
Invincible Grand Magus : a wmw fanfic

At some point, there was a soul, lurking in the endless astral plane, but then it got a chance at reincarnation after devouring an unknown entity's soul. This story follows a man who got reincanated in the magus world as an aristocrat along with Leylin Farlier's A.I. chip 3,000 years prior to the time when the events of the canon took place. ...... This is a warlock of the magus world fanfic, this will be my second fanfic and I will try to write better. You guys may give constructive critisism. I'll update almost everyday.

Blood_Dao_ · Anime & Comics
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100 Chs

Chapter 93. Dignitary

Far away, Tirus's magus tower,

A woman in red was staring infront of a shadowy figure who resembled Tirus a little. The woman in red had hundreds of wraiths around her and an aura that could induce fear into anyone who looked at her, aside from Tirus, of course.

"So, how was the main continent and the other Island?" Tirus's shadow incarnation inquired. This was a simple technqniue which he could execute with his 0.01% of law comprehension. Currently, he was in his underground cultivation chamber filled with darkness energy particles and observing

To this question of his, Beth struggled to choose a point to start from. After a minute of contemplation, she started.

"The second Island's situation is not much different from this one, there the strongest being is at the level of a peak rank 3 magus, its a just a magical beast, but acts much more like a guardian.

As for the main continent, spiritual cultivation is the most prevalent, but not the only thing thats practiced. The magi there are called 'shamans' and most have the battle strength equivalent to that of semi-converted rank 1 magi. There, however, were a few who had reached rank 2 and one had even reached rank 3."

"Hm, I see." Tirus's incarnation didn't say much, nodded his head at her, and then disappeared.


Inside the chamber, Tirus opened his eyes for a second and then closed them again, assimilating the information given by the shadow incarnation.

'Hm, good. I can take my time.'

He had his plan ready even before he came to this world. The plan was to choose someone whom most people would look up to if they were to achieve something. Who could it be if not a peasant?

At first, he was going to take someone ordinary, but felt that it would be more interesting if he were to choose Keith.

And thus, the first phase of his plan was finished.

He had to admit that this plan of his was heavily influenced by the power system of the purgatory world.

From what he had read in the canon, the purgatory world had two types of power strengthening methods, others were probably used by the minorities.

The first one is the Beast Mastering and the other one was the path of the sacrificed.

The inhabitants of that world grant the dignitaries their loyalties and with the help of sacrifices, accomplished missions or dedication to the laws carried by the dignitaries, they are rewarded with the strength shared by these same dignitaries.

At a realm similar to that of morning star, rank 4, they could materialize the dignitary to which they were affiliated. At higher ranks, they'd engrave a symbol on their body to swear loyalty and significantly increase their bond with their dignitary, of course, it was completely different from the slave mark that Tirus had imprinted.

Reaching ranks above that were extremely rare and required a real understanding of the laws of the dignitary and the ideas conveyed by them. In general, the realm of laws was almost impossible to achieve because the link with the dignitary being too strong, the sacrificier would become a puppet.

The Trial's eye was a being of law which was using a method similar to this for comprehending the laws of Contract and Judgement and was most probably at rank 8 for it to be able to spread its influence all over the magus world.


Time flowed like water,

Keith and Nessa reached their destination after a few weeks and joined a mercenary guild and Keith brokethrough to the third layer of his warrior tactic.

After a few days, Keith told Nessa about a being who had chosen him to be his servant, and that the being could give them immense powers if they were to simply obey it.

At first, Nessa was a little skeptic, but seeing her brother's cultivation speed and the tense situation they were in, she chose to give it a try. If she could survive and live a good life while protecting her little brother, then she would do anything.

Tirus engraved a slave mark on her as well, making her his second servant.

The job of servants would be to simply increase his popularity and spread his name. And, his plan didn't need more than two servants.

After 7 months, Keith and Nessa had made quite the name for themselves in the city due to their exceptional strength and young age, their duo party was named the twin demons of the abyss as they both had dark black eyes which gave others a feeling of endless depth.

They even completed a task issued by a noble household, gaining a mansion in the inner city of the kingdom as a reward.

Keith had reached the peak of of the third layer and was about to make another breakthrough to the fourth layer which 90% of those so-called geniuses from the royal and ancient noble families may not be able to breakthrough.