
Invincible! This person has lived for a billion years

Overpowered Protagonist: Yes,Strength of the Protagonist's Superpowers: ∞,Protagonist's Age: ???,Characters with Diverse Personalities: Yes,Interesting Antagonist: Yes Five of the world's wealthiest tycoons descended upon a poverty-stricken district simultaneously, astonishingly just to visit a 20-year-old young man. This young man was their master fifty years ago. Initially, these magnates only acquired some rudimentary knowledge from William Johnson, but that was enough to make them leaders in their respective fields. However, they were stunned by William's ageless visage when they saw him again, as they were unaware that William Johnson had lived for a billion years. He not only established different religions all over the world, but even Alexander the Great was once his student. Yet, after dispersing the tycoons fifty years ago, he chose a long slumber. But now, William Johnson has awakened... --------------------------- Update Schedule: Update daily. Minimum of two chapters per day. If I get drunk, I might update four chapters, haha. Please show your support if you enjoy the story! [50 power stones = 1 bonus chapter] [200 Power stones = 2 bonus chapters] [400 power stones = 3 bonus chapters] ... [300 golden tickets =??? ] Bonus release will drop the following week! Psst, a little secret for the eagle-eyed readers – there are hidden treasures sprinkled throughout the chapters! Keep your eyes peeled for these sneaky surprises and enjoy the bonus rewards they bring!

IvyWoods · Fantasy
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854 Chs

A god, he truly is a god

"David Taylor?" Timothy Hill recognized this young man, who was none other than the grandson of William's former chef.

"Old man, I'm not in the mood for small talk today, either die yourself, or I'll have someone do it for you?" David Taylor stood with a smug smile on his face, a half-smoked cigarette in his mouth, glaring coldly at Timothy.

"Have you grown tired of living?" Timothy turned pale. He wasn't afraid of David Taylor, but he was afraid of disturbing William.

"Trying to scare me?" David Taylor gestured to his followers, and a group of suited men rushed in with murderous intent.

"Hill, my grandpa showed you respect, but he passed away last night. Now the Taylor family is under my rule. You can either be my puppet or die, make your choice!" David Taylor laughed mockingly. "My grandpa was getting senile, entrusting our family's fortune, built over three generations, to you in the event of someone's return? You're close to the grave, how could you manage it all? You wouldn't choke to death, would you?" David Taylor sneered. "People outside say you're a deity. If you're truly a deity, then kill me here today. Come on, show me your divine powers!"

Timothy has a huge influence in the world. If David Taylor could make him a puppet of the Taylor family, he believes it wouldn't take long for the Taylors to become the world's leading family.

"Is he James Taylor's grandson?" William sat in his chair, took a slow sip of his tea, and glanced at David Taylor calmly.

"Master!" Timothy shuddered, dropping to his knees at William's feet. If William were to vent his anger on others because of what James's grandson had done, the consequences would be unthinkable.

While others may not know William's true capabilities, Timothy had glimpsed a sliver of them. Even the small fraction that William casually revealed was beyond what they could handle.

David also noticed William. Seeing Timothy kneeling in front of William, referring to him as the master, he burst into laughter. "Timothy, stop your god-playing."

"Master? Are you trying to tell me that this kid is the person my grandfather mentioned? He's back? Hahaha! Ridiculous!"

"If he really was the man from fifty years ago, he'd be buried in the ground by now. Posing in front of me? He's asking for trouble!"

William ignored David Taylor, instead asking, "Does the Taylor family have any other children?"

Timothy replied nervously, "The Taylor family has a daughter apart from David Taylor."

William slowly stood up and said, "As long as there are descendants, it's fine."

Timothy immediately understood William's meaning. Those words were a death sentence for David Taylor.

"What the hell are you babbling about?" David Taylor was losing patience, raising an eyebrow, "Break that kid's legs first, teach him how to speak properly to me!"

"Yes, young Master Taylor!"

The men under David Taylor were desperate and skilled individuals. To them, killing an old man and a young lad, especially one as arrogant as William, seemed a trivial task.

A burly man sneered and reached for William's throat.

William stood with his hands behind his back, not even showing an intention to retaliate.

With a crunch.

The hand stopped less than three inches away from William's neck. The man under David Taylor's command seemed to be petrified, not moving at all.

William took a step forward, and the man who had been petrified suddenly turned into a wisp of black smoke and dispersed, leaving not even a single hair behind in an instant.

"You..." David Taylor's pupils contracted, his eyes filled with shock. He retreated a few steps.

His men were also in uproar. They hadn't seen William make a move, but the man who had reached out to him first disappeared without leaving a trace.

"It must be an illusion! Get him! Kill him!" David Taylor, panicked, gave the order despite his fear.

The men in black roared and charged at William.

William remained calm, glanced at the group of men, and they all turned into black smoke and dissipated in the air.

"Who the hell are you? Are...are you even human?" David Taylor drew his gun, pointing its dark muzzle at William.

William stared at him impassively, "Out of respect for your grandfather, I'll let you keep your full corpse."


Overwhelmed by emotion, David pulled the trigger, sparks spitting from the barrel of the gun.

The bullet eerily pierced David Taylor's forehead, a spray of blood burst out from the back of his head.


Outside the old mansion, dozens of eyes were fixed on the house.

The news of David Taylor's forced entry into Timothy's residence was like an earthquake of magnitude ten.

"Did David Taylor actually attack Mr. Hill?"

"He's too arrogant! What is he trying to do?"

"Quick, notify the head of the family! David Taylor fired his gun!"

The news of David Taylor shooting Timothy Hill quickly spread all over the world.

Countless power brokers were shocked, but they also harbored their own intentions.

"The Taylors are rebelling? From today onwards, my Smith family and the Taylor family are enemies!" A tycoon in a certain city was furious upon hearing the news and had already ordered his subordinates to target the Taylor family.

"Did Timothy really get killed by David Taylor? Then the balance of power in this world might be about to shift!"

The one who said this was also a bigwig in the underworld. He sipped his wine, a strange smile on his face.

In the villa, five men, all over fifty years old, gathered. These five almost possessed thirty percent of the world's wealth. They were all once servants of William, but now they were power brokers.

"Didn't they say that the master returned? I wonder if David Taylor's firing this time..." An elder dressed in a suit looked complicated, but he dared not finish his sentence.

"Daniel, what do you mean? We all said that if the master really came back, we would still be his servants."

"Hehe, serving him for life, serving him for generations? I don't have many years left to live, but what about my son, my grandson? Why should I surrender everything to him just because William returned?"

"It's been fifty years, haven't we achieved what we have today by ourselves?"

"Let's wait a bit longer, the news I got was only about David Taylor firing a shot, I haven't seen Timothy and his corpse!"


William stepped out of the mansion, looking at the people who were peering in from outside. The people behind them didn't stop David Taylor, what does that imply?

In the beginning, it may just be a small favor or resentment over a cup of rice, but as this relationship continues to develop, it could evolve into a very complicated entanglement. William understood this principle.

"Timothy, tell them, I'll be waiting for them tomorrow at the old house on East 62nd Street in Upper East Manhattan, New York City." After William finished speaking, his figure gradually blurred, and in the next second, he had disappeared from the doorway.

"How did he leave?"

"A god! He really is a god!"

"Quickly inform the head of the family! Suppress the news!"

The agents sent by various power brokers were stunned. David Taylor never came out, the final result was self-explanatory.


A/N: Hi readers! Enjoying the ride? I'm all ears for your thoughts. Leave a review and add to your library if it's a hit for you. Cheers!