
Invincible Grand Magus : a wmw fanfic

At some point, there was a soul, lurking in the endless astral plane, but then it got a chance at reincarnation after devouring an unknown entity's soul. This story follows a man who got reincanated in the magus world as an aristocrat along with Leylin Farlier's A.I. chip 3,000 years prior to the time when the events of the canon took place. ...... This is a warlock of the magus world fanfic, this will be my second fanfic and I will try to write better. You guys may give constructive critisism. I'll update almost everyday.

Blood_Dao_ · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 45. Growing tension

In the kobold kingdom,

The head kobold, who was a rank 3 magi, was enjoying his sumptuous meal.

"Mi lord, this yellow flesh duck has been captured by a small clan especially for you to recover." A kobold with said with a proud expression on his face.

"Mhm, give them a reward and tell them to keep sending me these." The sole rank 3 magi of this kingdom said in a jovial tone.

The yellow flesh duck was a rare delicacy in the twilight zone, it had astonishing healing effects on the consumer's sea of consciousness.

For the past few years, the atmosphere in the kingdom of kobolds had been quite tense. Most of their rank 2 magi were killed during the previous skirmish against humanity and their only rank 3 magi had his sea of consciousness damaged.

There had been cases of mass abduction by an unknown organization, by the kobolds couldn't retaliate since their power was at an all-time low.

The dark elven and the Gnome kingdoms also severed their connections with the kobolds. All of them knew that it was only a matter of time before the kobolds were erased from the surface of the twilight zone.

Their only hope of survival was their rank 3 leader, but they knew that it wasn't possible for him alone to save the entire race.

The gloomy atmosphere returned to the room as soon as the leader's cheerful act ended. The servant, having finished his task, made his way out.

'Is this the end? I just wanted us to live safely, was it too much to ask for?' He thought as he felt the eerie feeling in his heart intensifying. He felt the air around him becoming more and more compressed, forcing his spiritual force to become still.


Sound akin to that of a dagger being fiercely stabbed in a leather jacket reverberated in the entire room.

The kobold leader's eyes were filled with shock and fury as he felt his body becoming weaker and weaker by the moment.

Soon, he closed his eyes which were hazy yet full of killing intent. His entire body emmited a scarlet red light which manifested itself in the form of a half-dragon half-crocodile beast. This was his final move, this beast made purely out of energy couldn't be seen by anyone who was below rank 3.

Soon, his entire body turned ashen gray in color as black veins started appearing all over his body and by that time he was completely immobile.

"Matriarch, the target has been assassinated." A female dark elf revealed herself, emerging from the shadows of the kobold. She emanated the aura of a rank 2.

This assassin had been given a special artifact by her master to supress the aura of this rank 3 kobold, otherwise, just the radiation of a rank 3 magi would've been able to kill this assassin.

"Good, now the others will take care of the rest, you return immediately." Another dark elf with a more mature voice commanded the assassin. This voice came from the locket the assassin was wearing.

'Wait...' A sense of danger filled the assassin's mind as she found herself becoming immobile. Her skin started to burn along with her truesoul and her eyes popped out due to the intense radiation being focused on her body.


Soon, an explosion occured and the entire castle was destroyed.


Sounds of the wailing from the magi clans of the kobold kingdom could be heard as they were burnt down.

The men, women, and children hacked to pieces by the dark elves. Their souls were collected for experiments while their corpses were skinned.

The kobold citizens were taken as captives. Their futures were filled with despair and agony.


The human kingdoms,

Eastern region,


"How can this be!" Leon roared in fury, but he soon composed himself.

"Inform all the human magi of the twilight zone that another war with the dark elven empire is near." He ordered several acolytes who were standing near him.


"Oh, really, so they've decided to attack, huh." Tirus said in a nonchalant manner.

"What do we do now?" Beth asked with a serious expression.

"We wait, and just wait..." Tirus said as he looked at the sword he just refined.

This was a dual edged sword with a black crystal blade.

If one looked closely, then they'd notice the thousands of vengeful spirits that were sealed in it for the sole purpose of inducing fear into the hearts of those who looked at it.

This was a high-grade magic item that he had refined a few days ago, he named it the void sword.

This sword's blade, although looked somewhat fragile, was actually near indestructible and could be used to release darkness energy strikes on the opponent from afar.

The best thing about this was that it could trap the souls of the enemies that it killed. Meaning Tirus wouldn't have to go through the extra trouble of catching the souls of his victims.

"What do you mean by that, master?" She asked him about his plan after coming to a realization.

"If I tell you everything now, then how would it be fun?" He replied with a teasing smile on his face.

"Just be on the defensive for now, even if the magi council requests us to attack, don't need to give it your all." He gave her the instructions for their stance against the dark elves.

To be continued...

Sry for the late update, was out travelling.

Blood_Dao_creators' thoughts