
Invincible Demon Lord in The Anime World!

Transmigrate to No Game No Life:Zero with a Treasure-Chest System. Travel to other Anime Worlds and be Invincible! (This is a Translation, I'm translating it as I'm reading) For 20+Advanced Chapters--> P@treon.com/FlameSpirit Source: https://wap.faloo.com/487463.html

Flame_Spirit · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs

One person is enough!

"No recycling or storage." Riku shook his head and said. Shambhala is his life-saving item. It is impossible to put it in the storage space as a collection.

[I see] After the two words fell from the system, it turned completely silent.

"The system directly let this thing recognise me as the master, which is much more convenient. There is no need to worry about any adaptation." With Shambhala in his hand, Riku smiled with satisfaction.

"Riku, everything is ready. Come out." At this time, a crisp female voice came from outside.

"Well, I see." Hearing the crisp female voice, Riku's golden eyes narrowed slightly, so he stood up, put Shambhala in an empty bag, and walked over to open the door.

What he saw was a girl with goggles, red hair, blue pupils, beautiful face, beautiful figure, and black and white clothes.

The girl's name is Couronne, and she is Riku's sister. Because Riku's original village was destroyed in the aftermath of the race battle. He was the only one who survived. Finally, he was adopted by Couronne's father.

"Riku, how are you doing?" Couronne looked at Riku worriedly and asked. Riku was hysterical in the room before, and she knew it. It's just that nothing happened later.

However, there will be another task later, and she is very worried about Riku's situation. After all, Riku bears too much pressure alone.

"No problem." Riku looked calm and said calmly, pointing to his chest." Here, it's locked."

"That's good." Couronne said with a melancholic face. There is nothing to doubt. She didn't find that Riku had changed his personality at this time. The original Riku had broken down and died.

"This time we are going to excavate the telescope of the Dwarf species, so that under our transformation , we can observe various phenomena in advance to escape the war." Couronne said gloomily. "However, even if the telescope is important, you should put your safety first. After all, Riku, you are our pillar, our leader!"

"I know." Riku still said calmly.

In order to survive, weak human beings will use everything they can use through wisdom. Strength, decisiveness, intelligence, are all indispensable.

Even so, in this dark world, in the past, every village, even if they were careful, at least hundreds of people died every year, if they were even more unlucky, they would be directly destroyed by a fighting aftershocks.

And this gathering place, thanks to the efforts of Riku and Couronne, only 46 people died in four years, which is a miracle.

However, even so, the 46 people were personally asked to die by him, and created opportunities for themselves and others to escape. For this reason, Riku had always regretted it, leading to excessive mental depression and finally sudden death.

"Couronne, you just need to guard the collection base. The rest, I will solve."

Finally, without saying anything else to Couronne, Riku directly crossed Couronne's body and walked along the dark passages.

"Really, I'm obviously the big sister. But he always calls me Couronne. My brother is really too unbehaved" Couronne muttered. Although it seemed to be complaining, her eyes at Riku's back were still filled with distress.

"Riku, remember to be careful!"

"Riku, you must come back safely!"

When Riku appeared in the empty cave, a group of people who were working greeted him, and prayed for him from the bottom of their hearts.

In response, Riku swept the postures of these people and greeted them one by one. In this dark and troubled times, no one is a loser. Everyone has their own talents, even children who have not yet grown up.

"Riku, this is your equipment." A strong man came over, handed over a dust mask that covered the head, and said in a low voice.

"Ivan, where's Arey and the gang?" Riku took over the equipment, dressed skilfully, and asked the strong man beside him.

"They are also preparing." Ivan touched the back of his head and said.He looks like a simple man.

This time, the task is a five-person team task.

"Oh, then you can tell them for me. I'll go do this task alone. You can stay in the settlement." Riku looked at Ivan in front of him, who had a wife and daughter, but would die a year later according to the plot if he doesn't change anything.

This directly stunned Ivan.

"Riku! Stop kidding!" Couronne, who happened to come over, opened her eyes wide. She ran over and grabbed Riku's collar and shouted.

"I'm serious." Riku looked directly at Couronne and said indifferently.

Riku has read the novel of No Game No Life before. This scene is clearly recorded in his unforgettable memory. Although this mission was successful, they met the Demons. In the end, two companions were sacrificed to survive.

If he doesn't do anything, it will still go on like that, but with the Teigu Shambhala, it is safest to act alone.

But even so, the danger level is still very high.