
Chapter 20 Accidental Encounter

Translator: 549690339

In Xu Xiangyang's memory, the alleyway was almost synonymous with noise, especially in the morning and evening.

Those who came out to fetch water, those who hung up laundry, those who sat on stools and lounge chairs chatting in the corridor, the shouts of neighbors playing mahjong and cards drifting out from their slightly ajar doors, the fragrance of cooking filling the entire alley, at night one could even hear the faint sounds of people from the bed.

The relationship between neighbors was quite close, everyone knew each other's backgrounds, and could always help out a bit when encountering life's troubles; on the other hand, it also made it easy for friction to arise—if someone did something bad, by the next day it would spread throughout the entire alley.

It was only during daytime, when the kids went to school and the adults went off to work, that the alley would become quiet.

He also remembered that when his sister was moving, she had worried whether such an environment would affect him as a student, but since the place was close to both her workplace and school, this was the only area nearby with suitable housing.

Of course, Xu Xiangyang was now very grateful that they had moved here, otherwise, he would not have met Lin Xingjie.

The two of them came down together from the balcony, walked into the alley, and along the way, encountered more than one familiar-looking auntie, some were even in groups, so the two of them practically greeted all the way through.

Xu Xiangyang courteously nodded and greeted each one, reaping a bunch of enthusiastic responses like "Oh, how well-behaved," "How's school going?" "Are you getting used to living here?" "Is your sister working well?" "Don't be shy if you encounter difficulties in life, just come and find auntie for help," until his face nearly went numb from maintaining the same expression all the time; while Lin Xingjie, standing beside him, appeared relatively indifferent, only nodding silently when occasionally asked.

In fact, the impression the girl usually gave at school was exactly this kind of high-and-mighty attitude. She was different only when she was with him, Xu Xiangyang didn't find it strange.

However, after they left, Xu Xiangyang consciously slowed his pace and listened attentively, sure enough, he heard the murmurs behind him.

"Those two kids do look quite well-suited for each other."

"That girl has a bad temper, just like her mother."

"His sister is a policewoman, young and capable, she definitely won't stay here for long, they aren't cut from the same cloth."

He suddenly understood why Lin Xingjie was so aloof.

The Xu Xiangyang of the past wouldn't have taken such remarks to heart, as his thoughts were always on the girl by his side; but because of the conversation on the balcony earlier, he began to unconsciously care about it.


After returning home separately, they met up again at the entrance of the alley. Lin Xingjie was still displaying the cheerful demeanor she only showed in front of him, not showing any difference from her usual self, and the two headed to the store that rented out DVDs.

He had been to this street countless times, but it was only recently that he started going out with a girl, previously thinking he'd never have such an opportunity in his life.

The first time he went there, Xu Xiangyang always could not calm his excitement, and the glances from passersby made him feel shy, but now he had become accustomed to joking and fooling around with friends and strolling everywhere.

"Look, look!"

The two who had left the shopping street were nearing an overpass when Lin Xingjie, who had just been laughing, suddenly changed her expression and smacked Xu Xiangyang's arm hard. He almost sprayed out the juice he was drinking.

"Look over there!"

Xu Xiangyang looked up in a panic and saw a person standing at the end of the bridge tunnel. Although he couldn't make out their face clearly, the dyed yellow long hair and ragged, tattered t-shirt and jeans were strikingly memorable—it was one of the thugs.

"Didn't expect to run into them here."

Lin Xingjie hadn't sought revenge during this time, but she didn't expect the other party to show up proactively.

They certainly hadn't forgotten the existence of these three people. It's just that since the Haunted House incident, Shi Hui and his crew had disappeared without a trace in school, and for two students wanting to find them was like looking for a needle in a haystack, not knowing where to start.

Because of the usual antics of these hoodlums, nobody took the disappearance of the three seriously, but Xu Xiangyang and Lin Xingjie had a vague feeling that there was more to it.

Xu Xiangyang instinctively looked around. There were quite a few pedestrians, and also some on bicycles and electric scooters.

"This guy..."

Just as Xu Xiangyang was about to urge Lin Xingjie to stay calm, he heard the girl's slightly excited chuckle.

"Hehehe, this bastard dares to show his face in front of me, that's just great... I can't refuse a gift that comes to me, can I?"

Lin Xingjie kept her eyes fixed on the figure, cracking her knuckles with a crisp sound echoing.

