
Invincible Summoning: All My Summons Are Beauties

No magic; No fighting spirit; Only summons; The protagonist's catchphrase: "Get lost, a divine beast is so impressive? Move aside, I only like beautiful female summons!"

Holking99 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
219 Chs

Exploding Eggs, and Starting the Barbecue!

Eddie turned to see a tall, thin man in a white robe striding towards them. His appearance was decent, but his face had a sickly pallor from excessive drinking.

Eddie noticed the man's sly and cunning look, with narrow eyes, thin lips, and a slightly hooked nose.

His hair was disheveled, with numerous small braids on either side of his ears, a self-satisfied and odd appearance.

Princess Jean frowned, ready to glare down this disrespectful and foul-mouthed man.

She decided to let Eddie handle it, believing it was a man's job to deal with such matters.

She subtly signaled Sophia to let Eddie take charge, and they all waited to see the unfolding drama.

Princess Jean initially worried that the lewd man might recognize her and flee in terror, but her worries were unfounded.

He didn't recognize her in her casual warrior attire, mistaking her for just another beautiful woman with a fierce spirit.

He did, however, take notice of the gray wolf following Eddie.

Eddie guessed the man's interest in the wolf stemmed from thinking it was a Bronze Level 3 Iron Ridge Demon Wolf.

"It's you?" Rue recognized the man, her face turning frosty.

"Kieran Shaw, your talent for spewing filth is well-known, but please, spare us the display. Can't you use your eyes for something other than disrespect? Where do you see any inappropriate behavior here?"

"I saw it with my own eyes, you disgraceful woman! And this adulterer with his pathetic Bronze Level 3 dog!"

" You think I don't have one? "

"My Golden Eyes Giant Ape is Bronze Level 4, and so is my Minotaur Warrior. "

"I'm not one to brag, but your pathetic dog is nothing compared to them! Rue, you think you can turn against me with this pretty boy? "

"Dream on about breaking off our engagement," Kieran Shaw sneered menacingly.

Despite his arrogance, he didn't let his guard down.

As the gray wolf roared, he quickly summoned a red crystal, merging with a giant gorilla.

His previously thin body bulked up with muscles, his skin turning rough and hairy like the gorilla's.

After enhancing his strength with the Bronze Level 4 Golden Eyes Giant Ape, Kieran Shaw became even more arrogant. He proudly summoned a Bronze Level 4 Minotaur Warrior, looking to intimidate Eddie.

Pointing at Eddie, he sneered, "Pretty boy, kneel before me and kiss my feet."

Rue guessed Eddie could easily defeat Kieran Shaw but didn't want him to make enemies with the Shaw family because of her.

She scolded, "Shameless! Kieran Shaw, who do you think you are? Dare to act wild here? Get lost! Don't play the fool here. This isn't the Shaw family courtyard. Don't throw your weight around!"

Kieran Shaw, furious at Rue's response, lashed out, "Rue, don't think you can act like a lady just because you have the Yew family behind you! "

"You'll graduate soon, and then it's our wedding. You'll be my woman, and I can do whatever I want with you. Enjoy pretending to be pure and chaste while you can. Claiming your virtue is like gold - what does it matter? "

"You're still going to be ruined by me. I've tolerated your pretense for too long, Rue. Now I've caught you red-handed, not the gem you claim to be, but a promiscuous woman! Now I have proof, let's see how the Yew family protects you!"


Rue was so angered she trembled, speechless.

Eddie watched coldly, letting the fool continue his performance. His Level 4 Insight allowed him to see through many things.

For instance, Kieran Shaw's beast, despite being high-ranking among his peers, was artificially enhanced using magic crystals.

It might be Bronze Level 4, but it's probably weaker than a genuinely nurtured Bronze Level 3 beast.

This suggested the Shaw family's rapid rise was due to substantial backing from a hidden benefactor. Such hasty and superficial growth, lacking time and foundation, was merely superficial and fragile.

Eddie didn't know who was backing the Shaw family, but he was sure they were just a pawn, used against the Yew family and perhaps the four major families.

Kieran Shaw's strength paled in comparison to the genuinely skilled killers like Qeathon, Porking, and Tunlun, and even the younger Yew members like Yehky, Blaze, and Little Frost.

Eddie estimated Kieran Shaw's strength was at best on par with the weakest Yew member, and without his summoning tomes, he would likely lose.

Eddie could defeat him with a single finger, but he decided to let Kieran Shaw continue his vile rant.

The more Kieran Shaw spewed, the more justified Eddie would be in defending Rue, and the more satisfying it would be to punish him.

The Shaw family had been adamant about not breaking off the engagement, but now Kieran Shaw's words had made it impossible to turn back.

Rue's tragic fate, unknown to Eddie before, was now his concern. Although he hadn't interacted much with his gentle and calm cousin, he felt obligated to help her, especially considering her past kindness.

From the bushes along the shaded path emerged a woman with voluptuous curves and a seductive appearance.

Her clothes were disheveled, partially revealing her chest, indicating she had just been engaging in an illicit tryst with Kieran Shaw.

Princess Jean, with her sharp senses, detected a lewd scent on the woman from afar.

She frowned, pulling Rue and Sophia back a few steps. Mistaking their retreat for fear, Kieran Shaw laughed triumphantly.

The sultry woman, upon seeing Rue, unleashed a torrent of vile and vitriolic insults, spewing words like a volcanic eruption.

Rue trembled with anger but restrained herself, urging Eddie, "Let's go, Eddie. Ignore these despicable people!"

"Not so fast," Kieran Shaw boasted, leaping high and landing heavily in the middle of the path, blocking their way.

