
Invincible Grand Magus : a wmw fanfic

At some point, there was a soul, lurking in the endless astral plane, but then it got a chance at reincarnation after devouring an unknown entity's soul. This story follows a man who got reincanated in the magus world as an aristocrat along with Leylin Farlier's A.I. chip 3,000 years prior to the time when the events of the canon took place. ...... This is a warlock of the magus world fanfic, this will be my second fanfic and I will try to write better. You guys may give constructive critisism. I'll update almost everyday.

Blood_Dao_ · Anime & Comics
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100 Chs

Chapter 100. Final

200 years later,

Tirus's warlock clone, together with the emperor of the main continent had conquered the first 3 layers of the dark world, this led to his comprehension of the laws of destruction, massacre and darkness increase and reach completion.

Falling into that dormant state which magi entered during their breakthrough to rank 7 from rank 6 was important only because that breakthrough to the realm of laws was an evolution of a being on a very fundamental level.

But after reaching rank 7, one didn't need to go into that state ever again, and so, his breakthrough to rank 8 was quite smooth.

Right now, he was trying to enter the purgatory world.

"A.I. chip, you have that spell ready?"

[Beep! The completion rate of the spell model has reached 100%]

"Good." A smile appeared on Tirus's face as he entered the purgatory world.

This spell was a special spell which a magus could utilize to directly connect to a world's will. The mechnisms of this spell was so complex that even at rank 8, he required A.I. chip to make this spell.


After a few hours of him entering the world.

The entire continent of Snake Dowager started shaking violently.

"Who dares to infiltrate my territoy?" The archaic voice of snake Dowger resounded as a gigantic shadow of a woman with snake-like hair manifested herself above the continent.

Within a milisecond, a figure engulfed in white light emerged from the depths of the ocean.

"I did." This was Tirus, he had stablized the world will of the purgatory world and gained this power temperoarly.

Soon, snake dowager felt her power reducing at a rapid rate, this was the true power of the world will, able to decrease the power of even rank 8 existances by half.

Snake Dowager attempted to use her powers to flee, however, she was stopped by the white figure.

"You're not going anywhere." Tirus said, grabbing her by her hair.


Before she could even retaliate, he slammed her head against the whole continent below.

Tirus made a sword purely put of world origin force and then, with a single attack, severed the head of snake dowger.

"Argh!" Snake Dowager's rest of the body, along with the severed head, used every bit of its power to escape the world.

"I guess thats enough." Tirus mumurmed as he looked at the droplets of snake dowager's blood and strands of her hair.

In the next moment, he swallowed it.

[Warning! Foregin sentient substance has entered the host's body]

[Utilize the world orgin force of the purgatory world to supress it?]

"Do it!" He ordered the A.I. chip before focusing on comprehending the laws within the blood and hair of snake dowager.

After an unknown amount of time, he opened his eyes.

[Comprehension of the laws of Shadows has reached 12%]

[Beep! Host's has gained high affinity with dreamforce]

"Good, good!" Now that he got what he wanted, the affinity with dreamforce, he decided to return to his dark world.


In the Fiery world,

The Blazing Flame Monarch was meditating within her magus tower, but suddenly, the entire tower rumbled violently.

She turned around to see a young man who looked to be around 24 years of age standing next to the window.

The man had golden eyes and hair, and most of all, he exuded the aura of a rank 6 warlock.

"Who...who are you?" She asked.

"Your bane." The warlock clone of Tirus replied casually.

From that day onwards, the Fiery world gained a new ruler. He was a warlock with a legendary rank 6 bloodline.


Shadow world,

A world previously occupied by magi which now had developed high-end technology.

A man and a woman with exceptional charm were walking in the crowd, inside a theme park.

The couple were Tirus and Beth,

'Master, let's take that 'picture' thing again.'

'And what's that...' Beth transmitted a barrage of questions through telepathy as she enjoyed the moment.

This was what they both wanted to do for a very long time, casually spending time with each other.

'Now, in a thousand or so years, I'll make plans and pave my way to the realm of rank 9.' Ambition flared up in Tirus's eyes by soon was replaced by the joy he currently felt.

The end...


Author here! Thank you very much for reading this fanfic of mine. When I started writing this fic, I thought that I'd be able to easily finish it within 2 months, but it took me more than 7. I really appreciate your patience and faith that this fic won't be dropped mid-way.

I know this ending is still a bit rushed, I know, and I am really sorry for that, but, I just felt that if I were to spend a little more weeks on this, then I'd probably drop it.

Don't worry, I may return to write another fiction, who knows, maybe it'll be an original...But who knows when...

Bye, and thanks a lot for reading💐💐