
Invincible: Beerus, Son of Thragg

Beerus was born into a world of chaos and conflict, inheriting the bloodline of Thragg, one of the most fearsome Viltrumites to have ever lived in the Invincible Universe. Raised in the shadow of his father's legacy, he grew up with the weight of expectation heavy on his shoulders. The Viltrumite society, known for its strict hierarchy and warrior ethos, demanded nothing less than perfection from its offspring, especially those directly descended from legendary figures like Thragg. Disclaimer: I don't own Invincible or any other associated properties.

aka_jarrett · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 8: Death and Destruction

Hi, welcome to chapter 8. If you haven't already, check out my other story. Anyways, enjoy.

If anyone wants me to write a commission of any of your ideas for a story then let me know and I can set up a commission of some kind. You can email me @ jartra223@gmail.com. But I'll cross that bridge of commissions later but ideas for stories are always welcome.

"These people are meaningless. They're cavemen without us." -Omni-Man


As the sun dipped low on the horizon, casting long shadows across the landscape, Beerus and Omni-Man floated above atop a building overlooking the city below. The air crackled with tension as they discussed their plans in hushed tones, their voices carrying the weight of their ambitions.

"We must act swiftly," Beerus stated, his gaze fixed on the distant skyline. "The Viltrum Empire is growing impatient, we need to repopulate our numbers, and Earth's future resistance only serves to delay our conquest."

Omni-Man nodded in agreement, his expression grave. "Indeed. The Flaxans pose a significant threat, and their attempts to take over Earth cannot go unanswered."

"We must cripple their forces the moment they emerge from their portals," Beerus continued, his eyes flashing with determination. "We will strike swiftly and decisively, leaving no room for mercy. Their civilization will be nothing but ashes by the time we're done."

Omni-Man's jaw tightened, his resolve matching that of his Viltrumite counterpart. "Agreed. But we must also be wary of the humans. They may be weak, but they are cunning and resourceful. We cannot underestimate them. Even after 20 years, Cecil still doesn't trust me fully."

The younger man snorted, "He doesn't trust anyone," he said mockingly, his tone dripping with contempt for the humans' perceived weaknesses. "We also need to neutralize their nuclear capabilities to prevent them from self-destruction."

Nolan simply nodded in agreement, "To be honest, I forgot about the nukes. Humans are indeed reckless enough to bring about their own demise. They're already on that path with pollution and wars. So primitive."

"There is a young girl whose powers rely on manipulating atomic structures. I shall secure her loyalty and convince her that our rule will benefit humanity," declared Beerus.

"Interesting. Go for it then," replied Nolan, his tone betraying a hint of curiosity about Beerus's plan.

"Any news from your father?"

"Last I heard, he was finding suitable candidates to infiltrate the Coalition. Or he was looking into a planet allied with them, aiming to coerce them into betraying their allies."

"I see," Nolan replied, his expression unreadable as he contemplated the implications of Thragg's actions.

With their plans set in motion, Beerus and Omni-Man turned their attention back to the city below, their minds already racing with strategies to ensure victory in the battles to come.

*In space*

URATH. This is Earth," exclaimed Mark.

"Earth..." the orange alien echoed.


"I'm in so much trouble. Thanks for letting me know. I'm Allen, by the way," he said, reaching out with a three-fingered hand for a handshake.

(AN: Aliens know handshakes. Interesting, no?)

"Invincible" replied Mark as Allen chuckled, finding humor in the ironic name.

*2 days later*

Lunchtime rolled around at Reginald Vel Johnson High School, and the bustling cafeteria was alive with the sound of chatter and laughter as students mingled and enjoyed their midday break. But as Beerus entered the room, a hush fell over the crowd, and all eyes turned to the imposing figure who commanded attention without saying a word. For a brief moment, the atmosphere was tense, as if the presence of the intimidating newcomer had cast a shadow over the room.

Slowly, however, the students resumed their conversations and activities, though perhaps with a touch of nervousness lingering in the air. Beerus scanned the room with a keen gaze, his sharp eyes taking in the scene before him.

