
Invincible Grand Magus : a wmw fanfic

At some point, there was a soul, lurking in the endless astral plane, but then it got a chance at reincarnation after devouring an unknown entity's soul. This story follows a man who got reincanated in the magus world as an aristocrat along with Leylin Farlier's A.I. chip 3,000 years prior to the time when the events of the canon took place. ...... This is a warlock of the magus world fanfic, this will be my second fanfic and I will try to write better. You guys may give constructive critisism. I'll update almost everyday.

Blood_Dao_ · Anime & Comics
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100 Chs

Chapter 68. True Inheritance ( 10 )[ final ]

Inside the egg,

Tirus was now a ball of flesh, covered by a membrane of amniotic fluid, while being nurtured by his spiritual force and the remnants of his fleshly roots which were now coming to him.

He felt all the fleshly roots coming to him from every nook and cranny of the secret plane, the spiritual force stored in them, the soul force, everything was swallowed up by him.

'A.I. chip, from use by previous DNA records as the blueprint for the new body, you're free to make some modifications.'

He gave the A.I. chip an order and felt his power increasing faster than ever.

He spread his spiritual sense that somehow was able to encompass the whole semi-plane, he could feel living being here. At least the ones who were able to escape his slaughter.

Some survived because he started forming his point mass right before he killed them, and some survived because they were too weak for Tirus to even consider them targets.

'Come.' He tried to whisper, but no words came out of his currently non-existent mouth, but the semi-plane seemed to have understood his intentions and thus, everything started rumbling.

Innumerable tentacles decreased in size and started returning to the egg shell, bringing a miniscule amount of spiritual force that they had left in them.

Tirus's spiritual force, when he broke through, was at 580 units, but now, it had already reached 645 units and was continuing to increase.

680…694…720…734…740.6…750.9. It stopped after reaching the value of 750.9 units.

Now came his true soul, it was constantly being nurtured by the souls of all the living beings that he had killed, if this feeling of having one's soul nourished was to be described in one word, then it could only be 'heavenly'.

At first, his soul force was at 50 units, but now it had reached 68 units…74 units…80 units and was continuing to increase in decimals after that. Finally, it stopped at 85 units.

It was great that Tirus had a high-grade meditation technique, which had its 5th level written in great detail. Otherwise, he wouldn't even have dared to do something as reckless as this.

[Beep! Host's body has been reconstructed]

Tirus, who was in a state of euphoria, ignored the A.I. chip's prompt.

[Body has been reconstructed… Recalculating stats]

[Name: Tirus Van Elrod, Occupation: rank 4 magi; strength: 100.2 agility: 100.3, vitality: 100.1, spiritual force: 750.9, soul force: 85 (magic power is in sync with spiritual force) status: Healthy]

'A.I. chip, open up the hidden portal to the outside world.' Tirus commanded without a second of hesitation. After devouring Plaguemancer's soul, he got to know about the hidden portal Plaguemancer had planned to use to exit this semi-plane after resurrecting himself.


The eggshell cracked as Tirus punched it casually and got out of it.

He still had his previous look, wavy black hair and alluring eyes, but his skin had now turned more flawless and smooth, each tendon of his was nearly indestructible.

"Really, just perfect." He couldn't help but exclaim in surprise as he noticed his new body and his drastically improved stats.

'Hm…' He closed his mouth and focused. He felt that he could do something new with this body of his.


The sound akin to countless fingers being snapped resounded as something grew out of his back.

Four massive, scarlet tentacles, He felt as if he could easily extend them at by several meters and even turn them into weapons. Moreover, maintaining this form didn't cost him anything, nor did it have a time limit. Although he lost his zombie transformation, this new ability was worth it.

Seeing this form of his, he couldn't believe the fortune he stumbled upon.

His cultivation had made extremely fast progress within a few days, if he had cultivated an ordinary high-grade meditation technique, then he would've already exploded from the power overload.

"Even though I lost all my guild members, this is still worth it, even if I were to get another chance to choose either this or them, I'd still choose this no matter what. Now, now, there's still a long way to go before I reach the peak of cultivation." Saying that, he took his storage rings and flew out.

On the barren surface of the semi-plane, a man, who had four monstrous tentacles growing out of his back, flew out of a seemingly endless pit, bringing with him his deadly radiation.

'I really destroyed this place, huh, can this he considered my first massacre?' He flew for a few minutes in a certain direction and stopped upon seeing a golden storage pouch near a tattered green robe. He returned to his humanoid form once again.

