
Invincible: Beerus, Son of Thragg

Beerus was born into a world of chaos and conflict, inheriting the bloodline of Thragg, one of the most fearsome Viltrumites to have ever lived in the Invincible Universe. Raised in the shadow of his father's legacy, he grew up with the weight of expectation heavy on his shoulders. The Viltrumite society, known for its strict hierarchy and warrior ethos, demanded nothing less than perfection from its offspring, especially those directly descended from legendary figures like Thragg. Disclaimer: I don't own Invincible or any other associated properties.

aka_jarrett · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

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Hey, guys just wanted to let you guys know that I released my second story if anyone wants to see it. It's called DC: New God of Darkness. I have posted it only on my webnovel account aka_jarrett because I am too lazy to post it on fanfiction at the moment. Maybe in the future I will post it there. But you should go check it out and review it. Thanks for reading my stories. Peace out.