
Chapter 25: Duel with the Spirit

Translator: 549690339

...She didn't know what that thing was, but she was certain it wasn't human, she thought.

Because no person could move in that way. The old man in the Zhongshan suit seemed as if he existed in an old, worn photograph, with everything around him slightly distorted, shrouded in an indistinct layer of grey haze.

After the streetlight went out, only the dim moonlight struggled to illuminate parts of the tiered eaves, while every corner seemed to be teeming with creatures lurking in the darkness. The usually ordinary alley had transformed into something incredibly eerie at night.

If it had been an ordinary person, seeing what had just happened, they might have collapsed in fright by now. Fortunately, Lin Xingjie and Xu Xiangyang were not witnessing these defy-common-sense bizarre scenes for the first time.

"You... don't happen to know him, do you?"

Lin Xingjie asked in a low voice.

"Yeah," Xu Xiangyang nodded heavily, "I actually wanted to discuss this with you. I saw him on the second floor of that house, that morning when I bumped into Shi Hui and the others."

"What happened after that?"

"After that, I never saw him again, even when I broke in..." Xu Xiangyang answered with furrowed brows, "I even thought I might have seen wrong."

"I don't think so."

Lin Xingjie sighed.

"Do you remember when we ran out of there? That time, we fled in a hurry because we heard strange noises coming from upstairs."

"But those people stayed behind," Xu Xiangyang touched his chin, "they didn't have the chance to escape."

"So, does that mean they encountered a ghost? And that ghost... Is it the old man who's standing out there now? Could it be because the door wouldn't open?" she recalled the experience they had at that time.

Actually, this guy showed up just in time—I've been wanting to get revenge on him. Lin Xingjie thought to herself as it was this creature's fault she couldn't escape back then.

"Who knows, that answer might only be clear if we ask the people involved."

The faces of the boy and the girl were pressed together against the cold window glass, looking somewhat comical. They were desperately looking toward the direction of the mouth of the alley.

However, the old man just stood there, motionless. Xu Xiangyang naturally didn't dare to let his guard down, yet he still quietly heaved a sigh of relief and refocused on the conversation, continuing:

"So, if you want to find that group of people next time, remember to call me."

"It might be difficult to get the truth out of them," Lin Xingjie said, "If I'm not wrong, their current condition is very off; they might not even understand human speech."

"...What do you mean?"

"Didn't you see this afternoon how Xiao An devoured the bug that was attached to Yan Mingjun?"


Xu Xiangyang nodded. He actually had to think for a moment to recall the name of the blonde ruffian.

"Not just him, that Wang Nana has also been entangled by that strange insect, and... she might be dead already."

Lin Xingjie recounted the incident of dreaming about Wang Nana recently, as well as finding the stray dogs that might have eaten her corpse in the original place.

"Ah! So the stray dog that chased us that day, it turned into that ghostly appearance because it ate Wang Nana's corpse—"

Xu Xiangyang suddenly realised and felt a shiver run down his spine. He then looked somewhat discontentedly at Lin Xingjie.

"You didn't tell me something so important until now?"

"Ahem, you also just told me about the old man,"

Lin Xingjie said, a bit embarrassed.

The real reason she couldn't speak up: Bug-eating monsters → Xiao An eats these creatures, which clearly indicates that it's a mightier monster → And the power she holds to summon and control Xiao An makes her feel like...

It was because of this connection that Lin Xingjie couldn't bring up the matter promptly. Although it was a silly reason, for her at this time, rather than thoughts of revenge or the truth of the incident, she was more anxious about her only friend's opinion of her.

"Those people were possessed by Chongguai right after they came out of the house, and there's a spirit that looks like an old man at that place..." Xu Xiangyang stroked his chin, "Does this mean the latter can control the former?"

"We still don't understand the relationship between the two," Lin Xingjie shook her head, "but that house really is strange, including the dream I had, and the discovery of Xiao An, all happened after that."

"Wait, wait a minute, don't tell me that we two also—"

Xu Xiangyang's eyes widened, recalling the grisly scene he had seen on the street that afternoon. What if the same thing happened to him...

"Impossible," Lin Xingjie immediately shook her head, "Actually, I, or rather, Xiao An can smell them, probably because those creatures are food to Xiao An. And there is no such scent on you or me, so there's no need to worry."

"That's a relief."

Xu Xiangyang said. However, he quickly identified a new issue:

"With that said, everyone who went to that house experienced some 'change'. Those three unfortunate ones were possessed by Chongguai, while you encountered Xiao An, only I haven't undergone any change..."

"No, that's wrong, Xu Xiangyang, have you forgotten about what's special about yourself?"


"You can see Xiao An, can't you? And the scenes of bug possession, ordinary people can't see those."

"I see."

Xu Xiangyang nodded.

"However, since Shi Hui and the others were possessed, and we weren't, it means that everyone's experiences aren't the same, so my situation should be the same as yours..."

"Are you talking about superpowers?"

The girl's beautiful eyes narrowed, looking pleased as if she had discovered something interesting while eyeing Xu Xiangyang's profile,

"Oh~ so you care about this kind of thing?"

"I, I just think logically speaking..."

"Mhm, I get it, I understand everything," Lin Xingjie carelessly patted his shoulder, "Don't worry, Classmate Xu Xiangyang, I believe that you'll soon awaken some cool superpower! What would you like? Breathing fire or shooting ice?"

