
Introducing Minecraft in The World in Ruin!

* Just a reminder, I'm just a translator, I'm just making this readable and not something that's an abomination of words. * * I'm also a newbie, so appreciated if you point out some words that I might've missed! * ______________________________________ Being isekai'd in another world with the ability of Minecraft , Senju was wandering helplessly in this ruined world full of steel. He thought he was the only one here. It wasn't until he met his companions that he found the goal of survival. He traveled with them and was with them. Going forward together, even if in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges, he will find a way to break through the desperate situation and lead to survival. After breaking through the desperate situation, Senju discovered that the world really had many pitfalls. In order to live a leisurely life, Senju began to look for an ideal home. Volume 1: Girls Last Tour: The Human World - 70 Chapters Volume 2: Girls Last Tour: The Uninhabitable Deep Zone - Chapters idk Anime: Girls Last Tour Note: I do not own this fanfiction, I just wanted to translate this/make it readable to people who don't know the Dao of MTL. Before I write the link, I should warn you that in later chapters in the raw, their names would be...messy, that's why I'm translating this. ______________________________________ 75 Stones = 1 Chapter! Here's the link for the raw: https://trxs.cc/tongren/8398/1.html

Bruh20 · Anime & Comics
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73 Chs

Chapter 31: An Iron Tower on a Snowfield

"So this is 'porridge'. I have eaten it many times in the past."

When Yuuri looked at the porridge in the pot, she quickly recognized what it was. She often ate this food before.

The three of them divided the porridge into cups and ate it slowly.

The taste was sweeter than eating it alone.

Soon everyone finished eating and everyone was ready to leave.

Chito and Yuuri arranged the tableware and quilts, while Senju began to remove the floor, torches and water sources, and then took down the door.

The house was left here alone, since it was built with concrete blocks that could be seen everywhere.

After sorting out the items, Chito drove out of the car.

The cold environment outside made her shiver, but she got used to it after a while. Senju and Yuuri also got in. Today they are still going in the same direction as yesterday. .





After driving on the white snow for an unknown amount of time, tall iron towers suddenly appeared in front of them. They were lined up in two rows and extended far away.

"What are these towers used for?" Chito and Yuuri were both a little confused, but Senju looked very familiar with these towers, "These should be used to transmit electricity, and there are wires on them."

"Electricity? Is it the thing that makes the lights turn on? I didn't expect it to be here." Yuuri was a little confused.

She didn't see anything like street lights around.

"Yes, that's it. Electricity has many uses. Every city needs electricity to do many things. So we can definitely find a new city by following these towers." Senju felt that there must be a new city nearby.

"Really? Then let's go along these towers." Chito adjusted the direction of the vehicle and went along the towers.

But at this time, Senju forgot one thing, that is, they had just left the city, and their current direction was heading towards the source of the current. They were getting further and further away from the city.

(T/L: .....)

After advancing for a few days, Senju replaced the building materials with snow blocks.

All they could see was these iron towers, as if there was no end.

This was okay, but it was snowing heavily these days, sometimes after waking up, they find that there is already thick snow outside the house, and everyone has to push the car out.

The experiences these days have made everyone feel listless and want to rush to the new city as soon as possible, so they continue to move forward in this snowy day, but even in this cold and boring environment, Yuuri can still find fun.

She piled the snow on the car into a snowball and prepared to make a snowman there. Senju watched shivering beside him. Although he had a blanket wrapped around him, he still felt very cold.

"Hey, Yuu," Chito suddenly spoke, Yuuri was still focused on making snowballs, "What?"

"Where is this place?" Chito said in a trembling voice.

After surveying their surroundings, Yuuri felt particularly inspired.

"Well, everything you can see is white. It's as if there are only three of us left in this world."

"The poet is quite leisurely. What do you think, Senju?" Chito inquired.

"I think it's best to find a building quickly. If we build a house outside, it will be buried by snow soon, and the house won't be very warm."

"That's right. In this kind of weather, we must try our best to find a building to avoid the cold."

However, Yuuri put the freshly piled snowball on Chito's helmet,

"Or, in fact, we are already dead and wandering in the snow-white afterlife."

As she spoke, she built a snowman on Chito's head and inserted a bullet into it as a nose. Chito let out a few breaths and said, "It's really unlucky."

Chito felt something on her head, "And don't build a snowman on my head. Senju, please keep an eye on her."

"Hey, it's so fun, Senju, why don't you try it too." Yuuri continued to make snowballs.

"My head feels so heavy and it's so cold..."

Yuuri then gave up the idea of continuing to build a snowman on her head and lay down in the carriage,

"Hey, you know, the world after death is said to be very warm."

"That means we're not dead yet. It's so cold."

At this time, the iron tower next to it also reached its end.

In front of it were some strange low buildings, as big as a car, with a strange stick standing on them.

At this time, the wind and snow also intensified, and Yuuri beside him became drowsy. Senju was a little worried, "If you can't find a place to rest... why don't you let me build a building to rest for the night."

"Yes, that's true. I feel so sleepy," Chito agreed vaguely, and then saw something in front of her, "Ah, there seems to be something on the hill. Senju, do you see it?"

"Really? Yuuri, hurry up and wake up." Senju also saw the building and quickly shook Yuuri awake, who was leaning her head on Senju. Although she was covered in snow, she quickly opened her eyes, "I'm not asleep."

As the car approached, the building in front officially appeared in front of everyone, "What a big building."

There is a strange building in front of it. It looks very tall. There is no need to worry about being buried in the snow. There are many pipes around it. They didn't know what they are used for.

The three of them slowly climbed out of the car. Their bodies were already frozen in the cold wind. When the three got out of the car, they all felt numb. Chito even fell headfirst into the snow. Everyone moved for a while. It was relieved later.

"Let's find the entrance first." The three of them walked between the pipes.

At this time, Chito found a board covered with snow next to it. After wiping off the snow, he looked at the words on it and found that there was only I know a few words,

"Seven, ten, two, I don't know the other words. Senju, do you know them?"

After Senju came over and looked at it, he found that it was a word he recognized,

"The 72th above-ground power plant, it turns out that this is also a power plant."

"Senju, do you know where this is?" Chito wanted to continue asking, but was interrupted by Yuuri, "Look here."

"What's the matter?"

"That pipe has no snow at all," Yuuri pointed to a pipe that didn't have any snow on it and was still dripping with water.

"It's true. It's melting. Is it hot inside?"

"This should be the hot water pipes of the power plant," Senju didn't know much about these buildings and could only guess. However, he reminded everyone, "Aren't we going to find the entrance?"

"Huhu, let me try one shot," Yuuri gasped, completely ignoring Senju's words, raised the gun and fired several shots at the pipe.

With several harsh gunshots, a small hole appeared in the pipe, and a stream of steaming water flowed out.


(T/L: Ok I have finally finished this days 5 Chapters!)

Translating is not hard, just time consuming! Give me stones to help me Persevere!

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