
Invincible Summoning: All My Summons Are Beauties

No magic; No fighting spirit; Only summons; The protagonist's catchphrase: "Get lost, a divine beast is so impressive? Move aside, I only like beautiful female summons!"

Holking99 · Fantasy
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219 Chs

Old Soldier, The Martial Spirit Lives On!

At the record board, Eddie observed the rankings of schools and students, noting that Jingdu Academy topped both lists. Jingdu Academy had collected an impressive 502 Black Ear Withered Heart Orchids, surpassing all other schools and teams combined. Among the students, Yan Pojun from Jingdu Academy ranked first with a remarkable 45 herbs collected. Wind Qisha followed with 36, while Xue Tanlang, more of a warrior than a herbalist, barely passed with 10.

The success of Capital Academy's students, particularly Porking, sparked admiration among the female students and envy among others like Hessian, who couldn't help but express his jealousy. A dispute arose among students from various academies, with accusations of cheating and unfairness. The situation escalated until the eagle-eyed man intervened, admonishing everyone to focus on their tasks and stop causing trouble.

Eddie and his group from Changchun Academy, despite not having any herbs to hand over, faced ridicule from the Capital Academy student who had been reprimanded for cheating. A confrontation was brewing, but it was quickly defused by the eagle-eyed man's stern warning.

Hessian, feeling insulted and eager to prove himself, declared his readiness for special training, despite being discouraged by Eddie and others who doubted his endurance. Hessian's enthusiastic yet misguided response to the idea of training, along with his comical misunderstanding of the challenge ahead, led to further frustration and mockery from his peers. Eddie couldn't help but question his decision to befriend Hessian, as the others distanced themselves from the boisterous and clueless student.

"Little students, are these Black Ear Withered Heart Orchids you've collected all just recently bloomed?" Physician, always smiling and calm, was visibly moved when she saw Princess Qi Ming and Princess Beibei handing over the herbs. "Over a hundred co-existing Black Ear Withered Heart Orchids? You must have found the Black Ear Spheres. Children, you've done very well. Each of these herbs has double the medicinal effect. I thank you on behalf of the soldiers. Children, because of your efforts, you will save many more lives!"

"This was a lucky success, but I must offer criticism even as you receive praise. This approach was very dangerous! Especially since you lacked sufficient protective forces while waiting for the Black Ear Spheres to bloom. That was a grave mistake!" Hawk Eye Man poured cold water on their joy.

"Indeed, children, in the magical realm, whenever any precious herb blooms or bears fruit, powerful magical beasts are drawn to it for plunder. Waiting for the Black Ear Spheres to bloom was dangerous! Children, you are the future of our nation. Our soldiers, even in death, would not wish to see you young ones sacrificing your precious lives to rescue them. Remember, children, our first thought should be to complete the mission. As for going above and beyond, think first if you have the strength. You've done well, but it worries me. I can't bear to blame you, but I must remind you to be cautious in future missions, especially when venturing into the dangerous Magical Abyss. Be a hundred, a thousand times more careful!" Physician Fan Liao stood up, kissing each child's face and finally picking up Princess Beibei, gently admonishing, "We have our brothers to protect us, and they also contributed to these herbs!" Princess Beibei pointed at Eddie and Yehken.

"Is that so? It seems I was right about you!" Physician Grandma looked at Eddie, Yehken, Sea Fatty, and the Li brothers, her gaze finally resting on Eddie, nodding slightly. "Well done, I rate each of you excellent! Also, I want to say, you've worked hard. Your performance is worthy of the title of human elite." Sea Fatty was moved to tears, feeling honored for the first time in his life.

Yehken and the Li brothers also felt a surge of passion. They had thought they would starve to death in the Heaven-Reaching Tower, but meeting Eddie had turned their fate around. They were far from true elites, but as members of Eddie's team, they had every reason to be proud and honored. They might not be elites now, but one day, under his leadership, they would reach the forefront. Yehken and the Li brothers looked at Eddie with fiery pride in their eyes, a passion burning like a fierce flame.

"Are these herbs enough?" Eddie asked a question that none of the students, including the three great killers, had thought to ask. Physician Grandma was surprised by his question.

Black Armored Hawk Eye Man took it for granted, as he had been observing Eddie all along. Whether Eddie was examining the wounded or studying the herb record signs, his thoughts were clear to Hawk Eye Man. He had noticed Eddie was extraordinary since the Magical Abyss and had been paying close attention.

To Eddie's question, Physician Grandma first pondered, then shook her head slightly. "Originally, there were less than a thousand herbs. With the over four hundred you collected from Ivy College, the total is one thousand three hundred and ninety. Even with the doubled medicinal effect of the last hundred or so, it can only save about one thousand five hundred people. But the poisoned soldiers number over five thousand, more than three thousand of which you've seen in the square." "Why not send more people to gather herbs?" Eddie was puzzled why the army hadn't sent more soldiers to collect herbs.