"Those are too ordinary. It'd be best like instant teleportation, flying or invisibility..."

Xu Xiangyang said what was on his mind without thinking, and upon seeing the girl's amused expression with curved brows and eyes like she was watching a joke, he realized he had been played.

"Hehe, Classmate Xu Xiangyang, it's good to have dreams, but I think it might be better not to have invisibility, don't you think?"

"...I didn't have any bad intentions."

Xu Xiangyang couldn't help but mutter a response.

"How strange, I never said you had bad intentions. Or are you admitting you've already had such thoughts?" Without waiting for Xu Xiangyang to continue arguing, Lin Xingjie turned her head away and kept talking, "If you became invisible without saying a word, what would I do if I can't find you one day?"

Xu Xiangyang was stunned for a moment.

"Don't get me wrong, I mean, it's not easy for me to find a chance to become a good student..." Lin Xingjie covered half of her somewhat hot face, "If it weren't for your help, I don't know if I could continue."

"You certainly can," Xu Xiangyang replied earnestly, "You're smart, and as long as you study hard, you'll definitely succeed. I'm a witness; you have to believe my judgment. I think the teachers will soon notice your changes too."

"Hmm~ what others think doesn't really matter," the girl blinked, her obsidian-like pupils still sparkling in the dark, "I feel more motivated with you around."

"Is that so?"

"Of course. I think you could be a teacher right now, you're patient and explain homework in simple terms, and you're also good at encouraging people. I don't think anyone else would suit me better."

"If I get the power of invisibility, I'll definitely tell you first, and I won't leave casually. Is that okay?" Xu Xiangyang shrugged, "I already said we're friends. I'll definitely help all the way."

"Not leaving casually... you mean even after becoming invisible, you'll still be hanging around me?" Lin Xingjie made a weird face, "Then forget it, it feels a bit disgusting."

What the hell do you want! Xu Xiangyang barely managed to suppress the urge to shout out those words.


The two chatted for a while about unimportant nonsense, creating an unexpectedly lively atmosphere, almost forgetting about the elderly person still at the end of the alley.

However, just at that moment, a subtle "prickle-crackle" noise emanated from the room.

The lightbulb overhead flickered rhythmically, casting their faces in alternating light and shadow; a sudden, sharp wail came from behind them, scaring the young man and woman into shivering. Then Xu Xiangyang realized the record player hadn't been turned off and was currently playing a horror film.

Xu Xiangyang was about to get up and turn it off when the sound of an electrical short circuit rang out again, and the light from the lamps and the TV screen went out once more, plunging the living room into darkness.

Along with this disturbance, the scenery surrounding the elderly person at the entrance of the alley seemed to project like a broken tape on a screen, its twisted, shimmering images suddenly bringing it closer to Xu Xiangyang's home.

Even Lin Xingjie noticed at this point: the old person had no eyes, only two black holes in his face, yet combining with the seemingly kind expression, it looked as though he was smiling at the people in front of him, which made the scene even more sinister and eerie.

"...He must know we're here," Lin Xingjie whispered, "I've heard Wang Nana say that supposedly, everyone who stepped into that house died. I think, whether or not the people who went in were possessed by bugs, the Haunted House is unwilling to let them go. So, this time it sent a real spirit to claim our lives, the two of us who survived."

"That makes sense."

Xu Xiangyang murmured.

"Speaking of which, since there are such rumors, it means people have gone in there before, right? So what happened to those people? Were they possessed by Strange Insects, like you and awakened a power and survived, or were they eventually... taken by the spirits..."

"Who knows." Lin Xingjie answered nonchalantly, "What's important right now is that he's getting closer. This old guy is coming for us two."


"Hey, should we run?" she asked, "Or... shall we give it a try?"

If it had been like before when she was alone, Lin Xingjie would probably have chosen to act right away.

"What do you think?"

Xu Xiangyang turned his head, looking at his friend's face which seemed even more translucent under the moonlight.

On that young and beautiful face, there was not a trace of fear or hesitation. Just as Xu Xiangyang was looking at her instinctively, she too was staring back at him, her clear eyes like a deep pool, silent and deep beyond measure.

"I'll listen to you," the black-haired girl answered decisively, "Whether it's me or Xiao An, we'll listen to you."

"...Then please do,"

Xu Xiangyang took a deep breath and replied softly.

He knew time was of the essence, there was no room for him to be indecisive – a quick decision was necessary. Since Lin Xingjie had said this, he would give the order.

But to his surprise, his friend proved to be braver and more decisive than he had expected.

Almost the instant she heard Xu Xiangyang's decision, the black-haired girl sprang to her feet without a word. She stepped out of the door, strode down the steps, her actions brisk and prepared, as though she had been ready all along.

Xu Xiangyang was taken aback for a moment, quickly going to the door.

Under his astonished gaze, Lin Xingjie draped in the vague moonlight, her long hair fluttering with the whispering night wind, stood with her hands in her pockets in the center of the pitch-dark alley, calmly facing the approaching spirit.

The scene was like something out of a painting.

"Lin Xing..."

He instinctively wanted to call out to her, but then he saw the girl reach out towards the sky with one hand, mouthing something silently.

In an instant, a murky tide darker and murkier than the night surged from another world into this one, hurtling towards what lay ahead with a tumultuous force.