough to know that there are no truths behind them.” I replied. I was starting to feel agitated by his questions. “Look sir, please tell me what you wanted to warn me about? I am in a hurry.” I told him impatiently.

He just smiled and said “Just one more question. Do you believe in myth about the shooting stars?” After he asked this he looked deep into my eyes. I felt that stare in my soul. His eyes were cold and distant in the first glance. But as I looked deep, there was some emotion in them. Whatever it was I did not like it. “I don’t. Now if you will excuse me kind sir, I--” I started saying while stepping away from him, but he stopped me from saying anything further and from stepping back too. What came from his mouth next was something I never wanted to hear again. It changed my whole life.

“You have nothing to do here anymore, Auroar. You do not exist in this reality anymore. Your life as you knew has ended.” As soon as these words left his mouth my whole body froze. I felt numb all over.

"Wait.... Pardon me but sir did you just say that I have been pulled out of existence. Is this some kind of a cruel trick that you are playing on me?" I asked him when I recovered from the initial shock a bit.

He reached out and touched my head in between my eyes. Then things started getting dizzy. It was like time was going back fast. I shut my eyes. Then I heard my own voice. I was sobbing miserably.

I had lost someone who was really precious to me. The one who kept me grounded when the whole world was falling apart for me. My Andrew. I had lost him.

I still remember it as clear as daylight. It was really bad. When I reached his house people had gathered around and I knew that he was gone forever. I blamed myself for it. all of this was my fault. I had sworn that I would always be there for him but broke it. I was not there for the most crucial part of his life. At least if I had been there for him he would have been alive. I hated myself for it.

I was heartbroken. I went to the river where he used to love coming to whenever he felt like. I laid down in the grass and gazed up. I thought about Everything he used to say and before I knew it I was a crying mess. That was when I saw it. It was really bright, it was the brightest thing in the sky then. It looked very beautiful and for one second I believed it was Andrew. And I made the mistake of wishing for the first thing that came to my mind. The biggest regret of my life. The one small wish which caused me to suffer for the rest of eternity.


Surprise!!! Two updates on the same day. Are you guys impressed? This chapter is again on my boy’s pov. I hope you guys like it and feel free to express your thoughts about the chapter in the comment section and don’t forget to vote for me too.

Follow me on instagram: @auroa_r2314