"The army, apart from military doctors, how would ordinary soldiers know how to collect Black Ear Withered Heart Orchids? Besides, there are no more Black Ear Withered Heart Orchids available for harvesting. Your harvest is already an unexpected surprise! To save lives, we mobilized the most elite students from several academies, taking a huge risk by sending you to the Magical Abyss. It was the biggest gamble. Honestly, as a doctor who saves lives, I opposed this because if discovered by the army of the Magical Abyss, we could have been completely wiped out! You are the future of the Great Xia Nation. We shouldn't gamble with your lives, but it was the Emperor's command, so I had no choice but to agree. Fortunately, you all returned safely. Children, you needn't feel guilty. You've done extremely well, and the soldiers you saved, along with their families, will be grateful for your efforts! As for the remaining soldiers who can't be saved, I will try to extend their lives, so they can see their loved ones one last time before they go." Physician Fan Po's voice was filled with compassion, as if seeing her own loved ones departing.

"How to choose among those three thousand unsavable soldiers? They are all the same soldiers. Is it by drawing lots or based on merit?" Eddie felt that the choice of who lives and who dies was a difficult problem. Who would want to die when there's a chance of being saved? Who would want to watch others be saved and reborn while they themselves perish?

"It's a hard choice, but the soldiers have already made their decision. Young soldiers who are the only sons in their families, just had newborns, or have elderly parents will be given priority in treatment. The veteran soldiers who have fought their whole lives are willing to set an example for the younger ones. This isn't the first time, nor will it be the last. Students, this is the spirit of our Great Xia Nation. The martial soul never dies, veterans lead the way! It's because of the sacrifices of generations that we have the Great Xia Nation of today and the hope for tomorrow. When you grow older and experience more, you'll understand the wishes of the veterans. If the people of Longteng Continent didn't have such a great spirit of sacrifice, we would have been conquered by the Magical Abyss long ago!" Physician Fan Liao finally nodded at Eddie, saying, "Just like how you risked your lives to protect the children collecting herbs, your actions are essentially the same as the veterans' choice." "The soldiers in the square voluntarily gave up treatment to wait to say goodbye to their loved ones." Hawk Eye Man suddenly interjected.

Eddie immediately felt a profound respect. 

No wonder all the soldiers in the square looked older, some even with white hair. 

They were the veterans who volunteered to sacrifice themselves. Eddie was deeply moved by their spirit of sacrifice. 

In the face of life and death, how many can do this? 

In the Dynasty, he had seen too much indifference, ingratitude, and villainy, making his heart grow cold. 

Kindness? Honesty? Weren't these the weaknesses that some people exploited? 

He always thought that the spirit of sacrifice for others was scorned, and only fools would do so!

In the past, there were indeed people who did good deeds like Lei Feng, but now, anyone who does it recklessly is courting death. 

Those who do are often met with painful tears. 

For example, intervening in a bag snatching only to be stabbed, with the victim not even acknowledging the act of bravery; helping an old lady only to be sued for a large sum; returning found money only to be accused of hiding a portion.

After crossing over to Longteng Continent, Eddie found that the world here was completely different from what he had known before.

"In the Hua Xia Heavenly Dynasty, behaving like I did was normal, but here, I became an 'outlier.' Protecting oneself, putting one's own interests first, in Hua Xia Heavenly Dynasty, I believe there are countless people who think like me. But in Longteng Continent, it's the opposite. 

Mother Grace could spend all her savings of over a decade to buy a Beast Spirit Awakening Pill for her adopted son, while her own daughter doesn't even have money to learn skills. 

If Mother Grace does it for her family, what about these old soldiers?

These old soldiers, I believe each has fought bloody battles, rolled among corpses, and barely survived to return. 

At the final decision of life and death, they chose without hesitation to sacrifice themselves for others, giving their chance of salvation to strangers, to younger people with more hope! If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it could be true.

Sacrifices for others existed in Hua Xia Heavenly Dynasty as well. 

Heroes of the Yan and Huang lineage were numerous, allowing the flame of civilization to continue, making it the only surviving ancient civilization among the four great ones. 

In Longteng Continent, the Great Xia Nation has stood for thousands of years, probably also because of this enduring spirit. 

It's because of the sacrifices and dedication of the predecessors that the later generations can thrive and pass on the legacy.

"Let's go, we've done our best!" Hawk Eye Man patted Eddie's shoulder and then waved his hand, commanding the students of the Death Squad, "Everyone, return to the academy. Training continues tomorrow! Competition is this cruel. If you don't want to be eliminated by others, then you must be stronger and more outstanding than anyone!" Eddie followed the team, leaving while observing the poisoned soldiers around him. He noticed that although these old soldiers' faces were darkened, their expressions carried a sense of calmness and even pride.

Many soldiers gathered around them, dressing the old soldiers in brand-new military uniforms. 

Some old soldiers had their chests full of various medals, shining like stars. 

When Eddie saw numerous medical soldiers bringing bowls of farewell wine, handing them to the old soldiers one by one, and even dabbing wine on the lips of those too injured to hold the bowls, tears welled up in their eyes.

"General," a few soldiers adorned an old man with white hair and beard with glittering golden stars. 

