
Chapter 10 Like a Hedgehog

Translator: 549690339

"... there's no need."

Xu Xiangyang didn't grab her hand and stood up by himself, his expression somewhat awkward.

The two stood facing each other in front of the house and, as if by mutual agreement, they both turned to glance back at the building behind them.

The haunted house seemed to have regained its former tranquility, no screams, no spirits standing in front of the second-floor window, and the "darkness" that had followed Lin Xingjie had disappeared after she ran out the door.

"I never expected that someone would actually come to save me, and that it would be you."

Lin Xingjie didn't look at him but stared at the steps covered with overgrown grass, murmuring softly as if she was talking in her sleep.

"What, you're going to tell me I'm being nosy again?"

Xu Xiangyang furrowed his brow. If she was going to be unreasonable again, he would turn and leave immediately, and it would be better if they never saw each other again, to avoid making both of them feel sick.

Lin Xingjie was startled for a moment then laughed softly.

"I'm not that shameless. You saved me, and of course, I'm grateful to you. I'll find a way to repay you…"

"No need for that," Xu Xiangyang replied abruptly, "I just did it so I could have peace of mind."

For a while, no one spoke. An awkward silence surrounded the boy and the girl.

The house had left them both with lingering fears. Xu Xiangyang had questions he wanted to ask, and Lin Xingjie was even more curious, her experiences inside the house leaving a deep and confusing impression. Yet, this was the first time they had talked in so many days. Prior to this, even if they bumped into each other, they would just treat the other like a stranger, snorting through their noses in disdain as they passed by.

"Where... are you going next?"

Another breeze blew by, and Lin Xingjie brushed aside the long hair that had fallen by her ears, turning her head to look at him. Her tone was no longer as cold as before, but rather hesitant.

"Of course I'm going home."

"Then... shall we go back together?"

This time, Xu Xiangyang didn't object. After all, they still lived in the same alley.


The two left the yard in silence until they hurriedly walked past a street corner, arriving at a place where they could no longer see the three-story building by the roadside. Only then did they both slow down, as if by unspoken agreement.

Looking at the flashing red and green traffic lights ahead, Lin Xingjie couldn't help but steal another glance at the boy standing beside her on the sidewalk and asked.

"How did you find out? That place hardly sees any passersby."

"When I passed by that house this morning, I overheard those people planning something bad…"

Xu Xiangyang repeated the story he had told the teacher to her.

After listening, Lin Xingjie nodded in realization.

"So, you were worried about me, searched for me throughout the school, and after not finding me, decided to come to this place on your own?"

"... you could say that."

"I see. So you are quite... mmm."

Lin Xingjie hesitated for a long time, still unsure how to describe his character because she had never met a boy like Xu Xiangyang before.

"Quite 'nosy'?"

Xu Xiangyang repeated the phrase with a hint of irony in his voice, his manner less than friendly.

Lin Xingjie could understand his feelings. After all, she had spoken so unflatteringly about Xu Xiangyang in front of their classmates, so it was natural for him to feel angry.

But then, she hadn't thought much about it at the time; she just felt that she truly was a troublemaker and didn't want to drag a normal boy, who lived a regular school life, into her mess.

On the day of the midterm exam, Xu Xiangyang had come across her being surrounded by people at the school gate, and after calling the teachers, he returned to the classroom while Lin Xingjie was summoned to the office.

There, the class teacher told her with a serious face:

"Lin Xingjie, I don't expect you to study well, just don't cause trouble for me and I'll be grateful. But one thing, I hope you don't influence other students."

The "other students" referred to Xu Xiangyang. The teacher even showed her his recent test scores, which had improved dramatically, telling her that if the boy kept it up, he had a chance to get into the best universities in the country and had a bright future ahead of him.

The teacher had never spoken like this before because Lin Xingjie had always been a loner. After repeatedly breaking the school rules and remaining unrepentant, the teachers gradually left her to her own devices.

However, because Xu Xiangyang was her neighbor, he ended up getting closer to her than anyone else in the class. Perhaps someone who didn't like seeing them together had snitched to the teacher, or maybe the teacher noticed it themselves and decided to warn her.

...In truth, even without the teacher's warning, Lin Xingjie was aware. She knew Xu Xiangyang was very serious about his studies; when she had first transferred to the school and their relationship hadn't soured, she sometimes visited his place, and every time she found him buried in his books under the desk lamp. And whether it was on the way to school or home, he always had a book of vocabulary with him, reciting words as he walked.

It was all too normal that they couldn't become friends since they simply had nothing in common.

Xu Xiangyang had said before that they were not cut from the same cloth. When she first heard it, she felt a little sad and angry, but later, she realized that it was indeed the case.

What the class teacher told her only made Lin Xingjie more determined to stay away from him.

She didn't think there was anything wrong with that. It would be upsetting if she negatively influenced Xu Xiangyang's studies or caused him to get beat up as a result of being associated with her.