"Got it." He slight smile appeared on his face as he held this storage pouch. This storage pouch was originally the property of the rank 3 wood elf, Aimon, but since he had already died, Tirus naturally took it as his own and wore the green robe.

'This time, my gains were seriously tremendous.' This thought flashed by in his mind. All the inheritance candidates had only brought magical tools to use them as trump cards during a crucial battle, but sadly, they weren't even given a chance to use it.

Even though Tirus wasn't short on magical tools and equipments, but why would he say no to more wealth?

All the remaining living being, including animals, were devoured by him completely, thus making this place lose almost all of its vitality. Although Tirus had the A.I. chip, he still couldn't fully control the amount of energy he consumed, and thus wasted a lot of it, it was a blessing that he didn't just die.

"Well, whatever." Looking at the now opened portal up in the air, his eyes were filled with the flames of ambition.

"[Shadow legion]"

He cast his rank 4 innate spell and a shadow encompassing millions of kilometers spread out from his shadow.

[Beep! Rank 4 innate spell" Shadow legion" is under effect, absorbing the bodies of dead lifeforms and making turning them into shadow demons]

This spell could absorb all the dead bodies within a certain radius and store them in the caster's shadow and make them the caster's shadow demons, which wouldn't die and keep regenerating during battles until the caster's spiritual force was completely exhausted.

This spell could absorb 10,000 shadow demons at once. However, these shadow demons would only be able to use their fleshly body to fight in battles and be unable to use spells.

Tirus didn't care much about the drawbacks of this spell and absorbed all the minions that Mar had stored in his body as well as the other magi with strong bodies and then, he turned into a dark light and exited the semi-plane without further ado.

This semi-plane, having lost most of its vitality, was going to be destroyed soon, so why wouldn't he hurry?

In the western continent,

The wasteland,

The golden ring hovering in the air was activated and a ray of black light got out of it, but the ray pf light didn't stop and continued moving forward, clearing any traces of its radiation from the surroundings.


The golden ring started rumbling as cracks appeared all over it within seconds and soon, it turned into dust.

This rumbling could've alerted all the beings living if this pace was even sparsely populated, fortunately, this place was a wasteland with only blue, luminous, rocks.

A few days later,

Central continent,

There was a great commotion in the continent, a new morning star magi had appeared. And that magi was none other than the infamous 'soul collector', a member of the Jupiter's lightning.

Some rumors were that he got a fortuitous encounter in the western continent, some said that he went to another continent just to safely break through, of course, almost no one paid attention to the latter.

The chances of getting a fortuitous encounter were low, but it wasn't impossible, as for him going to another continent just to break through? No one believed it, and why would they, if he wanted a safe place to break through, then wouldn't he simply return to his home base?

Although Tirus's past achievements had earned him quite the reputation, no one could trace him back to his origins, it was as if his past was shrouded in a cloud of mystery.

Whatever the rumors may be, the emergence of another morning star magi in the Jupiter's lightning meant another morning star expert, that the warlocks had another formidable enemy.

Hadleigh plains,

In the headquarters of Jupiter's lightning,

In the main hall,

Tirus and Zegna were sitting on the round table, facing each other.

"Magus Tirus, We congratulate you on your successful breakthrough." Zegna said with an expressionless face.

"It is an honor that the leader has congratulated me, I offer you my sincere gratitude." Tirus said in a tone that expressed his intentions.

Upon hearing this, Zegna allowed a slight smile to appear on his faces.

"Since you have already broken through and became a morning star magi, we would have to make some modifications to the contract, is that okay?" Zegna said in a polite tone.

"I have no problem with that."

Before Tirus could say anything else, a yellow scroll appeared in Zegna's hand.

"This is our previous contract." He said as he snapped his fingers and the letters on the scroll, as if they had become alive, started moving slightly. Then he pointed upwards, and all the letters flew out of the page and settled up in the air.

"Now, morning star magi, Tirus, we are to create a new contract, if there is anything in this that you don't agree or want to change, then please tell us now." Zegna said, paused for a moment and continued, "First rule, you can come a go to the central continent as you please and do business if you'd like. However, you will have to contribute 10% of your total earnings from here to Jupiter's lightning.

Second rule, you are not obliged to actively seek missions, and can even send members of your organization to complete any mission in your place.

Third rule, you are prohibited from doing anything that may antagonize this organization, the moment you do that, we will consider it a betrayal from your side."

After that, Zegna continued to explain other misalleneous rules to Tirus and he agreed without any hesitation. There was simply no need to hesitate.

From thereon,Tirus became a figure who commanded great respect and fear among the magi and warlocks of the central continent.

To be continued…