The youngest soldier suddenly reddened his eyes and wiped away tears.

"Damn brat, stop your damn crying, get lost, don't disgrace me. I've earned my keep long ago," the old man's voice was weak, but his spirit was like an old lion. 

"General, you can't leave like this. You have to continue leading us in battle. What will we do without you?" The youngest soldier started to sob.

"I'm tired, I don't want to fight anymore. I just want to sleep comfortably. All these years, I've never rested, always fighting here and there. I've got a bunch of medals, but never had time for a good sleep. You damn brats kept me worried and troubled all the time. It's been hard turning you from cowards into real soldiers over these years. Do well, don't disgrace me, or I'll kick your asses even from underground. Bring the wine. Since that damn doctor told me to quit drinking, I haven't touched a drop in three months. Now that I'm dying, I don't care. Bring all the wine, let me be a happy drunk before I die, haha!" As the old man changed into his general's uniform, Eddie saw his body riddled with scars, some wounds horrifyingly deep. A general poisoned and not receiving treatment?

Of course not, unless he refused it himself. The first to be treated would probably have been him.

But why did he refuse treatment? 

Was it really to give young people a chance, preferring to sacrifice himself?

Curious, Eddie couldn't help but stride over and ask, "Are you really a general?"

The old man looked surprised at the question, then burst into laughter, responding sarcastically, "Kid, you don't know me? Well, Alexander always bragged that everyone in the Great Xia Nation knows and recognizes me. I always knew that kid was just bluffing to get people to die for him. Good thing I never got too smug, or I'd be the one embarrassed now!"

Black Armored Hawk Eye Man appeared behind Eddie, his voice filled with respect, "This is General Blade, the foremost among the ten great generals of the Great Xia Nation."

"What ten great generals, they're all dead and gone, just old ghosts now. If they were really that great, they wouldn't have died, leaving me all alone. They're all gone, and I'm sick of it. Why do they get to enjoy offerings in the Martial Soul Hall while I have to risk my old bones? Even Haye Yew gave up, so why should I keep going? Suffering every day, being called one of the ten great generals, does it make the wounds on my body hurt any less? Not even allowed a drink, living like this is pointless, better to join those old ghosts down below." Eddie was slightly taken aback upon hearing the old man's name, General Blade, a name even he, a newcomer to this world, had heard of.

 General Blade was the first of the ten great generals of the Great Xia Nation and the only one remaining.

The age of this old general was unknown, rumored to be over two hundred years old, the longest-serving member in the military. 

He joined the army at eighteen, became a general at forty, and continued fighting to this day, earning countless achievements, enough to fill several books. 

With his achievements and abilities, he could have easily become the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces.

Strangely, he refused promotion to Marshal ten times, insisting on remaining a general. 

The reason was unknown to the world, only the Emperor of Great Xia, Alexander, and the old man Haye Yew, who recommended his promotion, knew. 

General Blade was like a living fossil in the military and a lucky general who survived countless near-death experiences. 

He fought over a thousand battles without ever experiencing a total defeat. 

Even in the worst situations, he managed to preserve the strength of his Blade Army, which he personally built and trained, making it the foremost of the three great armies of the Great Xia military.

It was unexpected that such a legendary figure would refuse treatment, giving his chance of survival to his soldiers, lying in the square waiting for death.

"Why? Isn't it better to live? Without you, who will lead your soldiers in battle? Are you really comfortable entrusting the Blade Army to someone else?" Eddie realized he had a talent for gossip.

"I'm about to die, why bother with all that?" the old man was quite open-minded.

"What if you could survive?" Eddie paused, then asked.

"To be honest, I'm tired of living. Who in the world doesn't die? Living to two hundred and still fighting, that's too hard! I'm a soldier, an old soldier. I should die on a glorious battlefield, not on a comfortable bed. In this battle, although the Magical Abyss killed over three thousand of my men, I'm not at a loss. I took out over thirty thousand of their soldiers and killed two demon commanders, so dying now is no big deal! If I get so old that I can't even lift a sword and get killed by some green skin, that would be truly sad!" The old man struggled to sit up, first gazing into the distance.

Then turning to Eddie, "Kid, I know what you're thinking. You want to knock me out and secretly save me, right? That trick won't work on me. Go on, an honorable death for an old soldier is the best ending!" Eddie, with his Level 3 Insight, could see the truth.

This old man, the famous General Blade, had more serious injuries than just poisoning. 

His body was already frail from age and riddled with scars, and he had suffered a fatal blow from the enemy, severely damaging his internal organs! 

The poisoning was just a superficial symptom. Even if the poison was removed, such a body probably couldn't survive another month. 

That might be the real reason he refused treatment.

Realizing the truth, Eddie suddenly felt a strange feeling. 

Was there really no cure? 

The White Jade Beetle, combined with innate qi, could detoxify and heal injuries. Using innate qi for a medical breakthrough might just be within reach. 

This was the best opportunity, treating a dying man as if he were alive. Eddie thought maybe, just maybe, he could give it a try.