
Chapter 0 : Invincible Introduction

Having survived the insanity of the 2098 third world war as a United States Air Force Pilot and lucky enough to survive the nuclear fallout that followed soon after, purely by chance having come across some dead rich Otaku's bunker home, John Doe although cursed to live the rest of his days alone and in solitude, not only stayed alive as one of the last few humans on Earth but also retained his sanity. Mostly thanks in part to having a decades worth supply of the Otakus old nerd shit to entertain himself with and a fuck ton of food and beer to last a family of alcoholics two lifetimes.

He was already an old man when the world ended and he no longer kept track of time as it was long pointless by now. John Doe coughed up a mouthful of blood he was dying, these years he had indulged not only in too much alcohol but a critical amount of hentai to the point where his soldier could no longer stand at attention, he was no longer able to drown out his miseries in alcohol or porn and as he breathed in his last breath he felt nothing but nihilistic disgust towards humanity for turning a once beautiful planet into a literal hell on Earth, his heavy and wrinkled eyes finally closed and this dying world faded to black…

When his eyes opened again he found himself free falling into a black abyss, shocked and frightened by the sudden situation he let out a groan as he saw the glowing blue and white bottom thinking that this was going to hurt. A loud thud echoed as John Doe's body landed harshly on the ground, he let out an oof noise before the glowing floor turned blindingly bright white. Covering his eyes to see this sudden pillar of light appear before him, his eyes finally adjusted enough to see the enormous pillar of smoothed thin tendrils that glowed with hues of white and blue. It looked familiar somehow? He could swear he had seen something similar before in the bunkers collection of comic books and when the light got brighter and the tendrils enveloped him, his old brain connected the familiar scene to a particular comic book that he liked and he finally remembered! Speaking out loud he muttered Wait didn't this happen in-