Xu Xiangyang frowned but showed no intention to stop her, instead reminding her in a whisper.

"Make it quick. If it's just one person, we'll both tackle it together, don't make too much noise and get noticed."

"You, you're going to help me?"

The girl suddenly turned her head, her beautiful black eyes wide with surprise, as if she had heard something unbelievable.

"You're actually going to help me fight?"

"Why not? I can't just stand by and watch a girl get into a fight, can I?"

Xu Xiangyang sighed somewhat helplessly.


"Xiao An can't be acting openly and ostentatiously under the public eye right now, even if others can't see it. So, I'll try to cover for you as much as I can."

"...Got it."

Lin Xingjie's lips curved slightly as she pulled a swing stick from her pocket.

Apparently, she had it on her all along.

Xu Xiangyang extended a hand, signaling Lin Xingjie to stay half a step behind him. The girl didn't object, silently following as they both slowed their pace and approached the opposite side of the bridge tunnel without making a sound.

But fate wasn't on their side, just at that moment, a car happened to be driving straight towards them, forcing them to move to the other side.

Xu Xiangyang felt slightly tense. After all, as a "good kid," this was his first time actively seeking out a fight.

He could feel a tugging at the back of his shirt, knowing it was the girl closely following behind, pulling at his clothing.

"Be careful, they might have weapons on them."

Lin Xingjie said in a low voice.


Getting closer, ever closer.

The moment they stepped under the overpass and the sunlight above was blocked out, darkening their vision, Xu Xiangyang suddenly caught a pungent smell.

It was like the scent of seafood that had highly rotted, carrying both a dampness and the distinctive stench of decay.

...What's going on?

Sensing something was off, Xu Xiangyang instinctively stopped in his tracks, looking around, but he saw no trash cans or heaps of garbage.


Not far ahead, a long-haired thug, as if drunk, was staggering before he leaned against the wall, bent over, and began to loudly heave, vomiting profusely.

Passersby who brushed past Xu Xiangyang and Lin Xingjie all frowned and covered their noses as they walked around the man.

When the thug raised his head once more, the face that met Xu Xiangyang's eyes was distorted with tears, snot, and sweat all over it.


The man seemed to be crying loudly, yet he suddenly threw his head back, arching his spine as if hunchbacked, reminiscent of an animal poised to strike.

"What's wrong with this guy?!"

Xu Xiangyang subconsciously took a step back.

At the same time, he heard the rustling of something, like a faint cry from some distant place, or the sound of bugs crawling by the bed at night, chilling to the bone.

Xu Xiangyang instantly got goosebumps, looking around superstitiously for the source of the eerie sound.

Lin Xingjie, walking behind him, pursed her lips, silent.

"Look, what's wrong with that guy?"

"Could he be having an attack? Epilepsy?"

"Call 120 quickly!"

Yan Mingjun's strange behavior had also caught the attention of others; people passing under the bridge began to stop, and some had already run ahead to a nearby phone booth to call the hospital.

Gradually, the area in front of them filled up with onlookers, and Xu Xiangyang, trying to get a better view through the crowd, had to stand on tiptoes.

In the bustling crowd, however, his brows tightened further.

—Strange, can't anyone else hear that noise?

All attention was focused on the seemingly ill thug. The rustling sound hadn't ceased at all, in fact, it seemed even more piercing, growing clearer amidst the noisy crowd, as irritating as the chirping of crickets in the summer grass. Yet, it seemed like no one else heard it...

He saw that under the dimly lit underpass, only part of the wall was touched by sunlight. Yan Mingjun's shadow lay precisely there, and at that moment, a bizarre and misshapen shadow, like a huge elongated, sinuously crawling bug, emerged from the reflection.

Yet this scene went unnoticed by everyone else.

The writhing bug's shadow crawled over the dirty wall, merged into the darkness, and vanished from sight. The sound continued, drawing nearer and nearer.

—Was that the sound of a "bug" crawling?

The thought flashed through Xu Xiangyang's mind as he instinctively held his breath.

The subtle rustling noise crept over the heads of the bustling crowd, climbing up the wall, over lampposts, across rusted pipes, clinging to the underbelly of the overpass, writhing and crawling directly above the heads of the oblivious people below...

—"Don't look up!"

Just as Xu Xiangyang unconsciously thought to raise his head, a low shout came from the girl behind him. She grabbed his arm firmly.