Spotting the orange-haired girl from the recent alien invasion, Beerus made his way over to her and her friends, his towering stature making him stand out even more amidst the crowd. As he approached, the group looked up, their expressions a mix of curiosity and apprehension, as they beheld the 6'5" figure approaching them

"Um, can we help you?" one of the girls asked, her voice betraying a hint of uncertainty.

"Eve, can I talk to you?" asked Beerus, his tone betraying a hint of curiosity.

Eve glanced at her friends, who exchanged knowing glances, before nodding hesitantly. "Sure, follow me," she said, trying to ignore her friends' giggles at her leaving with the imposing man. The rest of the cafeteria stared in awe as Samantha Eve Wilkins led the intimidating figure out of the bustling cafeteria.

"Dude, I think your cousin just scored major points with Eve Wilkins!" exclaimed William, a hint of envy creeping into his voice.

"We don't even know what they're talking about," Mark replied, rolling his eyes at the assumption.

"So, how's it going with Amber?" asked William, steering the conversation back to its original topic as the boys continued their discussion, oblivious to the intrigue brewing around Beerus and Eve.

The two high schoolers strolled into an empty hallway, casting cautious glances around for any secret observers.

"Look, if you want to ask me out, then I'll just need to say that I have a boyfriend, so I can save you some time," she said, her tone cautious yet firm, as if she had already anticipated his intentions.

Beerus raised an eyebrow, taken aback by her assumption. "I merely wished to congratulate you on doing well during the invasion. I had no desire to ask you out."

"What? Wait, Atlas?" she exclaimed, realization dawning on her as she connected the dots.

"Yes," he confirmed with a slight nod.

"Wow, I didn't expect to see you at my school," she remarked, a mix of surprise and curiosity coloring her tone.

"My cousin speaks highly of you and your team," Beerus continued, attempting to ease the tension.

"Who's your cousin?" she inquired, her interest piqued.


"Wait, Mark Grayson is your cousin?" she asked, her disbelief evident.

"Yes, that's what I just said," he replied, a hint of amusement in his voice.

"Sorry, I'm trying to wrap my head around it," she admitted, still processing the unexpected revelation.

"You use your powers well," Beerus remarked, acknowledging Eve's proficiency.

"Thanks, I guess," she replied modestly.

"If you want, we could spar together one day so I can help you better utilize your powers in battle," Beerus offered, extending a gesture of assistance.

"You don't look that much older than me. How would you even help me with using my powers in fights?" Eve questioned, her curiosity evident.

"Despite what you may think, I am not 18. I am 42 years old, and I have been fighting for most of my life," Beerus revealed, offering insight into his extensive experience.

"Wait, back up, you're 42? Why are you even in high school?" Eve's surprise was palpable.

"My uncle wanted me to experience life on Earth, and since I appear as a human teenager, this is where he wanted me to attend," Beerus explained, shedding light on his unusual situation.

"I... you look so young," Eve remarked, still processing the revelation.

"Yes, my species age slower as we age. I could be 100 and look in my late 20s," Beerus explained further.

"That's kinda cool," Eve admitted, finding the concept intriguing.

Suddenly, Eve's phone buzzed with a notification. She glanced at it and her expression turned to one of alarm. "The Flaxans are back," she said, her voice tinged with dread.

"Flaxans are the green creatures, correct?" Beerus inquired, his demeanor shifting to one of readiness.

"Yeah, we gotta go," Eve replied urgently.

"Go get Mark, Eve. I'll catch up," Beerus instructed, his tone decisive.

"Okay, we'll meet you there," Eve said before rushing off to find Mark, her footsteps echoing down the hallway as she hurried to alert her friend.

Beerus let out a resigned sigh before dialing Nolan's number. After a few rings, the call was answered. "Yes?"

"Nolan, the invaders are back. It's time," Beerus informed him, his tone emotionless.

There was a brief silence on the other end before Nolan responded, "I'll meet you there. Don't interfere yet. I want to watch Mark's progress."

The son of Thragg grunted in acknowledgment before ending the call. He glanced around, ensuring no one was watching, before disappearing and reappearing above the high school. From his vantage point, he could see Mark and Eve already heading towards the battlefields, their determination evident even from afar. 

