
Chapter 14 : Greedy Girl

Within a secluded hilltop manor there was a sleeping young and beautiful apple green skinned adolescent female flaxen whose green tendrilled hair was styled in a twin tailed braid.

She wore a long clean white robe that lightly exposed her breast and neck.

Her name was Yol'Lawl a privileged and talented youth whose grandfather was the Head Negotiator who served as the emperors advisor

Yol'Lawl was raised to be her grandfathers direct disciple in service to the great Flaxen empire.

Being sheltered since birth from normal society to live among the elites.

Yol'Lawl did not get impacted or experience Mark's terror attacks in any way, having only heard of the "great invader".

While safely watching the chaos happen to the average Flaxen civilians from the comfort of her highly secured manor.

She only knew that Mark had arrived on their home world not too long ago and started wreaking havoc all across the land.

Her grandfather spoke of the great invaders threat to the emperor and fellow negotiators constantly so it was only natural she would know such details.

Yol'Lawl was in all honesty not interested in becoming her grandfathers successor being a self proclaimed lazy and carefree person at heart.

She would rather have spent her time fooling around, sleeping and indulging in luxury then studying to become the next Head Negotiator.

On a normal day she would have ditched her negotiator studies to fool around and have fun however today would be different.

Yol'Lawl's grandfather had suddenly burst into her living quarters late at night and forcefully dragged her out of bed, waking her up in a hurry.

He screamed at her to get ready! The emperor has been taken by the great invader!

Yol'Lawl could not process the sudden burst of information that assaulted her half asleep brain.

She could only reply in confusion saying, what?

Before quickly shutting up and realizing the tremendous gravity of the situation.

Yol'Lawl was a smart person she quickly put the pieces together and had gotten a grasp on her current situation.

Her heart raced and Yol'Lawl felt cold sweat drip down her face as she quickly realized where they were going too in such a hurry.

She could not help but gulp as she looked up at her grandfather and nervously asked.

Yol'Lawl : "Head Negotiator sir, are we really going to meet with the great invader?!"

Her grandfather did not need to say anything as the two left her manor with a solemn expression.

Yol'Lawl's heart sank as she bit down on her lips and frowned clenching her fist together tightly as she quickly composed herself and walked beside her grandfather.

From what Yol'Lawl had heard about this great invader he was an extremely vile and evil creature who did not hesitate to kill anyone and viciously destroy everything around him.

Yol'Lawl was a self proclaimed free spirit in the past she had argued and pouted bitterly with her grandfather about not wanting to become his successor,

This was due to her dreams of living a completely carefree life where she could live lavishly off her families wealth and status for the rest of her life with zero responsibilities.

It was her greatest goal in life Yol'Lawl did not care about the emperor and by extension the empire or the average citizen.

She only cared about profiting alongside her fellow elites, not having the same devotion or blind sense of responsibility her grandfather had towards the empire.

Despite having talent Yol'Lawl was born and raised into a family whose wealth could rival the royal Flaxen family.

How could she not be spoiled by her loving grandfather when she had great talent since young, beauty which was praised and admired constantly by everyone.

Naturally there were those who were jealous of Yol'Lawl and wished to harm or scheme against her because of this.

However they could all do nothing to Yol'Lawl due to her strong family background and position as a direct disciple of Head Negotiator.

Yol'Lawl did not want to risk her life negotiating with such a demon like the great invader.

Instead she wanted to run back to her bed and go back to sleep, ignoring the emergency and letting others handle it.

But Yol'Lawl did not dare to whine in front of her grandfather especially under such circumstances.

Yol'Lawl had never seen this calm, gentle and wise grandfather of hers look so panicked and angry in her entire life.

As the two boarded her grandfathers personal aircraft accompanied by a large group of heavily armed Flaxen soldiers.

Yol'Lawl could only sigh as she mentally prepared herself for what was shaping up to be the most dangerous negotiation in her entire life...

My first day of school starts next week and I gotta go to work tomorrow so this will most likely be the only chapter for today as I will be taking my time with this Arc :3

I am a full time student and full time worker so I cannot promise the stability of my post in the future. However I am passionate about this hobby and if I feel I cannot juggle this I will post one last goodbye chapter before I go on a Hiatus :P that is my ULTIMATE EDGELORD PROMISE! >:D

Ultimate_Edgelordcreators' thoughts