
Introducing devil fruits to the world

The world of earth has took a turn as mysterious dark energy began to pour in. Humans, animals, and plants began to change as they became mutants. While many mutants were weak for now many strong creatures lurked in the dark. Ordinary weapons such as guns swords and blunt weapons were useless towards the monsters. All was thought to be useless until a mysterious shop keeper named king appeared.

Keith_Reid_6746 · Anime & Comics
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First devil fruit sold

A tall handsome man sat at the counter of a store as he stared lazily at the tv.

The contents of the tv showed all around the world as many countries were under attack by monsters.

These monsters came to be known as void monsters later on. No one knows where they came from or how they received these powers but the point is they were dangerous.

At first it was wave of small monsters that had the ability to kill a human with ease. King witnessed this personally as a monster clawed apart his friends a weak ago.

King: I can still remember it clearly. I was having a normal day in class as a monster suddenly broke through the window.

The class erupted with screams as we looked at this demon like creature. It had greenish skin and looked like a mix of a human and troll.

The monster as if it lost its mind rushed crazily as it swiped at my classmates wildly.

First striking the star basketball player. It tore through his leg with a single swipe leaving him screaming in terror.

It all reminded me off a horrible nightmare I wanted to end.

The monster then slowly grabbed the basketball player by the head as he squished it to a pulp. Blood began to fly everywhere I can even vividly remember some splashing into a students eyes who was close by.

From then on the creature began to go on a killing spree seemingly getting more violent by the minute.

It had no mercy and no preference for gender. It rushed towards the school beauty next and took a deep bite of half her face.

You could still see the look of horror as blood spilled out of her body while her body spasmed on the ground twitching.

People began to let out a cry as they rushed frantically for the door to escape the classroom.

However to our horror monsters appeared in other classrooms going on a killing spree.

I was able to escape by luck I rushed towards a window and jumped sprinting for my life.

Once reaching the old shop my parents inherited I hid and waited for the military to arrive and help.

It took a weeks time but through the help of the military. The area became back under control leaving the monsters at a minimum for the time being.

You may ask what's the reason I'm not scared now the reason is a received a system which gave me a lot of confidence.

The system is known as the devil fruit system. Through the help of the system I am able to provide and create multiple devil fruits which I can sale and grow stronger.

My first mission is to sell my first devil fruit at a price of no less than 500,000 dollars.

This is going to be quite hard because what sane human being would believe a fruit can grant them the power to become a superhuman.

Well it is still quite a chance the year is 2022 and you know people are quite crazy especially with the crisis going on.

I sat back lazily thinking about how I was going to find the first person.

""System recommends the host opens beginner package""

O fuck I am dumb that's like rule number one of systems there's always a package.

Clicking on the little icon in my mind I was presented with three rewards.

"Host is granted three items"

1.Finder card

2.Create a devil fruit for host

3.Beginner level haki for host

I was shocked at my luck of receiving these items the first I used was the create a devil fruit.

I wanted the devil fruit to be quite powerful so I thought long and hard.

Finally coming up with the fruit I gave it a name the Neko Neko no Mi Model:Byakko.

The fruit allows the user the become the legendary animal byakku and gain the power to control the weather.

I felt my body surge with energy and I felt I can whoop ten void monsters with no problem.

Then I clicked next on the haki upgrade by body was filled with more strength as I felt my senses became sharper.

I was able to notice the littlest of things in slow motion.

The next thing was I encased my arm in a faint black material as my body felt more powerful.

Then lastly I acquired conquerors haki and gained the abilities that only 1 in every hundred million are qualified for.

The will of a king. With this I can now confidently say I'm the strongest human at the moment.

Now clicking on the last item the system stated this item will allow me to find a suitable person for my devil fruit to sell.

Through my door came a young blond man who I noticed was a famous vlogger.

His name was Austin his vlogs consisted of him travel and performing dangerous stunts all around the world.

If I remember correctly he has a following of 100 million.

Austin pov

Welcome stream today I'll be visiting random places around the city.

My first stop will be at this crazy store named the den of the devils.

It looks like quite the rundown place I can't imagine what bum would sell from here.

On the inside the store had many cobwebs and the windows were cracked.

At the desk I could see a man lazily stare at the tv as he calmly watched the news ignoring me.

Clearing my throat I looked at the man and spoke up.

Excuse me sir I'm trying to see what items you have for purchase.

The man pulled out a strange fruit. The fruit had an oval shaped and was orange all around.

The man had a mysterious smile as he began to speak.

King:Welcome to my shop young man l have items that can interest you very much.

This fruit holds the power to grant you great power only for the low price of 500,000.

Austin had a doubting look on his face as he began to speak.

Austin:Do you take me for a fool what sane person would believe that. A simple fruit can grant me superhero powers no way.

Let me ask my stream.

Looking at his camera Austin began to set up a voting poll of whether he should buy the fruit or not.

The numbers began to display on his stream as more than 80 million people were viewing him at this time.

Vote yes:1,000,000

Vote no:500,000





Vote yes:10,000,000

Vote no:2,000,000

The numbers began to jump as and many people began to comment.

Random commenter 1:Go head Austin eat it

Random commenter 2:Don't believe this dumb shop keeper Austin

The comments were flooded as the final votes began to die down.

Vote yes:70,000,000

Vote no:10,000,000

Austin: we'll to all my lovely fans since you think I should take the chance I'll do it.

Austin took out a shiny black card as he transferred the money to the shop keepers account.

Being handed the mysterious fruit Austin stared at it for a long time debating on to eat it or not.

King pov

I was happy seeing the transfer of 500,000 come to my account. With this much I could finally upgrade this shop and not worry about food.

Don't be shy eat it. I promise the fruit will be worth it in the long run.

Your honestly getting a deal the value of these fruits are much more.

Watching as Austin finally took a bite. I let loose a laugh as he face twisted up and he almost spit the fruit out.

King:O yeah I forgot to mention the fruit has quite the exotic taste. But now let's see what your powers are.

Just focus and your powers should showcase themselves.

Austin pov

Blahhh the fruit tasted like shit I need to wash this taste out of my mouth.

My millions of fans watched as I struggled to eat the fruit.

But hearing the voice of the shop owner I finally decided to test my powers to see if they were real.