*Second Flaxan Invasion*

Beerus observed from his vantage point as Invincible and the Teen Team fought valiantly against the relentless assault of the Flaxans. Despite the invaders' advancements in technology, it was clear that they were no match for him or Omni-man.

A sudden gust of wind caught his attention, and Beerus turned to see Nolan, clad in his hero costume, joining him above the battlefield. They exchanged a silent nod, and with a renewed focus, they turned their attention back to the chaos unfolding below, ready to lend their strength to the fight.

As Invincible continued to endure the relentless onslaught from the Flaxan General, Omni-Man's patience wore thin. With a steely determination in his eyes, he declared, "Enough of this. It's time to get to work."

Beerus's grin widened in satisfaction as he unleashed a powerful energy beam, slicing through the Flaxan General's arm just as it swung towards Mark's face. The alien let out a harrowing scream of agony as his severed limb fell to the ground, the pain overwhelming him.

With swift precision, Omni-Man intervened, grabbing the alien's head and forcefully pulling it away from Mark, ensuring his safety. After ensuring Mark's well-being, Omni-Man swiftly took action against the Flaxan army, his actions a testament to his ruthless efficiency in battle.

With the immediate threat neutralized, Atlas and Omni-Man turned their attention to the remaining Flaxan invaders, joining forces to decimate their ranks with unstoppable force. As the Flaxans began to retreat, the two Viltrumites exchanged a nod of mutual understanding before rushing towards the portal, determined to chase down their fleeing enemies.

"DAD!" Mark's worried cry echoed through the chaos, catching the attention of the Teen Team, who looked on in disbelief.

"Wait, Omni-Man's your dad?" Rex Splode exclaimed, shock evident in his voice.

As the portal sealed shut behind them, casting them into the heart of the Flaxan military stronghold, Omni-Man then stated confidently, "You don't seem to understand, Earth isn't yours to conquer. With a swift and decisive motion, he seized the large general by the head, his powerful grip crushing bone and sinew with ease. Without hesitation, he took to the skies, dragging the struggling General behind him like a ragdoll.

As they soared above the Flaxan cityscape, Omni-Man used the General's body as a battering ram, smashing through buildings and infrastructure with brutal efficiency. The once towering structures crumbled under the force of his assault, sending debris raining down upon the panicked inhabitants below.

With each devastating blow, Omni-Man left a trail of destruction in his wake, carving a path of chaos through the heart of the Flaxan civilization. The General's screams were drowned out by the roar of crumbling buildings and the cries of the Flaxan people as their world descended into chaos and ruin.

Meanwhile, Atlas's eyes ignited with a fierce glow as he unleashed his devastating power upon the alien invaders. His crimson energy beams tore through their ranks, reducing them to nothing but smoldering piles of ash. But Atlas was not satisfied with mere death. With a maniacal grin, he began to push the limits of his power, flying faster and faster through the Flaxan infrastructure.

With each passing moment, his speed increased, tearing through buildings and walls like paper. The air around him ignited, the explosions trailing in his wake as he tore through the very fabric of the Flaxan homeworld. The explosions echoed across the landscape, adding to the chaos and carnage already wrought by their onslaught. The screams of the Flaxans filled the air as death and destruction reigned supreme.

As the Flaxan scientists frantically typed in coordinates to escape back to Earth, Beerus wasted no time. With a determined stride, he flew into the portal, disappearing in an instant. A moment later, a thumbs-up gesture emerged from the portal, confirming its destination as Earth, before vanishing into the void.

Meanwhile, Omni-Man hovered above the trembling scientists, his gaze cold and unyielding. With a swift motion, he summoned a colossal boulder from the sky, its sheer size enough to dwarf the fleeing Flaxans below. With a thunderous crash, the boulder plummeted earthward, obliterating everything in its path.

The once bustling scene of scientific activity was reduced to rubble in an instant, the Flaxan species meeting its end at the hands of the ruthless Viltrumite duo. As the dust settled and the echoes of destruction faded into silence, only desolation remained—a grim testament to the unstoppable might of Atlas and Omni-Man.