
Invincible Summoning: All My Summons Are Beauties

No magic; No fighting spirit; Only summons; The protagonist's catchphrase: "Get lost, a divine beast is so impressive? Move aside, I only like beautiful female summons!"

Holking99 · Fantasy
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219 Chs

Send Him a Coffin!

Eddie, determined to defend his family, commanded Grey Wolf to launch an attack on the Yew family's guards. The wolf swiftly pounced on the nearest guard, an imposing man in purple, who barely managed to evade the ferocious beast. His own creature, a common Level 4 boar, was no match for the powerful Grey Wolf and suffered a brutal defeat.

Eddie, in a swift move, intercepted the purple-clad man mid-air with a punch to the face, followed by a kick to the abdomen and a final crushing blow to his back. The man plummeted to the ground, only to be rammed by Grey Wolf, sending him hurtling towards the carriage.

As Eddie returned to the carriage, the high and thin man, terrified by the swift defeat of his comrade, summoned a Level 3 iron golem for protection. However, Eddie didn't hesitate. He accused the man of being an accomplice in the attempted assassination of his mother and sisters and ordered Grey Wolf to eliminate him.

Grey Wolf, unfazed by the iron golem, relentlessly pursued the thin man through the panicked crowd. The wolf's ferocity caused chaos, with guards falling helplessly and their lower-level creatures scattering in fear.

Eddie's bold action and the might of Grey Wolf sent a clear message: no one could threaten his family, and he was ready to fight anyone who dared to stand in his way. The Yew family guards, realizing they were no match for Eddie and his formidable beast, fled in terror, desperately wishing for a way to escape the wrath of the enraged young man.

Eddie's command to Grey Wolf led to a swift and brutal takedown of the Yew family's guards. The wolf, with its ferocious attacks, incapacitated many guards, causing them serious injuries. The thin man, despite his desperate attempts to escape, was no match for the relentless pursuit of Grey Wolf. When the wolf caught up, it viciously attacked, leaving the man severely wounded and pleading for mercy.

Eddie, cold and unyielding, showed no sympathy for the man's pleas. Instead, he taunted him for crying louder. To Eddie, anyone outside his immediate family was merely an acquaintance, and he had no qualms about dealing harshly with those who threatened his family.

The situation escalated as more Yew family members arrived, including a bald elder riding a tiger-shaped golem. Eddie was not surprised by their arrival, having anticipated their reaction to his defiance. The guards summoned puppet creatures, knowing that living beasts stood no chance against Grey Wolf.

The bald elder, a figure of authority, demanded Eddie release the injured man, threatening severe punishment. The elder's presence, along with his guards' puppet creatures, indicated the seriousness of the situation. Eddie, however, remained resolute, ready to face whatever consequences his actions might bring. He was determined to stand up for his family, using his strength and Grey Wolf to confront the elders and protect his loved ones from any further harm.

In the heated confrontation at the Yew family's compound, Eddie's defiance against the family elders was blatant. Grey Wolf, the highest-level beast present, was unleashed upon the guards, but its intimidating presence had no effect on the lifeless puppet creatures summoned by the bald elder.

The elder, confident in controlling the situation, was caught off guard by Eddie's brazen actions. Eddie mocked the elder's commands, brutally beating the thin man with a stick, meticulously avoiding killing him but ensuring he felt every ounce of pain.

When the bald elder demanded Eddie's mother, Mother Grace, intervene, she firmly stood by her son's decision. She expressed her commitment to her duties as a wife and mother but made it clear that Eddie, now a grown man, had his own will which she would not interfere with.

Eddie, undeterred by the elder's threats, accused him of attempting to dishonor Mother Grace, a serious allegation in their culture. The elder's anger and disbelief at such an accusation were evident, but Eddie, a man from another time and place, showed no respect for the elder, calling him derogatory names and dismissing his authority.

Eddie's sister, Sophia, was shocked by her brother's boldness, as he fearlessly confronted even the most feared elders of the family. The scene at the Yew family compound was a stark departure from tradition, with Eddie, once considered the weakest member, now challenging the very foundations of the family's hierarchy.

In the tense standoff at the Yew family compound, Eddie faced off against the bald elder, a key figure in the family's judicial council. Sophia, Eddie's sister, was astounded by her brother's audacity, especially considering the elder's formidable reputation and influence within the family.

Eddie, unperturbed by the elder's stature, mocked and belittled him, showing a complete disregard for the elder's authority. This response stunned Sophia, as Eddie's behavior was a far cry from his previously timid nature.

The elder, outraged by Eddie's disrespect, ordered his subordinates to seize him, demanding strict punishment under the family's laws.

However, Eddie's retort was equally fierce, ridiculing the elder for his age and perceived mental decline, and challenging the entire assembly to a confrontation.

Eddie's transformation into a fearless and assertive figure, willing to confront even the most powerful members of his family, marked a significant departure from his previous demeanor.

His willingness to face the consequences of his actions, regardless of the potential backlash, demonstrated a newfound strength and determination.