Of course, she didn't feel sad or lonely because of this, after all, their relationship wasn't even that close; she simply returned to her previous life.

But life is unpredictable, and she hadn't expected that in less than two weeks, she would be saved by him, making all her reasons seem like a joke.

If he hadn't been "nosy" today, what would have happened? Just thinking about the question made her shudder.

Lin Xingjie had never asked anyone for anything, and it was the first time she had received such a favor.

The girl ruffled her hair, her expression troubled as she responded:

"Of course, that's not what I meant... Forget it, I know you care about what I said to you that day, right? I apologize to you! I'm willing to kneel if I have to!"


"If an apology isn't enough, well, I was planning to repay you anyway, so just tell me what you want me to do…"

"No need for that."

Xu Xiangyang shook his head.

"I told you I did it because I wanted to, it has nothing to do with you, and you don't need to repay me."

Though he said that, his face still wore an expressionless scowl.

This guy seems like trouble! Lin Xingjie smacked her lips and added:

"You say I shouldn't repay you and that's that? Wouldn't that make me lose face?"

"… Do whatever you want."

Before they knew it, the pair had reached the entrance of the alley.

Lin Xingjie stopped and asked.

"… So, if you're okay, can I head back first?"

"Wait a moment."

Xu Xiangyang, who had been silent up until now, suddenly called out to her.

Lin Xingjie's eyes lit up, and she quickly turned her head.

"What is it? You do have something to ask me for help with, don't you?"

Xu Xiangyang frowned, looked her up and down for a while, and then said:

"Are you still thinking about getting revenge on those people?"

Lin Xingjie blinked, showing no sign of hiding her intentions.

"Yeah, after all, I suffered a big loss, so of course, I've thought about it."

"Some of them are boys."

"I know. I can't beat them head-on, but lying in wait on a dark path to ambush them or splashing paint at their doorsteps… those things I can do."

"Still planning to carry a knife?"

Xu Xiangyang interrupted her.

"Hmm, of course, just in case. If I had been prepared today, those jerks wouldn't have been so cocky. Don't worry, I'll definitely run away if things look bad, I won't fight back. Despite how I look, I'm actually quite good at running away; just now, if it weren't for…"

Lin Xingjie looked at the boy's expressionless face, stopped mid-sentence, and asked with a hint of amusement:

"What, even then you still want to stop me? Hmm, if you say so, I'll listen."

"Why would I stop you." Xu Xiangyang said, "But I think a knife is still too dangerous. You talk about 'usually,' but what if there's an accident? What if someone snatches it from you? Then you might even get me in trouble."

"But without a weapon in hand, I feel uneasy."

Xu Xiangyang looked down and pondered for a moment, then raised his head and said.

"Come with me, I'll lend you something."


Lin Xingjie stood by the steps at the boy's front door, her eyes full of surprise, as Xu Xiangyang walked to the shoe cabinet, pulled out something resembling an umbrella handle from a black shoe box at the bottom.

"This is called an 'ASP tactical baton,' Sister Lian brought it back from Hong Kong."

As he spoke, Xu Xiangyang flicked it downwards slightly, causing two shiny metal segments to spring out from within the "handle".

"Oh, it looks so cool!"

The dark-haired girl's eyes sparkled.


Xu Xiangyang seemed a bit smug. No boy could resist the allure of such a dangerous and exciting "toy," especially in front of a girl.


"Remember, if you ever meet Sister Lian, don't tell her about this."

Sister Lian would definitely not allow him to give such an item to someone else.

Though it was meant for self-defense, improper use could easily cause serious harm to people, and it was not suitable for underage individuals lacking self-control. Li Qinglian was a police officer and would be more disciplined about such matters.

She had purchased the extendable baton for emergency situations, like if someone tried to force their way in. If it was used as a tool for settling scores, it would be putting the cart before the horse.

It was precisely because she knew Xu Xiangyang was a good kid and trusted him that she did not hide its existence from him.


"Here, take it."

Lin Xingjie didn't refuse and took it. She knew that this thing could indeed be very helpful for her; as he had said, a knife was too dangerous.

"Thanks a lot! I owe you one again."

Xu Xiangyang watched her smiling face, unable to speak harshly and simply sighed softly.

"Be careful."

"Hmm, don't worry."

"Also, that building…" Xu Xiangyang hesitated, he had been thinking about it all the way back and still didn't know how to say it, finally just saying, "Don't go near there in the future."

"I know."

Lin Xingjie left.

The girl who had just been standing before him was utterly different from the distant and cold image she previously projected. The once hedgehog-like Lin Xingjie, who used to prick everyone around, had put away all her spines in his presence.

Was it just because he had helped her out?

Xu Xiangyang went to the door, watching her until she disappeared at one of the forks in the road, then he closed the door again.