
Invincible Demon Lord in The Anime World!

Transmigrate to No Game No Life:Zero with a Treasure-Chest System. Travel to other Anime Worlds and be Invincible! (This is a Translation, I'm translating it as I'm reading) For 20+Advanced Chapters--> P@treon.com/FlameSpirit Source: https://wap.faloo.com/487463.html

Flame_Spirit · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs

Schwi's 'Data collection'

"Husband, your princess is here." When she came to the door, Fiya Hatsuse whispered. Her delicate little face is rosy, her tail swung happily, and she is obviously in a good mood.

After Fiya's words fell, there was a slight sound coming from inside, and then the door was opened, and Riku's figure appeared in front of Fiya.

"Fiya, come in." Riku touched his face and said with a smile.

"Uh-huh...!" Hearing this, Fiya Hatsuse nodded happily. At the same time, there are also some strange emotions their hearts.

Obviously, both of them are husband and wife, and they have to sneak around like this. It's really...

"Husband, tonight, this princess will satisfy you with that posture." Fiya Hatsuse pinched the corner of Riku's clothes, lowered her head, and said like a mosquito. By this time, her little face had turned red.

"Really?" Hearing this, Riku couldn't help but be surprised.

"... Tonight, this princess won't resist!" Fiya Hatsuse didn't dare to look into Riku's eyes. Her toes moved randomly and looked very nervous.

However, it is no wonder, that posture is really too shameful after all! However, suddenly Riku has so many more women. Her sense of crisis is really a little great, and she must increase her good impression in Riku's mind!

"Hey hey, then it is settled." The corners of Riku raised his mouth and touched Fiya's head expectantly. Sure enough, my lovely wife is really good. He can unlock more postures tonight…

"Okay, come in." Riku took Fiya's hand and walked in.

Then, the door closed, and the voices of nature sounded, the room was filled with sounds of flesh colliding, and slight gasping sounds of Fiya trying to hold back her voice..

Although outsiders don't know what happened in the room, it's definitely full of reverie and thrill.


Riku launched a fierce attack on Fiya and poured all his 'Nectar' into Fiya Hatsuse.

It was unknown how long it took, and the two trembled and finally stopped.

"Wait, Fiya, do you notice it?" Just after they were about to start a new round of battle, his eyes suddenly became sharp and looked at the counter not far away.

"Uh-huh... Hmm! Elemental reaction?! And this smell...! Who is there? Come out!" Hearing this, she looked a little in a trance. Fiya Hatsuse, who had moist eyes, also recovered, blocked herself and Riku with a quilt, and looked over there with sharp eyes.

Previously, because she was too concerned about Riku and their 'battle', her keen senses were not as amazing as before, and she didn't notice that someone was hiding here!

Just now, somehow, an Elemental's reaction was felt, and the two noticed it.

"Riku, Fiya, just go on. Leave me alone. I'm just collecting data and creating the most suitable 'hole' for Riku." Under the sharp eyes of the two, a figure slowly came out, and at the same time, a voice with a little emotion sounded.

"Schwi!!!" When they saw who it was, Riku and Fiya Hatsuse were dumbfounded.

Then, Fiya's face turned red and shamefully buried her whole body in the quilt. Unexpectedly, she has been watched by others, and it's still in that shameful posture. It's really...

"Schwi, why are you here!" The corners of Riku's mouth twitched slightly, and said with a headache.

"According to the reaction of Riku's heart muscle and certain organs, Schwi guessed that something would happen tonight. For this reason, while Riku and Fiya Hatsuse were wandering around the courtyard, she sneaked in, covered up her breath through special methods, and stayed here quietly." Schwi looked straight at Riku and said slowly.

"..." Hearing this, the corners of Riku's mouth twitched slightly. 'Schwi, did you know so much? You are so shrewd...

"According to the data just now, Schwi now has 60% confidence to create the most suitable 'hole' for Riku, so please don't take care of Schwi and continue the life creation behaviour." Schwi stared at Riku, and some stunning words came out of her mouth.

"..." Hearing this, Riku was speechless. Even if you say so, even if I don't care, it's impossible for Fiya to continue..

"Riku, Fiya, what's wrong? Please continue with the behaviour you just now." Seeing that Riku and Fiya ignored her, Schwi frowned slightly, and urged them somewhat.

"Aah!!!!! Schwi, you idiot!!!!!" At this time, Fiya finally showed her head, and then put on her kimono at a stunning speed, and roared in shame . Then, she turned on 'bloodbreak' and ran out at a surprised speed.

"What's wrong with Fiya? Is Schwi in the way of her here? Schwi looked at Riku doubtfully and asked.

"Well, in a sense, right? After all, although Fiya is very mature sometimes, she is still very shy at this time." Riku coughed gently and said helplessly.

Well, it seems that his happy life tonight is over..

"Schwi, although the Machina race does not need to rest, you can also go to bed. If you want to have a 'heart', it is necessary to learn from human beings." Riku said helplessly.

"Schwi and Riku, stay here together." Schwi looked directly at Riku and said silently.

"Okay..." Looking at Schwi's firm eyes, Riku hesitated and finally nodded.

However, as if he remembered something, he raised his index finger and said seriously. "But let's not play games"

"Well! All right." Schwi's eyes flashed with disappointment and finally nodded.

Then, the two did nothing out of order and slept silently.

"Oh, it's really fun. This kind of life is also good." On the roof, Jibril looked at the dim sky and smiled.

"However, this kind of life won't last long. Although I promised to be your servant, those guys will come soon. How can you pass that level at that time?" Jibril put her little hand on her face and muttered.


The next morning, the scene was chaotic again, which let Riku cover his forehead. Jibril, definitely found out what happened last night, and has been arguing with Fiya Hatsuse. In addition, Schwi's words from time to time really makes him have a headache.

Only Think looked at all this confusedly and couldn't figure out what was going on. Because she was the first one to sleep last night. After all, she really was too tired.

~Read 25Chapters ahead at P@treon.com/Flame_Spirit