His Minotaur Warrior advanced threateningly, targeting the seemingly indifferent gray wolf.

The wolf, usually eager for battle, appeared uninterested in the Bronze Level 4 Minotaur Warrior, having recently slain more formidable beasts, including Silver and Gold Level ones.

"Kneel and pleasure me with your mouth," Kieran Shaw demanded Rue.

"If you do it well, I might spare your life. As for you, pretty boy, kneel and bark like a dog. If you stop before I say, not only will I behead you, but I'll also annihilate your entire family!"

Kieran Shaw was no stranger to such acts, having committed similar atrocities numerous times.

In more crowded areas, he might have shown restraint, but this secluded part of the academy was mostly frequented by elderly instructors, making it unlikely for students to pass by.

Kieran Shaw felt it was an opportune moment to take advantage of the three beautiful women before him, rare beauties not encountered every day.

As Kieran Shaw began to undress, the three women turned away in disgust, simultaneously spitting in contempt.

They had seen lewd behavior before, but this level of depravity was beyond anything they'd encountered.

Princess Jean punched Eddie on the shoulder, urging him to action. "Eddie, what are you waiting for? Go take care of him!"

The sultry woman, enraged by the confrontation, summoned a common Level 3 enhanced leopard. After merging, she transformed into a ferocious leopard-woman with sharp claws and a spotted body.

She leaped and charged towards Princess Jean, viciously swinging her claws at her delicate face while hurling insults.

Princess Jean was about to strike back when Eddie, in a flash of purple flames, swiftly acted first. With one swift move, he severed the woman's claws, sending her crashing to the ground, screaming in agony.

Eddie stepped on her chest, and everyone heard the sound of ribs cracking. The woman's screams stopped abruptly as blood gushed from her mouth.

With another kick, Eddie shattered her teeth, blood and broken pieces scattering everywhere.

As the Minotaur Warrior charged at Eddie, its head was swiftly decapitated before it could even swing its axe. Eddie, casually whistling, walked towards the stunned and disbelieving Kieran Shaw, blood dripping from his Ashen Demon Blade.

Kieran Shaw, realizing the situation, panicked and attempted to flee. But when he turned, he found Eddie, smiling devilishly, standing right in front of him.

The sight of that smile, akin to a demon's, overwhelmed Kieran Shaw with fear, causing him to wet himself in terror.

As Eddie raised his blade, Kieran Shaw screamed and leaped high, hoping to escape the nightmare. He knew he stood no chance against Eddie, who had effortlessly decapitated the Bronze Level 4 Minotaur Warrior.

Kieran Shaw's only thought was to flee.

But Eddie appeared in the sky, striking Kieran Shaw's nose with the hilt of his blade, smashing his gorilla-like robust body back to the ground.

"Keep performing, clown. I'm not done watching," Eddie said, as he dealt with Kieran Shaw without mercy.

Kieran Shaw's pleas for mercy were abruptly silenced by Eddie's crushing foot, like a toad squashed underfoot. His mouth, full of shattered teeth, gushed with blood and saliva.

Eddie, seemingly dissatisfied with his own force, methodically crushed Kieran Shaw's fingers one by one, turning them into a bloody pulp.

He coldly encouraged Kieran Shaw to cry louder, mockingly suggesting that adding some pig-like squeals would perfect the performance.

Rue, fearing Eddie might kill Kieran Shaw, intervened. Despite her deep disdain for Kieran Shaw, she didn't want his death to spark a deadly feud between the Yew and Shaw families.

"Don't kill him," she urged. "He's not worth it."

Eddie, however, was undeterred, coldly remarking that if the Yew family couldn't protect one of their own, they didn't deserve to be called one of the four great families.

He nonchalantly continued his torment, mocking Kieran Shaw's manhood and ridiculing his boasts.

Ignoring the three women's reactions, Eddie unzipped his pants. "Human cannon, ready to fire," he announced, before urinating into Kieran Shaw's battered mouth.

After relieving himself, Eddie casually zipped up his pants, leaving Kieran Shaw humiliated and defeated.

Seeing Kieran Shaw pretending to be dead, Eddie called the gray wolf.

"Hey, Gray Wolf, ever tried barbecued sausage? I'm in a good mood today; I'll grill one for you!"

As Eddie's purple flames rose, Kieran Shaw, pretending to be unconscious even as Eddie urinated in his mouth, panicked at the mention of being barbecued and scrambled to flee.

Eddie, with a cold laugh, shattered Kieran Shaw's spine with a powerful stomp.

He then turned Kieran Shaw over and crushed his groin before setting him on fire.

The wolf, finding only charred remains and no sausage, looked at Eddie in confusion.

Eddie shrugged it off, "I overdid it. But he's all meat, help yourself!"

The three women had already fled when Eddie began his brutal display.

From a distance, they could still hear Kieran Shaw's screams.

They felt Eddie's actions were justified given Kieran Shaw's atrocities.

Their only concern was the Shaw family's potential retaliation.

Upon Eddie's return, Princess Jean asked why he didn't kill Kieran Shaw outright.

Eddie reassured his sisters before explaining to Princess Jean and Rue.

He wanted Kieran Shaw's suffering to serve as a warning: don't mess with his family, or face dire consequences.

Rue thanked Eddie for his help, moved to tears, while Sophia declared her unwavering support for her brother.

Princess Jean, half-joking, half-serious, offered to join Eddie's reckless endeavors, seeking some excitement.

Eddie, seizing the opportunity, suggested they go drinking, with the hidden intention of getting Princess Jean drunk and under his control. However, she wasn't fooled by his ulterior motives.