

I examined his face. He seemed to have a bit of hope in his eyes as if there might be a chance that I would say yes.

"Why me? I'm pretty sure there are other girls who would be happy to go out with you."

"But they're not you." He insisted.

"Oh. Now I get it! Try and be the first to go out with the out casts of the school?" I say. "Although I think Karra or Emma might have put you up to this after Rose and I made them look like fools."

"But that's why I like you! And Why John likes Rose, well I mean we both like each of you, but we both have our own type of feeling towards both of you." He ended lamely.

"So, is it just because of my looks that you like me for? Or is it my charming personality?" I say – well I say a little sarcastically.

Of course though, unfortunately he looked and sounded like he was being totally honest with me when he said, "Yes."

I cock one of my eyebrows. "You don't even know me."

"But I would like to! You are beautiful, smart, mysterious, and very witty to have comebacks for everything Karra and Emma hurl at you." He said looking like he was losing a battle he thought he had a chance of winning.

"Hmm." I was starting to walk away.

"Where are you going? Don't leave now!" he looked so dejected.

"I'm leaving" I say, "Tell Rose I'll meet her at the Library."

See me and Rose have a code system set up. The Library means the park, the park means my house, and my house means the tunnels underneath the Library and so on.

"Wait! You didn't answer my question." He says

"And what was that." I say, "Will you go out with me?" I roll my eyes. "I think I have made my answer to that question clear enough." I tell him and he stares at the ground. Maybe he was trying to make and argument on why we should go out, of course I never understood boys so I couldn't know for sure.

I turn around to leave again and he grabs my arm. His hand I realized. It was warm and it felt nice against my skin. He spins me around and I'm thinking I'm going to have to punch him if he doesn't let go, he kisses me. Its soft and gentle, his lips were warm, just like his hands. A million thought went through my mind all at once since this was my first kiss and all, like for instance, why is he kissing me? OR. Does he actually like me that much or is this all a joke? My last thought was about how good his lips felt against mine?

I don't know for sure, but I might have kissed him back, but only for a second then I pushed him away. I raised one leg in the air and my foot smacked him squarely in the chest. Ryan fell back and I said, "Try that again and see what happens!" and then I left. I didn't bother to look back, so for all I know he was still on the ground where I left him. I hope he got a bruise.

I managed to make my way back to the clearing and called for Rose. She come hand in hand with John. This cannot be happening to me. Please tell me I'm imagining things! Rose an outcast and John, Mr. Popular. This can't be happening.

"Yes!" Rose answered all bright and chipper.

"We're leaving." I say and hop on my bike.

"Kay." She sighs and kisses John on the cheek before getting on her bike too. THE NERVE!

We ride out to the special hideout behind my house which we call Summer Doors. It is our special retreat and because it is shaped like a hexagon and thickly surrounded by tall and wide oak trees and there is one opening like a door, but it's hard to find and get into even if you already know where the entrance is at. Inside the thickly packed trees there is an abundance of green and just about every flower you can think of. In the center of the meadow was a gigantic pond with water you can see down to the bottom. The water was about 12 feet deep. Near the side of the pool was a beautiful weeping willow tree.

I leave my bike at the entrance, struggle through the branches and stop my way to the willow tree.

Once I get to the edge of the water, I jump and grab the branch from willow I knew would be there. I swing myself up to the tree, sitting on one of its thick branches.

Rose did the same. "Grace you look mad?"

"I wonder why?" I almost shout back.

"Grace, John likes me. I thought it was a good chance to try and be in the 'inner circle' for a change. Besides you know I like him." She explains

"Ryan likes me too. But if they wanted to go out with us, there's no way we'll join the 'inner circle' It be more like Ryan and John will lose their popularity instead." I tried to explain to her.

"I see, so it was a mistake to go out with John?"

"NO! If he makes you happy, then by all means, go for it." I say standing up.

"Thanks Grace." She sighs. "Where are you going?"

"For a swim."

"Before you go, did Ryan kiss you?" I didn't answer. "Did you like it?" I didn't answer that on either. "That's another yes."

"What's with the all the questions?"

"No reason really."

"Then stop!"

"Why are you being such a grouch."

"Because… Because… Because I'm pissed off, okay. That was my first kiss." I said before jumping off the branch, diving into the crystal like water.

Being underneath the water was like magic. We don't know why but every time we climb out our skin feels so very smooth, our hair gets more shine to it, and our energy just feels rejuvenated.

I could tell when Rose jumped in through the sound of the splash in the water. Turning around I saw Rose swimming towards me, her fiery red hair flowing in every direction creating a halo. After awhile we both got bored. Swimming towards the shore.

"Come, we must be heading back, Rose." I said striding over to where we keep an extra set of clothes.

"Um… hey Grace do you get the feeling that we're being watched."

"Yeah, I do."