
Who Dares To Say It's Not Appropriate?

Translator: Larbrestudio

"Dad, just leave your things here!"

"It's alright, it's alright. I'll be going off directly after the meal and will not be coming back. I still have to head to the construction site, at the latest by tonight."

"Alright then, Dad. Be careful at the construction site."

The middle-aged man and Yuan Yuanyuan walked at the back of the group. Her father was carrying a gunny sack with some living necessities in it.

Wang Xian turned his head over, smiled at the middle-aged man and asked, "Uncle, are you working in Rivertown?"

"Yeah, I'm working at a construction site. Yuanyuan happened to be in Rivertown and I thought I'd drop by since it's near." The middle-aged man smiled. From his gunny sack, he took out a box of cigarettes.

"Son, do you smoke?"

"No, I don't!"

Wang Xian shook his head.

"It's good to not smoke. It's good. This isn't a good thing!" The middle-aged man smiled and put back his cigarette.