
Invisible Crown

Jefadurk is a kingdom blessed by gods. However, the blessed royals who rule the prosperous kingdom are absent. The King and Crown Prince disappeared. No one knows where they are and how they live except that the kingdom is ruled by the Absent King. - Jarte doesn't care about the royals nor what happened to them. He lives comfortably among the common folk. One day, his world is turned upside down. What will he do when he has no choice but to leave his comfortable life behind and become strong? [Author's Note: This is my first novel, thank you for checking it out. I will continue to learn and grow from this experience. Thank you for your support!]

TheStarShine · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Claiming the Crown(pt. 3)

"The attire suits you, Your Majesty." Zephyr smiled.

"Thanks, Zeph." Jarte seemed to think for a moment before speaking, "Before we head out of the chamber, are there certain things I need to be aware of? Rules, regulations, proper way of greeting others of certain titles— I'm quite unfamiliar with such things. I barely managed to hold my own before the knights."

"This is all too sudden for you, Jarte. But I think you'll be able to manage since you're adapting rather quickly. In fact, I'm surprised at how fast you've adapted to the situation, I must say."

Despite the suddenness, Jarte had everything under control so far. But he hasn't faced the worst of the lot in Palace Realm. Zephyr always commended Jarte for his intelligence and calm nature since they were young. He always seemed to possess an unusual calm even when others provoked him, and he intelligently avoided scenarios where people were likely to bring unpleasantness. Now Zephyr's admiration was enhanced further. He found Jarte's response to the current situation to be rather striking.

Zephyr proceeded to explain all the rules he would have to follow and the customs he must uphold at the Queen Mother's lead at the ceremony. He explained how Jarte would have to present a speech aimed for the common folk and the nobility once the colour-shape integration of the crown was complete.

The crown had the ability to recognize the potential of the ruling king. It adjusted its shape according to the capabilities of the king and took on a fitting colour to let the people know of the king's might as well as his expertise.

There hadn't been many variations of the crown. It mostly took on the golden colour— the colour of royals with slight variations to its shape. Zephyr explained the crown's nature and its variation along with its titles. All of it takes place before the eyes of common folk and nobility alike due to the ceremony being broadcasted live. Only a trusted reporter chosen by the queen will be allowed to broadcast it across news screens.

Jarte glowed as he heard the descriptions of variations. He listened patiently but with great enthusiasm. He decided to interrupt Zephyr. With glowing eyes, he beamed, "Which one do you think I'll get, Zeph?"

Looking at Jarte now, Zephyr was reminded of a puppy wagging its tail while waiting for a treat. He smiled, "I'm not done but I think the last colour-shape variation will fit you."

One of the rarest variation was of the silver crown. When a person of ancient royal bloodline had pure intentions, it'd manifest as the silver crown. It had one other variation, the bluish silver crown. The crown usually was blue and faded around the top and took on a sparkling silver colour. It was a crown that signified the purity of intention and intelligence of the ruler. Truly a magnificent crown. Zephyr thought it'd fit Jarte the best because of his intelligence, "Maybe it'll show itself once more because of His Majesty."

Jarte laughed at that, "You think too highly of me."

"For tonight, I must only claim the crown and deliver a speech fitting for the crown's quality, correct?"

"Yes, Your Majesty. That should be all. There are other formalities to deal with but I will do my best to be of assistance before those come to pass." He paused before continuing, "Oh, and— please hold your ground as you did so far. You must make certain that no one so much as questions your authority."

As they were almost done with their discussion, Jarte walked to the door and the door opened, Zephyr followed him as Jarte stood still at the door.

"But before that, there's something important you must know. She might be here any—"

Zephyr's cheer left him as he saw a lady blocking Jarte's path, "—time."

Jarte seemed confused and looked at Zephyr for an answer. Zephyr could do nothing but make a concerned face before looking down at the carpet as if he had already given up.

'This is unusual of him.'

Jarte turned his attention to the lady before him and she curtsied,

"Greetings, Your Majesty."

He nodded with a smile. After that, she shot a glare at Zephyr, "Who exactly is here, Knight?"

'These two know each other?'

"My apologies, Your Highness." Zephyr bowed before the lady.

Without replying to Zephyr, she turned her gaze back to the taller male before her. She wore dark clothes as if she were dressed for a funeral instead of a grand ceremony. What a contrast it was to his own attire. Her features were delicate but one could tell she wasn't to be taken lightly from the way she carried herself. She was beautiful and she was glaring furiously at Jarte. He felt puzzled. He had just arrived in the Palace Realm yet he had already managed to annoy the lady somehow.

She smirked,

"Like what you see, Your Majesty?"

Jarte paled. This wasn't what he expected at all. He expected her first words to come as a stab. However, Jarte was caught staring at the lady. He felt embarrassed more than anything. He remembered Zephyr's advice and decided to apply it. Jarte's face hardened and his gaze fixed on her,

"How arrogant. First, you stand in your king's path. Now you speak with such impudence."

"Impudence?" She wore an amused expression.

The attendant behind her stiffened and droplets of sweat gathered on his forehead. Jarte could feel his uneasiness clearly. The attendant seemed to internally debate whether or not to stop the lady. But he was aware of his position so he remained quiet.

Zephyr, on the other hand, wore his "If-only-I-could-facepalm-right-now" expression. It all seemed strange to Jarte. How come everyone seemed more afraid of her than of him?

She spoke again, "My sincere apologies, Your Majesty." The way she put emphasis on 'sincere', made her sarcasm unmistakable, "I would but like to ask one thing, if you permit it."


If Zephyr could slam his head against a brick wall with full force, he would. Her attendant and Zephyr shared the same sentiment in that moment.

If there was any doubt before, Jarte was now certain that he was digging himself a hole he wouldn't be able to crawl out of.

"Do you recognize me, Your Majesty?"

Jarte was startled. She appeared hopeful while asking the question. Jarte looked at Zephyr whose eyes were close to popping out of their sockets. 'Why exactly is he acting like he's seeing a ghost?'

She chuckled but it was filled with malice, "I see how it is. How noble of you, Your Majesty."

Jarte was beginning to lose patience. Even if he made a mistake he'd like to know what that mistake had been,

"Please speak clearly. I don't understand what you're implying with that question. You didn't introduce yourself even if it's our first meeting. Who are you?"

Jarte felt like he was struck by lightning when her cold voice answered,

"Your fiancée, Your Majesty."

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